
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 133 - Indigo League; Finals [III]

Itsuki widened his eyes seeing that Roserade had surrounded herself with sharp green glowing leaves. If Marshadow appears behind her, then he will take damage from two attacks. One from leaf storm, second from toxic.

Itsuki panicked seeing that Marshadow had opened his dark green eyes and was about to came out of the shadow. "Marshadow don't come out of your shadow."


Marshadow stopped at the last moment and remained hidden in his shadow. Cynthia noticed the panicked look on Itsuki's face change into a sly grinned look.

"Good now use Assurance from your shadow."

Cynthia eyes widened seeing a 1 meter big palm made out of energy coming out of Marshadow shadow and hitting Roserade.



Roserade took the attack and was smashed on the ground. The ground under Roserade shattered as spider web cracks appeared.

The attack also buried the toxic that was spread around Roserade under the dust and pebbles. "Marshadow use fire punch." Cynthia noticed Marshadow again opening his dark green eyes from its shadow. At that moment she realized something and hurriedly ordered Roserade to attack Marshadow with a Petal Blizzard.


When Marshadow emerged from its shadows to attack Roserade with fire punch, he was greeted with Multiple pink petals circle was fired at him. Marshadow had no choice but to put his hands to cover his face as the sharp leaves began to cut his body from different parts.


Marshadow fell on the ground with cuts all over its body.


"Now its our chance to shine. Use Giga Drain" A green beam of light fired by Roserade which covered Marshadow's entire body. Marshadow's entire body was covered in green light as green sparks of electricity began to drain Marshadow's energy and recede back to Roserade, healing her previous wound.

[Giga Drain is absorbing Marshadow's energy.]

"Marshadow return to your shadow." With Itsuki's order Marshadow entire body began to sank in his shadow.


Cynthia couldn't do anything to stop Marshadow. After Marshadow disappeared into his shadow, the Giga drain also stopped. Roserade also returned to her peak form after sucking all the energy.

"Roserade it's time to use Grassy Terrain." Roserade released a light-green ring of energy from her body onto the battlefield, powering up Grass-type moves.


Grassy Terrain creates terrain that envelops the field. The terrain fades after five attacks.

[A clever move by Cynthia. Grassy Terrain boosts the power of Grass-type moves used by Pokémon by 50%. At the end of attack, the terrain restores the HP of each affected Pokémon by 1/16 of its maximum HP.]

[Things have just become more difficult for Itsuki. With grassy terrain, Cynthia is in control.]


"Marshadow use Drain punch." Marshadow opened his eyes from the shadow. Cynthia seeing this ordered Roserade to use "Use Leaf storm".

"Marshadow stop your attack and don't come out of the shadow." Itsuki realized that Cynthia has figured out when Marshadow was going to attack. Whenever Marshadow opens his eyes from the shadow, Cynthia can feel Marshadow's presence.


"Marshadow return" Itsuki's action surprised many people. Itsuki felt at this rate Marshadow would have no chance of attacking and would only have to hide in his shadow. So it's better to bring out another Pokemon to deal with Roserade.

After taking out the Pokeball, Itsuki couldn't help but smile recalling how she evolved into that Pokemon.




Sylveon is a quadruped mammalian Pokémon with white colored fur covering most of its slender body. The top of its head is a vibrant shade of pink, and it has long pink rabbit‐like ears with dark blue insides. Sylveon has a short, blunt catlike muzzle and a small black nose. Sylveon's skin is arranged to form pink and white bows on its right ear and around its neck. Attached to the bowlike skin are ribbonlike feelers with pink and blue tips that curl around Sylveon's body. It has four slender legs, small dainty pink‐tipped paws, and feet with three visible toes on each. Sylveon has two large blue eyes with white pupils and two pointed teeth on its upper jaw, seen when its mouth is open. It has a fluffy pink tail that curves inward slightly to form a crescent shape, possibly a reference to the moon phase.


[Wow. Itsuki's next Pokemon is Sylveon. Sylveon is a Fairy‐type Pokémon. It is one of the eight possible evolutions for Eevee. Sylveon is a kind and gentle Pokémon; one uses its charm to hunt in the wild. They use their ribbonlike feelers to hold hands with their Trainers and walk alongside them, enabling them to sense the feelings of their Trainers. They can bring even the most intense battles to a halt by using their feelers to exude an aura of peace and tranquility, causing those near them to lose their fighting spirit, before they strikes a powerful and unexpected attack. Their movements are graceful and fluid, making them appear to be almost weightless.]


