
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 81 - Gengar The Spy

In a nearby residence close to Julian's hotel, a man dressed in a black suit spoke urgently into his phone.

Man in the Black Suit: "Boss, the assassination attempt has failed. The target is proving to be far more formidable than we anticipated. I believe it's wise for us to pull back for the time being."

On the other end of the line, the leader of the Shadow Nation listened with a deepening frown.

Leader of the Shadow Nation: "Do as you see fit, and make sure not to divulge any information if you're apprehended."

The man in the black suit nodded in response.

Man in the Black Suit: "Yes, Boss."

After ending the call, he placed the phone back in his pocket and shifted his attention to a man tied to a chair, bearing the signs of a severe beating. The situation was growing more complicated by the minute.

The man in the black suit pondered the puzzling situation.

Man in the Black Suit: "It appears he genuinely doesn't remember anything. But how is that even possible? I must investigate this personally."

After mulling it over for a while, the man decided to depart, leaving the unconscious assassin behind.

Meanwhile, in the Hoenn region, Chloe was engrossed in the news and photographs of Julian that seemed to be everywhere.

Chloe: "It really is you. I hope you'll stay safe until I can reach you."

She let out a sigh, then gazed down at her loyal Pokémon.

Chloe: "Let's go, Salamence."

With a determined look, Chloe's Salamence carried her into the sky as they embarked on their journey to reunite with Julian and ensure his safety.

As Julian enjoyed his day, savoring the peace and tranquility that surrounded him, he couldn't help but relish the simple pleasures of life.

Julian: "There are still two days until the next battle. No need to get too tense about it."

With that in mind, he decided to indulge in a hot water bath. He reclined in the warm, soothing water, closed his eyes, and took a deep, relaxing breath.

Julian: "Life is so much better this way."

However, his peaceful day took an unexpected turn when the serenity was shattered by a sudden, loud knock on his door. Julian's senses sharpened as he wondered who could be at his door.

Julian couldn't help but wonder who could be knocking at his door.

Julian: "Who could it be?"

Quickly, he dried himself off, donned a robe, and made his way to the door to see who was outside. Upon opening it, he was greeted by the sight of an elderly man clad in a butler's uniform. The butler offered a deep, respectful bow before extending a cellphone to Julian.

Julian: "Who is this?"

The voice on the other end of the phone spoke with an air of caution.

Voice: "Julian, I've heard you're a talented trainer, and you're still young. You wouldn't want to lose everything, would you?"

The cryptic message prompted Julian to burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by the tone of the conversation.

Julian couldn't help but feel that this encounter was getting more intriguing by the second.

Julian: "Are you the one who assigned the assassin or the one who ordered my assassination? My guess is, you might be the big boss, aren't you?"

The voice on the other end of the phone responded with a mixture of respect and intrigue.

Voice: "You're proving to be a challenging target, Julian. How about we set aside this incident and consider a partnership?"

Julian's tone remained firm.

Julian: "I have no interest in becoming partners with any crime syndicate. But I am curious about your reasons for wanting me assassinated."

The mysterious voice continued, issuing a chilling warning.

Voice: "Since you're already aware, I'll tell you this much: stop your ascent to becoming a Champion, or only death awaits you."

The enigmatic conversation left Julian with more questions than answers, but it was clear that he was being drawn into a dangerous game, one that he couldn't back out of easily.

Julian's response was laced with resolve and determination.

Julian: "So, you sent assassins for such a petty reason? Well, the joke's on you because I never aspired to become a champion; I was challenging them just for fun. But now, seeing how you've targeted me, I'm going to dismantle your organization and leave nothing behind. Don't think you can hide forever; I have my ways of tracking you down."

With that, Julian crushed the cell phone in his hand, ending the connection. He then turned his gaze toward the elderly butler who had delivered the message. The butler remained composed, his role in this exchange seemingly complete. He offered a final bow and silently made his way out.

Julian watched the butler for a moment before closing the door, fully aware that he was now entangled in a high-stakes battle against a formidable and elusive adversary.

Julian's determination burned brighter than ever in the wake of the revelation about a previously unknown crime syndicate meddling in his life.

Julian: "There's a crime syndicate I've never seen or heard of before, and they've made a grave mistake by interfering in my peaceful life. I'm going to bring hell upon them."

With unwavering resolve, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Julian called upon his Gengar for assistance.

Julian: "Gengar, follow the old man who was just outside. Find out who he meets and what he's up to."

Gengar nodded, vanishing from Julian's sight to embark on an undercover mission that might unravel the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic adversary who had disrupted Julian's life.

Julian settled into a state of anticipation, knowing that Gengar was on a reconnaissance mission. The waiting game was tense, but he knew that information could be the key to understanding and countering the mysterious organization that had targeted him.

As Gengar followed the old man, it appeared at first that the elderly butler was conducting his duties like any other worker in the hotel. However, as dusk began to descend, the old man's behavior took a suspicious turn. He cast furtive glances around, as if to ensure he wasn't being trailed or watched. This shift in demeanor piqued Gengar's interest.

Soon, the old man abandoned his uniform for more casual attire, suggesting that he had a destination in mind outside of the hotel. Gengar continued to observe from the shadows, determined to uncover the secrets behind this mysterious figure and the organization he represented.

