
Pokémon Kyanite and Copper

This is the fiction story of an ordinary kid, who had humble beginnings, and aspire to become a strong Pokemon trainer. And along the way, he will meet new people, Pokémon, places, and even travel to other strange places where his true identity will slowly unfold, and new skills to acquire.

Roxas0702 · Book&Literature
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159 Chs

Chapter 40 - Life in Kanto

The next morning, as the sun rises over the horizon, Rico was training his Pokémon at the forest. The scene was lovely, with breakfast being served in houses and small restaurants, and wild Pokémon enjoying their wild freedom in nature.

"Alright, Lucario, use Force Palm!" Rico commanded Lucario in cool seriousness. Lucario then used Force Palm, running up towards the tree log and puts its palm on it. It then fires a huge light green blast from its paw at it, cutting it into pieces and produced a quick noise.

"Wow, that was quite powerful, Lucario," Rico commented in enthusiasm while raising his right fist. Lucario then responded with serious coolness.

"Well, I think we'll be strong together," Rico added a comment while crossing his arms and closing his eyes with style. Turning around towards its trainer, Lucario happily nodded in agreement.

By 9:01 a.m., after breakfast, Rico was now in the dining room studying sent by his school back at Philas. The atmosphere was quiet, with his elder brother cleaning the backyard and his mother was at Delia's grocery store volunteering.

"Okay, what is the Pokémon in Kalos that starts with the letter X?" Rico asked himself in full concentration while tapping his pencil repeatedly on the edge of the table. His Pokémon was at the living room playing with each other.

"Ah, I know!" Rico popped up an answer. "It's Xerneas!" He then write that answer down in a fast pace.

"Man, that was hard," he thought in embracing it. Then, suddenly, Isaiah appeared outside through a window, knocking the glass a few times to get Rico's attention. Then, after much persuasion, Rico was caught by his attention. Rico then interrupted his studies, stand up, and went to open the window.

"Isaiah, what are you doing here?" he asked the boy in confusion.

"Oh, you know," Isaiah replied with carefree, " just checking out what are you doing now." Rico then backed off a little and Isaiah hopped onto the window edge and get inside the house.

"Uh, I'm in the middle of my studies," Rico told him with a bit of scolding, "so, leave me alone for a while. Please."

"Alright, alright, I won't," Isaiah replied in obeying Rico's plea. He then sat down in the sofa and do some browsing in his smartphone. Rico then came back to his table and resumed studying.

An hour has passed and Isaiah was a bit bored, lying down on the sofa while browsing and working out in his online blog. Finally, Rico finished his daily homeschool work, closing his books and stacked it in two stacks. He then stand up and said to Isaiah, "I'm done, Isaiah." Upon hearing him, Isaiah sit down straight and responded, "Finally, you're done. So, shall we finish our battle we haven't finished?" Clenching his fist in confident, Rico replied with determination, "Sure! Let's finish it!"

At the fields outside of Pallet Town, Rico and Isaiah are having a battle; their Pokémon are Piplup and Charizard, the same they used yesterday.

"You're going down, Rico!" Isaiah exclaimed at Rico in confident style. His Charizard then e responded with seriousness.

"Oh, I will win!" Rico retorted in confident style. Piplup then responded seriously in determination. However, no one is around them, so the environment is peaceful. Ash was training with his Pokémon, Iris was dwelling in the trees with her Pokémon, Serena was at Martin's gym helping, and Red and Catherine are at their homes playing with their Pokémon. Also, Rico's Pokémon are watching them battle with excitement.

And, as the sun rises to the center of the day, the battle began.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower!" Isaiah commanded Charizard in coolness. Charizard then used Flamethrower, opening its mouth and scorched an intense blast of fire towards Piplup. Piplup then dodged it quickly in seriousness.

"Alright, Piplup, use Hydro Pump!" While in the air, Piplup used Hydro Pump, opening its beak and blasted water at high power, intercepting the Flamethrower. This continues for a full minute, and then suddenly, the Hydro Pump cut through the Flamethrower in succession and struck Charizard very effectively. In pain, Charizard collapsed to the ground as Piplup landed back to the ground in cool action.

"Oh, no," Isaiah commented in alert and stunning, "Charizard."

"Piplup, use Bubblebeam!" Rico commanded Piplup in coolness. Piplup then used Bubblebeam, opening its beak and released a stream of blue bubbles at Charizard, striking it with great power and further weakened it more.

"What?" Isaiah thought in shock. "I would lost against a small Pokémon?" Then, in desperate, Charizard got up and shake all the water off him. This stuns Rico and Piplup, and Isaiah turned to serious alerted.

"Quickly, Charizard, use Wing Attack!" he commanded Charizard seriously. Charizard then used Wing Attack, spreading its wings and charges at Piplup, striking it with power. Piplup was then blasted off due to impact and hit a tree, shocking Rico a lot and causing Isaiah to smile in style. Charizard then flew back to Isaiah's side in action.

"Woah, that move is strong," Rico commented to himself. This follows a short silence while Piplup tried to get up from Charizard's attack. Then, after a full minute, Piplup got up and used Hydro Pump, opening its beak and blasted water at high power, striking Charizard so much and power Charizard fainted in exhaustion and defeat. This caused an opposite effect on the two boys: Isaiah was shock and Rico became positive with hope. Because of this, Isaiah sighed in defeat and called his Charizard back to its Poké Ball, telling it, "Charizard, you did great. Have some rest." He then put the Poké Ball back to his Pokébelt and said to Rico in full positivity, "Well, Rico, you won against me. That was a fun battle." Stunned by his fair attitude, Rico replied, "Wait, are you sure about that?" Piplup then ran to its trainer and climbed up to his right shoulder.

"Yup," Isaiah happily retorted. "Next time, I'll get stronger and beat you." Because of his words, Rico snapped out and happily responded, "Okay then. You'll win next time." They then became happy in friendship, before walking together back to town, along with Rico's Pokémon.