
Pokémon Kyanite and Copper

This is the fiction story of an ordinary kid, who had humble beginnings, and aspire to become a strong Pokemon trainer. And along the way, he will meet new people, Pokémon, places, and even travel to other strange places where his true identity will slowly unfold, and new skills to acquire.

Roxas0702 · Book&Literature
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159 Chs

Chapter 42 - Viridian City, the Place of Fate

Later, by 6:22 p.m., as they continue walking, Rico was feeling tired, his confidence drained out and his limbs felt tired, complaining to Ash, "Ugh! This is one, long, long walk."

"Don't be such a kid," Ash seriously responded, "Ninjas and Pokémon Trainers traveled long distances by foot. That's essential for a strong Pokémon Trainer." His Pikachu then responded with agreement.

"Rico, stop being such a little kid," Iris offended him in style. Angered by this, Rico retorted, "Hey! Stop calling me that!" Iris then laughed at him in response and in funny as they continue on walking towards the night.

By 7:33 p.m., they had arrived at Viridian City, after all that walking.

"Well, this is Viridian City," Ash introduced the place to his friends. Seeing the city and its nightly setting and view, they were amazed by it, with Serena commenting, "Wow, this is a beautiful one."

"This is so nice," Iris added in amazement.

"Finally, a stopover, but a cool city," Rico happily responded. He then get one of his Poké Balls from his Pokébelt, and called his Lucario out, and it stepped into the scene normally in attitude.

"Lucario," Rico said to it, "let's have a little break from your Poké Ball." Lucario then responded with happiness.

In no time, they are now walking towards the city, looking for the nearest Pokémon Center.

"This is the place where I first met Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy," Ash explained about his time in this place.

"Oh, I see," Iris replied in getting what Ash said. "So you're saying that this is the first city you had visited since your first journey?"

"Yes, it is," Ash happily answered. His Pikachu then responded with happiness. Then, they stopped at a police station, looking at Officer Jenny on night duty. But, the worst thing is that Iris' and Rico's Pokémon are with them, out of their Poké Balls. So when Ash greeted her hi and good evening, Office Jenny immediately walked towards them and looked at Rico and Iris, thinking that they are Pokémon thieves in suspicion.

"Hold it right there, you two!" she sternly told them with suspicion. Rico, Iris, Lucario, and Axew then stood straight in fear and nervousness, thinking that they may have did something wrong.

"Wha...What did we do wrong?" Rico nervously asked her. Lucario then responded with nervousness. Focusing towards Iris, Officer Jenny asked her in suspicion, "Is this Pokémon yours?"

"Y-Yes, this o-one is m-mine," Iris answered her nervously with stuttering. Her Axew then nervously responded in agreement. Lowering her suspicion to Iris, Officer Jenny turned her focus towards Rico, rising her suspicion once more and Rico's nervousness rose.

"Is this Lucario yours?" she asked him sternly.

"Y-Yes, that's m-mine, ma'am," Rico answered her nervously with stuttering. Lucario then responded with nervousness. To prove their innocence, Ash told the police officer about Iris and get Rico's Pokédex from Rico's pocket and showed it to Officer Jenny, revealing Rico's info and status as Pokémon Trainer.

"Okay, that's enough proof," Officer Jenny responded in suspicion. She then reverted back to her happy self, and made an apology with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Iris and Rico, for making those false accusations. It's because I was suspicious at people whose Pokémon are out of their Poké Balls. So be safe and careful." Then in a serious attitude, "You got that?" Nervous by her warning, Rico and Iris nodded to say yes, along with their Pokémon. Ash then put Rico's Pokédex back in Rico's pocket and said to Officer Jenny in positivity, "That's okay, Officer, we will;" he and others then left the place, long with Rico's Lucario, who had calmed down from its nervousness.

Before 8 o'clock struck the clock, Ash and his group had arrived at Viridian City's Pokémon Center, looking amazed by its big structure and modernistic architecture.

"I think this Pokémon Center had been finished rebuilt," Ash positively commented about it.

"Rebuilt?" Iris responded in curiosity.

"Uhhhhh, a long time ago," Ash replied.