[Pokémon: - Sylveon

__Level: - 40

_Type: - FAIRY

_Species: - Intertwining Pokémon

_Ability: - Cute Charm, [Pixilate (hidden ability)]

_Gender: - Female

_Moonblast | Disarming Voice | Double Team | Charm | Quick Attack| Flame Charge| Last Resort]


After evolving into Sylveon, some of her previous moves like flamethrower, dig, tackle, swift, were lost. Itsuki managed to teach her some new moves which were good replacement for her old moves.

[This year's Indigo League continues to surprise us. Michael, I never thought Itsuki's last Pokemon to be Sylveon. Among all other Eevee's evolution forms, in my opinion, Sylveon is the rarest.]


"Wow Itsuki has a Sylveon as well." Serena instantly fell in love with Sylveon. She also wanted a Pokemon just like Sylveon. In her opinion, Sylveon's personality and style matched with Serena. 'When I get back, I will buy an Eevee with the money I have saved throughout the years.' Serena already decided to buy an Eevee.


"Sylveon this is your first official battle in any major tournament. Just relax and do your best." Sylveon! She nodded her head with a smile.

"Sylveon use double team." Hundreds of Sylveon began to appeared surrounding Roserade from all directions. "Now use Moonblast." Cynthia could easily find where the real Sylveon was hidden by detecting Sylveon's Aura signature. " Roserade use Petal Blizzard to your left direction."


[I think Cynthia has found where Sylveon is hiding.] Itsuki of course knew Cynthia would able to find Sylveon's located by tracing her Aura signature. Itsuki plan was to confuse Roserade not Cynthia.

Sylveon opened her mouth as a purple sphere was fired towards Roserade from all directions. Cynthia knew all the other Sylveons other fake so she didn't bothered to block their attacks. Roserade fired Sharp purple petals in circle towards her left direction.



Roserade managed to counter the attack.

[I don't know how Cynthia has managed to do it. But being able to find the real Sylveon and successfully countering her opponent attack is something that needs to praised.]

"it's time to get thing hot. Sylveon use flame charge." Sylveon gently stepped on the ground as she charged towards Roserade with fire covering her entire body.


"Roserade use leaf storm to stop Sylveon." Roserade raises its arms and multiple green leaves start spinning above it body. Roserade then fired the sharp green leaves storm at Sylveon.

Whoever Sylveon easily dodged the leaf storm and was only 5 meters away from Roserade. Cynthia knew at this distance, Roserade won't have enough time to launch any heavy attack. "Roserade attack Sylveon with toxic."



At the very last moment, the toxic hit Sylveon but she didn't stop her attack and hit Roserade. The flames on Sylveon's body gave serious damage to Roserade. The attack impact sent Roserade flying in the air.

"Now use Moonblast." Sylveon opened her mouth to fire the purple sphere which was big as a human head.


Cynthia ordered Roserade to attack from the mid air.

"Leaf storm"

Sylveon fired her attack first. When the Moon blast was about to hit Roserade she launched lead storm attack towards Sylveon.




Both Pokemon now was injured. Roserade condition looked worse as she had taken serious damage from the fire type attack. The same could be said for Sylveon who had weakness for poison. Both Pokemon struggled to stand up.

Itsuki could have knocked out Roserade in that first attack if Roserade hadn't used Giga drain on Marshadow before. The Giga drain and Grassy Terrain recovered all of her injured.


"Sylveon can you keep going?" Itsuki had a soft spot when it came to Sylveon. Sylveon was the very first Pokemon Itsuki had captured. Itsuki never took Sylveon in to use her for battles. Unlike his other Pokemon Sylveon wasn't a fan of battles or violence. If possible she would prefer to avoid fighting all the times.

Sylveon nodded her with a determined look. Her brothers and sisters have worked really hard. She cannot disappoint them here. She doesn't wants to lose her debut match.


"Good use flame charge." With a painful look Sylveon charged towards Roserade who too looked very weak.

"The affects of Grassy Terrain will disappear after using this move. Roserade give everything you got. Use leaf storm." Roserade sent the sharp green leaves to stop Sylveon in her path. But Sylveon continued to ran even though her body continued to take the cuts.

Seeing Sylveon suffering so much but still running through the leaf storm Itsuki couldn't stop himself from clenching his fists tightly.


"Sylveon give everything you got." At the very last moment when Sylveon was about to fall down, she heard Itsuki's voice. Everyone in the stadium thought it was over for Sylveon but she surprised them by suddenly increasing her speed.

Cynthia couldn't believe in her eyes as she saw Sylveon ran with everything had she and slammed into Roserade.



Roserade was sent flying. She immediately lost her consciousness as burned marks appeared on various parts of her body. Seeing that Roserade not getting up, Sylveon finally relaxed as she gave a smile to Itsuki and then fell down.


written by Azure_warrior

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