Gengar continued to tail the old man as they entered a residence near the hotel. At the entrance, the old man executed a knock with five precise taps, each following a rhythmic pattern. The door swung open in response, revealing a man in a black suit who extended an invitation to the elderly butler. Unseen and unheard, Gengar phased through a wall and positioned itself to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The man in the black suit inquired about the outcome of the conversation.

Man in Black Suit: "How did it go?"

The old man's response held a sense of reluctance and discomfort.

Old Man: "I didn't wish to involve myself in this shady business with you and your boss. I only owe him a single favor, and this is all I'm willing to do."

Gengar continued to listen, its spectral presence unnoticed by the two men conversing, seeking to unravel more of the mystery behind their intentions.

Gengar listened intently as the conversation unfolded.

The man in the black suit appeared to be well aware of the old man's reservations.

Man in Black Suit: "I understand your concerns. Now, tell me what happened."

The elderly butler recounted the interaction with Julian, his voice laced with worry.

Old Man: "The young man, he... he laughed at your boss. He openly mocked him. Frankly, I think you and your organization should lay low for a while. That young man means business. He even declared that he intends to bring down your entire syndicate for attempting to assassinate him."

The man in the black suit's response was laced with a hint of skepticism.

Man in Black Suit: "Does he truly believe he can take on an entire syndicate single-handedly?"

The unfolding events pointed to a confrontation of significant magnitude on the horizon, as Julian's unwavering determination and newfound knowledge posed a genuine threat to the organization responsible for the assassination attempts.

The old man, burdened by a mix of frustration and disappointment, made his final stance clear.

Old Man: "I don't know, and I don't care. Tell Brad that this was the last favor I owe him. I'm free from his debt now. Go back to Hoenn and stay out of sight. I don't know what might happen if you remain here in Kanto. I'm genuinely disappointed in you. I thought you would serve your region with the skills I imparted to you, but it seems you're just another person driven by delusions of power and greed. Take care, Simon."

With those parting words, the old man walked away, leaving Simon, the man in the black suit, behind. Simon's expression remained contemplative as he watched the retreating figure of his former mentor.

Simon, seemingly unfazed by the rebuke from his former mentor, voiced his own perspective.

Simon: "Even if you were my teacher, you didn't provide me with anything of value. Now, I have money and power, and that's all I need."

The old man chose not to respond to Simon's assertion and simply walked away.

Gengar, having gathered crucial information about the exchange between Simon and his former mentor, returned to Julian. Using its unique abilities, Gengar sent its memory directly to Julian. Julian had honed his power to access the thoughts and memories of others with their consent, refraining from forcing this intrusion to avoid causing mental harm.

With this valuable information at hand, Julian now had a clearer understanding of the situation, the motivations of the organization that had targeted him, and the imminent danger he faced.

Julian, having delved into Gengar's memories, had obtained new information about the syndicate responsible for the assassination attempts on him.

Julian: "So the big boss of this syndicate is named Brad, and the man in the black suit is Simon. It appears they are affiliated with Hoenn."

With this newfound knowledge in mind, Julian contemplated his next move.

Julian: "I plan to visit Hoenn eventually, but for now, I should pay a visit to this Simon. Perhaps he can provide me with more information."

As night descended, Julian left the hotel and made his way to the residence he had seen in Gengar's memories. He approached the door and replicated the distinctive five-tap rhythm that the old man had used, startling Simon, who was outside enjoying a smoke.

Simon "Why is the old man visiting now?"

Upon hearing the distinctive knock that he had learned from Gengar's memories, Simon's initial reaction was to assume that the old man was visiting once again. However, he was caught completely off guard when, after opening the door, he was met with a lightning-fast punch that connected with his face, rendering him unconscious.

When he eventually came to, Simon found himself securely bound to a chair. Across from him was Julian, who held a water bottle in his hand. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and it was clear that Julian had some pressing questions he wanted answers to.

Julian addressed Simon, his tone dripping with a sense of casualness.

Julian: "Did you have a good rest, Simon?"

Simon responded with a defiant glare.

Simon: "You think I'll say a word to you? Even if you torture me, I won't talk."

Julian maintained his composure and responded calmly.

Julian: "You've got me all wrong, Simon. I'm not the type to use torture, and I know for a fact that you'll answer every question I ask without resistance."

After a brief conversation that yielded no results, Julian exited the room, helping himself to a soda from the house's fridge before leaving. Back in the residence, Simon remained unconscious, and Julian had taken steps to erase his memories of their encounter, leaving no trace of their conversation.

Julian's mind worked rapidly as he pieced together the information he had gathered.

Julian: "So they're an underground syndicate with their primary base in Hoenn. They also maintain dormant branches in other regions, only springing into action when they receive orders from the main headquarters. Brad is the big boss, and there are four others, each as formidable as a region's Champion."

Having consolidated the information, Julian began to form a clearer picture of the organization he was dealing with. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, but he knew that the real challenge lay ahead in dismantling this powerful syndicate and ensuring his own safety in the process.

Julian's deductive skills were at work as he analyzed the information he had gathered.

Julian: "I see, if another Champion is crowned, it would disrupt the balance and advantage they hold over the League committee, which is why they attempted to assassinate me, to prevent that from happening. But there's still something missing; I don't yet understand the full purpose of this Syndicate and what they're searching for."

With these thoughts in mind, Julian returned to his hotel room, reclining on his bed. He decided to take a break from overthinking the situation, opting to wait and see how events would unfold when he eventually traveled to Hoenn. The answers he sought might become clearer in due time.