"What happened to the original building?" Serena asked him in concern. Remembering what had happened in the past, Ash answered her, "Team Rocket's Weezing used Smokescreen and when combined with Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Kaboom." This surprises his friends, with Rico commenting, "What? Why?" Chuckling nervously for a second, Ash replied, "They wanted my Pikachu, and that's the beginning of our fight, for a long, long time."

"Oh, we understand," Rico replied in getting what Ash said. And upon entering the place, Nurse Joy greeted them good evening while working in her desk.

"Hi there, Nurse Joy," Ash brightly greeted her back. "Good evening to you, too." His Pikachu and Iris' Axew then greeted her in response.

"Welcome to the Viridian City Pokémon Center," Nurse Joy happily greeted them, "How can I help you?"

"We're in a journey to the Abandoned Power Plant," Ash brightly responded truthfully, "so it's okay if we could stay here for a while?"

"Sure, why not," Nurse Joy answered him happily with hospitality, "we had plenty of rooms for you and your friends to stay for as long as you needed. Are you here to heal up your Pokémon too?"

"No, just staying here," Ash responded brightly.

"Okay then," Nurse Joy happily replied while giving them room keys, "Have a nice evening."

"Thank you," Ash politely replied as he received the keys.

Later at the second floor of the Center, Ash and group are now searching for their respective rooms according to the numbers engraved on the keys. Each of their rooms is ideal for two. Finally, they found their rooms and come in, leaving the doors open. In his room with Iris, Rico put down his backpack, Pokédex, and smartphone onto a desk table and lie down on a single bed, exhausted.

"Finally, something to lie down for a bit," Rico rejoiced his efforts to make it to Viridian City. His Lucario then responded with exhaustion.

"You sure you're tired from all that walking and nervousness with Officer Jenny," responded Iris. Her Axew and Emolga then responded with happy comments.

"Not to mention being interrogated by Officer Jenny as well," Rico replied. "That was nerve-racking, you know, but Ash saved us from that misunderstanding." His Lucario then responded with exhaustion from anxiety. Rico reached for his Pokébelt, get his Poké Balls, and called the rest of his Pokémon out, and they stepped into the scene cheerfully. They then jumped to Rico's bed in happiness and relief.

"Aw, you two!" Rico happily called them as he hugged them like stuffed animals. Litleo and Piplup could not resist their trainer's love for them.

"I wish you catch more Pokémon, Rico," Iris made a wish to him.

"I really hoped so, too," Rico replied in positivity.

After 8 o'clock struck the clock, they are now downstairs eating a hearty meal, which was cooked by Ash, Rico, and Serena. Their Pokémon are eating their special food nearby.

"We'll go to the place where I found my Charizard, as a Charmander," Ash discussed his travel plans with them. "And we'll go to a place called Celadon City to see their gym leaders, and to talk about good and embarrassing times we had."

"Oh, okay, that's good," Serena replied in agreeing with him.

"Embarrassing times?" Rico and Iris asked him in response.

"You'll find out when we get there," replied Ash happily. Confused by his response, Rico and Iris exchanged looks to each other for a second, before resumed eating.

Later back at his room with Iris, as Ash and Serena spent their night together in their own room with their Pokémon, at 9:01 p.m., Rico was reading his favorite ninja comics on bed while Iris was laying down on her own bed with her two Pokémon. They were at peace, free from all distractions as the city functions at night.

By 9:55 p.m., as the lights were off and Iris slept in her bed with her Pokémon, Rico was outside at the balcony, having a conversation with his brother on the phone. The sliding door was closed to prevent the air conditioner's cooling from escaping the room.

"So you're saying that you and your friends will go to Celadon City?" Jonathan asked him.

"Well, yes, big brother," Rico responded, "And he said that after visiting that city, we'll go to the Abandoned Power Plant to see a Legendary Pokémon, who turns to be also an Electric-type."

"Oh, I understand," Jonathan replied in getting it now. "Well, okay then. I know how you will be devoted to the knowledge of Pokémon. I really appreciate that."

"Thanks, brother," Rico happily responded. "Well, good night."

"Good night to you, too," Jonathan replied in positivity, "And be safe;" he and Rico then ended their conversation. After that, Rico went back inside and went to bed, laying down finally while putting his phone on the nightstand. He then slept peacefully as his phone struck 10:00 p.m., right in time.

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Ash's old enemies will be coming back to seek revenge against him, but in the worse possible state.

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