
Chapter 605 Sweetheart Wall! Finally To The Amber City!

Xiao Zhi successfully subdued an Exeggcute with excellent fighting spirit. Not only is he proficient in many grass-based skills, but his Extrasensory use of Psychic-based skills is also very brilliant!

Xiao Zhi took a look at its Attribute list and was even more amazed!

Name: Exeggcute(3)

Attribute:Grass, Psychic

Ability: Harvest (can produce used tree fruits multiple times)

Bring: blue tangerine fruit

Bond value:120/140

Skills: Hypnosis, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Synthesis, Bullet Seed, Extrasensory

Pokémon can carry props, and Pikachu carries the exclusive prop Light Ball, which greatly increases the power of its attacks and special attacks.

With Pikachu's extremely powerful ability now, the increase boosted by this Light Ball is even more terrifying!

In fact, what Pokémon carry more is tree fruits. Even in battle, they are allowed to eat the tree fruits carried by Zhi!

Pokémon will not use various healing potions invented by humans, but they will eat the tree fruits!

These tree fruits are not only used as materials for energy cubes and Poffins, they have a strong taste and are the best food for wild Pokémon, but each one has unique effects.

For example, the blue orange fruit carried by Exeggcute is rich in nutrients and sweet in taste. It is one of the few tree fruits that humans can taste.

It restores the Pokémon's physical strength.

Secondly, Trainers are familiar with the sweet peach fruit that can cure poisoning, Contest Condition, and the bitter garden fruit that can cure burns, Contest Condition, etc.!

However, after all, you can only carry one tree fruit, and you only have one chance to eat it during the battle.

But Exeggcute, who has the ability to harvest, can recycle another one after eating it, and can eat it again!

What's interesting is that Xiao Zhi knows that Exeggcute can learn a skill called Natural Gift!

Depending on the tree fruit you carry, the power and Attribute of this move will also be different. For example, the Blue Orange Fruit currently carried by Exeggcute uses the Natural Gift of Poison Type.

After using this skill, the original tree fruit will disappear! And if you do not carry the tree fruit, the Natural Gift will fail!

In other words, this should be a one-time skill in battle, but with the Harvest Ability, you can recover another one after using the tree fruit, which means that this natural gift trick can be used again!

Of course, the recovered tree fruits can only be of the same kind as before, so before the battle begins, Xiao Zhi must prepare Exeggcute with the most effective tree fruits against Rival, so that it can use the Natural Gift to restrain Rival Attribute!

This is what Xiao Zhi does as a Trainer!

This is a test for Xiao Zhi and what he needs to learn!

In short, he decided to let Exeggcute learn the Natural Gift and Sunny Day skills first. After Exeggcute evolves into Alola Exeggutor, his Sunny Day team will have another general!

After subduing Exeggcute and knocking away the Rocket trio, Caizhong came to Xiao Zhi in admiration and said, "To put it bluntly, Xiao Zhi, you are so awesome. I am already looking forward to Xiao Zhi coming to challenge the gym! Then the time comes. I will definitely fight you with all my strength!"

"This is my honor! I will take Exeggcute to challenge the gym, don't be too surprised when the time comes!" Xiao Zhi plans to let Alola Exeggutor challenge the Eterna gym!

So, now that Xiao Zhi and Caizhong have achieved their goal of coming to Baidai Forest, Xiao Zhi has really gained a lot, and there will be a lot of things for him to do next!

Now only the original goal is left, to find that terrible sweetness!

The Mothim in the air suddenly sensed something and flew in a certain direction. Everyone quickly caught up, but under its leadership they found a ten-month-old red flower!

"Look, that's a pomegranate flower!" Dawn recognized the huge flower in front of her at a glance. Finding this flower should mean that they were not far from the Amber City!

Just as everyone was about to step forward, a Nuzleaf suddenly jumped from the tree and landed in front of them.


Caizhong stepped forward and explained, "It doesn't matter, he is my liaison!"

Because Caizhong often comes to Baidai Forest, Changye is needed to communicate with the gym through letters.

When Nuzleaf handed over a piece of paper, Caizhong looked at it, turned around and apologized to everyone (bebj), "To be blunt! I'm sorry, there is something urgent to do suddenly, I have to leave!"

Seeing this, Miss Cheryl quickly thanked you, "Thank you, we are already here. Mothim will help us find our destination!"

"Come on, I hope you can find the terrible sweetness!" This young lady was really resolute. After saying a simple goodbye, she quickly left with Nuzleaf and Turtwig!

Come and go, this is the real Trainer!

"Anyway, maybe there is some terrible sweetness nearby, right?" Unlike the popular Miss Caizhong, this Miss Cheryl seems gentle and can take her time in everything, but she just seems to be inexplicably... reliable!

Xiao Zhi nodded, "I have found Combee!"

As he finished speaking, Mothim became more and more excited, flapping his wings and shouting non-stop! Sure enough, a Combee suddenly appeared from the red pomegranate flowers and flew away!

It seemed that the Amber City was indeed nearby, and the group of people hurriedly chased Combee and Mothim! But after chasing them far away, Xiao Zhi suddenly grabbed the group of people!

"Xiao Zhi, what's wrong?"

Xiao Zhi didn't speak, just smiled and pointed to the large patch of grass aside. Everyone looked in that direction and saw that there was indeed something there in the grass [There was a rustling sound coming from the house.

Suddenly, a large group of Combee gathered together to form a wall, and Normal flew out of the grass.

"That's the Sweetheart Wall!"

Cheryl clenched her fists and was extremely happy. The appearance of the Sweetheart Wall meant that the Amber City might really not be far away!

Following the sweetheart wall in front of them, everyone came to a valley with gurgling water, plenty of sunshine, and a large number of sweetheart walls gathered here.

Not only Mothim had a sense, but even Pikachu and Eevee seemed to smell something, jumping down from Xiao Zhi's shoulders, straight to the ten waterfalls!

It is a terrifying sweetness that is tens of thousands of times more effective than Honey. Now that they are nearby, Pikachu and Eevee can already smell the sweet smell!

Xiao Zhi nodded. With his waveguide power, he could sense that there was a cave behind the waterfall, and it was a huge and deep cave! It seems that the Amber City should be in the deepest part of this cave!

Such a cave maze is nothing to Xiao Zhi, not to mention that they also have Mothim, Pikachu and Eevee who are already aware of it!

Everyone quickly traveled through the entire cave, but came to a dead end. However, Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "We are here!"

There's obviously a wall in front of us and we can't move forward at all!

"Please wait a moment, is this wall moving?" Miss Cheryl also noticed something was wrong. When their eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, they clearly saw that there was a wall in front of them!

This is clearly a large group of Combee stacked together to form a huge sweetheart wall!