
Chapter 603 An Exeggcute Who Abandoned Trainer!

After the battle between the two Turtwigs, they found the Rock covered in moss, allowing Eevee to learn new partner skills.

After a busy period, it was almost getting dark, and the group lit up Courtney. During the chat, Ms. Caizhong also learned that the group was looking for terrible sweetness!

"I've heard of the legend of the Amber City before!" Ms. Nazune's words further confirmed that the Amber City is in the Eterna Forest. "But why are you looking for the terrible sweetness?"

When talking about this issue, Miss Cheryl said fondly, "My grandfather was once a very good treasure hunter. Although he found many valuable treasures, only the terrible sweet one was not found in the end! So, I think so.

This is something that Xiao Zhi and the others don't know yet. It turns out that there is another reason why Miss Cheryl works so hard to find that terrible sweetness!

"Since this is the case, let me help you!" Miss Caizhong was also moved by Cheryl and offered to help. She is very familiar with the Eterna Forest and will definitely be able to help!

"By the way, that horrible sweetness is made by Combee using the collected honey in a certain way, right?" Caizhong thought of the direction to look for, "I often go to the Eterna Forest to conquer grass-type Pokémon. , there is a place full of red pomegranate flowers, and a sweetheart wall often appears!"

The sweetheart wall is formed when Combee uses formation Flying when gathering honey. At the same time, when the Combees are at Rest, hundreds of them will gather together to form a huge hive!

"However, this is the first time I have seen such a big wall. How about looking in that direction?"

What Miss Naizhong means is that she has seen places where a large number of Combee gather. If there is a place where the terrible sweetness is most likely to appear, it must be in that direction!

Everyone thought it made sense, and Miss Cheryl quickly asked, "Where did the pomegranate flower you mentioned bloom in Growth?"

"I am very familiar with the Eterna Forest, let me lead the way for you!" Caizhong is very willing to explore the Eterna Forest with Xiao Zhi and the others, and maybe we will meet the target she came here to find!

"It's true. My grandpa once said that when you see good Pokémon battles, good things will happen!" After getting Help with such a large group of friends and successfully conquering Mothim, Miss Cheryl felt that the next step was to The treasure hunt is full of hope!

The next day, Miss Caizhong took a group of people and Miss Cheryl to a direction she knew well.

Watching the two Turtwigs walking side by side and exchanging ideas, Xiao Zhi asked tentatively, "Miss Caizhong came to Eterna Forest to capture grass-type Pokémon this time. Does she have a specific goal?"

Unexpectedly, Miss Naizhong actually nodded, "Have you discovered it? Actually, I came here to look for a very powerful Exeggcute. It seemed to appear here suddenly, and then it would often look for Pokémon in the forest, and Pokémon Trainers coming to the forest!"


Xiao Zhi was a little stunned, it was actually an Exeggcute?

If he suddenly appears here, he must have been abandoned by someone!

But being able to release it in the Eterna forest, which is suitable for survival, this Trainer at least has some bottom lines!

Exeggcute is the form of Exeggutor before it evolves, and requires the use of Leaf Stone to complete the evolution. Because of Exeggcute's special form, it is very difficult for Trainers to train it, so most Trainers will look for Leaf Stones to evolve it after conquering Exeggcute.

This Exeggcute was released in the Eterna Forest in this posture for unknown reasons.

But it sounds like he has a aggressive and aggressive personality, but he is very compatible with Xiao Zhi!

Seeing his interested look, Caizhong smiled and said, "Xiao Zhi, let's compete fairly and see who of us can conquer that Exeggcute!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi nodded. His idea was correct. The Gym Trainer must have better information about the Pokémon nearby. "Let's find that Exeggcute first!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the Rocket trio suddenly landed in front of them from the sky. Following them were Jessie's Seviper and James's Desert Naia and Monichen.

"Team Rocket, come forward to meet me!" Xiao Zhi took a step forward, and the trio stood up subconsciously and came to Xiao Zhi. From the looks of them, they seemed to have been beaten away in a battle with someone!

"What's wrong with you?" Dawn stood behind Xiao Zhi and looked at the trio curiously.

"We were beaten away by an Exeggcute, meow!"

It turned out that the trio of Team Rocket had been following Xiao Zhi. They heard about the terrible sweetness and wanted to follow the group to find the location of the Amber City. Unexpectedly, they accidentally broke into Beedrill's territory and were beaten black and blue. Then... Suddenly six eggs jumped out and stood in front of them.

Of course they recognized Exeggcute, but when Jessie and James sent Seviper and Desert Naia, they were not Rival, and they were even knocked out...

This shows how powerful that Exeggcute is!

Xiao Zhi just thought that he had given Paul some advice before. The relationship between Trainer and Pokémon is mutual. Trainer will release Pokémon, and Pokémon may also abandon its Trainer!

Although this is much rarer, there are still some Pokémon with strong personalities that actually do this. Xiao Zhi thinks this Exeggcute may be like this!

Meowth was talking about some tragedies that had just happened, while Miss Caizhong on the other side had already jumped on Desert Naia, completely ignoring the spikes on its body.

"What a wonderful Desert Naia!" She couldn't help but hugged it for a while, and Miss Naizhong actually squatted on the ground with her back facing it, "Desert Naia [Use Pin Missile to shoot this side!"

Desert Naia was very well-behaved and controlled the power of Pin Missile to really hit her on the back. The young lady immediately began to enjoy it, "It's just the needle I like, a good needle!"

Behind her, Xiao Zhi and Dawn had dark expressions on their faces. This young lady really loves grass Pokémon deeply!

James almost flailed, "How could you do what that guy said?"

Before he finished speaking, Miss Caizhong suddenly appeared in front of James, "Can I exchange this Desert Naia with my Bellossom?"

As soon as she got up there, she offered to exchange Pokémon. Seeing that James ignored her, he followed up and said, "Otherwise, [Heavy Vileplume can trade with you!"

The young lady has so many magical 4.7 grass-type treasures!

"Okay! If Bellossom and Vileplume don't work, how about exchanging my Victreebel?" Caizhong proposed Victreebel again, and James was really moved!

He once had a Victreebel, with whom he was very affectionate and liked to bite its head into his mouth. "I really want to be Swallowed by Victreebel again...'

Even so, James will not exchange Desert Naia like this. He also has a deep bond with Desert Naia and loves it very much!

Therefore, he clearly rejected Caizhong, but apparently Caizhong never gave up on Desert Naia.

Xiao Zhi brought Breloom forward and lifted Meowth up, "Take me to find that Exeggcute!"

"Okay, boss Xiao Zhi!"

You should have guessed what will happen to this Exeggcute, hehe!