
Pokémon Kyanite and Copper

This is the fiction story of an ordinary kid, who had humble beginnings, and aspire to become a strong Pokemon trainer. And along the way, he will meet new people, Pokémon, places, and even travel to other strange places where his true identity will slowly unfold, and new skills to acquire.

Roxas0702 · Book&Literature
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159 Chs

Chapter 41 - Depart to the Abandoned Power Plant!

By afternoon, at 4:02 p.m., after his Pokémon had fully recovered and him taking a nap, Rico was suddenly awoken by the sounds of construction men installing walls and a slanted roof outside in the stairway. In response, Rico got up, grabbed his Poké Balls, and put it in his Pokébelt; he then grabbed his towel and went outside while avoiding the construction obstacles partially blocking the way. Today, however, was Lucas' day off, after days of hard work, so he'll be spending time with his family. Lucas was looking at the construction men with positivity and approval, making sure that their work is right and correct, according to his plan. Upon seeing his father, Rico asked him, "Hey, dad, what is going on here?"

"Oh, Rico," Lucas responded to him brightly, "you're here. They were installing walls and roof on the stairs so you could go through comfortably."

"Oh, I see," Rico replied in getting what his father said. "That was cool." He then smiled and continued, "Thanks, daddy!"

"You're welcome!" Lucas happily responded.

Inside the house, Rico, Jonathan, and Rosario are having a sweet snack break. Their snacks are chocolate cake, Mango Mini Tarts, and Mango Juice. They were in good spirits.

"Hey, mom," Rico asked his mother.

"Yes?" replied his mother.

"Since it's gonna be noisy and disturbing for me to be in my room," Rico made a request to her with a permission, "can I go out and explore?" Thinking about this, Rosario answered, "Well, sure. But be safe and make sure you had packed up with Potions, Antidotes, and other medicines for your Pokémon. You got that?" Listening to her attentively, Rico nodded in agreement and responded, "Okay, mom. I got that."

"I'm staying home, little brother," Jonathan made his decision. "I will make up for the years of being separated from mom and dad. But good luck to you as well." His Boldore then responded with agreement.

Later outside, Rico was standing at the sunset on a hill with his Pokémon as the winds blow against them in swift speeds. Then, suddenly, Ash and his two Pokémon came.

"Hey, Rico," he called them. Upon hearing him, Rico and his team turned around to see them.

"Oh, hi, Ash," he greeted him back. "What brings you here?"

"I was wondering," Ash responded while thinking something cool and exciting, "I wanted to go a place called Abandoned Power Plant to see a Legendary Pokémon, so you wanna come?" Looking surprised by his offer, Rico retorted, "Really?" Lucario then responded in surprise. Smiling, Ash replied, "Yeah, so you could experience what it takes to be a Pokémon Trainer, and to give you an opportunity to catch new Pokémon. That'll be a lot better than just staying in your home and train your same Pokémon over and over. How about an exploration." Pikachu and Greninja then responded in convincing Rico to join them.

"What?" Rico thought in stunning. "He's asking me to come? To a place where a Legendary Pokémon dwells? Wow, that was... awesome. Well, this is the opportunity I would catch new Pokémon." Rico then took a deep breath and answered him with confidence, "Sure, Ash, yes, I'll come. When?"

"This afternoon," Ash brightly responded, "so you better pack up your personal backpack with supplies needed for the journey, including medicines for your Pokémon." Hearing his instructions, Rico was smiled a bit nervously, thinking, "Seriously? Do I have to bring that much stuff?"

"You got that, Rico?" Ash asked him in assurance. Snapping out from his nervous stunning, Rico answered him, "Oh, uh, yes, I got that, Ash. I...I'll ask my parents if I'm allowed. Okay?" He then descended down the little hill, and went back to his home, along with his Pokémon as Ash and his Pokémon watched them in positivity, with Ash crossing his arms.

Back at his house, after taking a shower, Rico changed to his travel clothes and he is now packing his backpack with supplies and personal items like Potions, Paralysis Heals, Antidotes, etc. And as Rico pack up, Jonathan came to his room, only to be surprised on Rico's doing. He then asked him, "Uh, Rico, what are you doing?"

"Packing up so I could go on a little journey with Ash," Rico answered him in positivity while packing. Perplexed by this, Jonathan replied, "Okay. Did you asked mom and dad about it?" After stuffing the last item, Rico zipped his backpack closed and happily responded, "Yes, I did."

Later on, Rico went downstairs with his backpack and Pokébelt, telling his parents, "Mom, dad, I'm now going."

"Okay, honey, be safe!" response his mother while cleaning the table.

"Good luck on catching new Pokémon!" added his father in giving him good luck.

"Thanks!" Rico happily responded while wavering them goodbye. "Bye!" And as Rico stepped out of the house, Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Iris, and Axew are waiting for him to come out and join them.

"Rico," Ash commented while crossing his arms in positivity, "you took forever to come out."

"Hey!" Rico seriously retorted.

"Just kidding!" Ash happily joked. He and the others then laughed about as Rico gave them a glare, before succumbing to laughter. When the laughter is over, Jonathan catches with his brother and gave him his Pokédex, telling him that he forgot it before leaving the house. Realized by this, Rico grabbed his Pokédex and thanked him for reminding him, saying, "I couldn't have any information on new Pokémon without it."

"You're welcome, little bro," Jonathan happily replied while the mild winds are blowing against his apron. "Well, good luck on your journey with Ash. Call me every night. Okay?"

"Alright, alright, Jonathan," Rico responded back in agreement, "I got it now. Okay, I'm leaving now. Bye!" He and his group of friends then turned around and walked away in friendship as Jonathan wavered them goodbye. Meanwhile, Professor Oak was still busy in his lab, doing research. In less than 20 minutes, they are now out of town and towards their first stop, Viridian City, the place where the League's eighth gym is, as the sun sets beautifully over the horizon.

Quick question: Should I do some chapters of Kalos and Alola?

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