
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 80 - Assassin

After three days had passed since the incident at the Shadow Legion headquarters, Julian found himself back in Kanto. He sat in his room, eyes fixed on the details of the stock market. Jimi had shared valuable insights about the current stock market and investment strategies, and Julian had spent hours researching and analyzing the data.

With a heavy sigh, he finally powered down his computer, his mind swirling with the possibilities.

Julian: "If things unfold the way Jimi explained, it could be a game-changer."

Julian decided to step out of his room and take a breather. He was well aware that the hotel he was staying in had become a hotspot for curious onlookers and relentless reporters, all hoping to catch a glimpse of an Elite Four member. To maintain a low profile, he adorned a pair of sunglasses and wrapped a scarf around his face, concealing his identity.

Evading any potential paparazzi, Julian hopped onto his bike and made his way to a nearby hillside. Upon arrival, he witnessed a herd of Tauros thundering through the area, scattering any Pokémon that dared to cross their path. Julian took a deep breath and released his own Pokémon, allowing them to roam freely. He found a serene spot, lay down on the grass, and closed his eyes, allowing the tranquility of the moment to wash over him.

As the warm sunlight filtered through his closed eyelids, Julian drifted off into a peaceful slumber. His dreams led him to a mesmerizing vision, where two crystals floated, each one casting an enchanting glow. One crystal was vibrant green, while the other shimmered with a soothing shade of blue.

Startled by the vision of the crystals and the unexpected message in his head, Julian's eyes snapped open. He couldn't shake off the sensation of dizziness that had washed over him. Then, a peculiar beep resonated within his mind.

System: "Host has sensed something related to the future."

Julian furrowed his brow, perplexed by the cryptic message.

Julian: "The future? How far ahead are we talking about?"

System: "Future timeline cannot be predicted."

Julian sighed, unable to make sense of the enigmatic information he'd received. His thoughts continued to revolve around the two mysterious crystals he had just witnessed in his dream, leaving him with a sense of curiosity and unease.

Julian couldn't shake the strange feeling of déjà vu regarding the two crystals he had dreamt of. He pondered over the mystery of why those particular crystals had appeared in his dream.

After spending the day wandering the hillside and honing his Pokémon's skills, he eventually decided it was time to head back. As he prepared to leave, a prickling sense of being observed washed over him. He extended his Omniforce, a unique ability that allowed him to sense things beyond the ordinary. Focusing his senses on a nearby tree, he detected a concealed presence.

His pulse quickened as he identified a man behind the tree, holding a gun. Julian's surprise and caution surged simultaneously as he realized he was not alone on this peaceful hillside.

Julian's mind raced as he considered the implications of the would-be assassin's presence. He was cautious not to jump to conclusions too hastily.

Julian thought, "An assassin, but who could have a vendetta against me? Could it be Giovanni? It's a possibility, but I can't assume anything just yet."

Crouching down, he decided to feign ignorance, as if he hadn't detected the lurking danger. Julian casually picked up a small pebble and idly rolled it between his fingers. Then, with a sudden, calculated motion, he stood up and hurled the pebble with incredible speed toward the tree. The pebble passed right through the tree trunk, hitting the assassin's hand with precision.

A sharp cry of agony filled the air as the assassin's wrist was instantly dislocated. He writhed in pain, rolling on the ground. Julian, seizing the opportunity, approached the incapacitated intruder. He swiftly disarmed the assassin, taking hold of the gun, and crouched down next to him as the injured man clenched his teeth in anguish.

With the gun pointed at the assassin's head, Julian's expression remained stern. He pulled the rear sight of the gun, loading a bullet into the barrel, and issued a demanding ultimatum.

Julian: "Tell me who sent you, or it won't be your hand but your head."

The assassin, consumed by fear, was not only terrified by the firearm aimed at him but also felt an inexplicable dread that sent shivers down his spine. Overwhelmed, he divulged everything he knew.

Assassin: "I'm just a contract killer. A man in a black suit paid me to eliminate you. That's all I know. I swear, I don't have any more information about him."

Julian, sensing the truth in the assassin's words, believed his account, as the pressure on the man's very soul left no room for deception.

Julian contemplated the situation. It was evident that someone with a hidden agenda was orchestrating these attempts on his life. He reasoned, "The man in the black suit can't be the mastermind; there's someone pulling the strings above him. I'll let them come to me; I won't go searching for trouble myself."

Julian cast a discerning gaze at the trembling assassin.

Julian: "If I were my former self, I might have ended your life right here and now. But I've changed."

Julian gently placed his hand on the assassin's head and channeled a unique energy. A wave of power emanated from him, rendering the man unconscious. In doing so, Julian not only spared the assassin's life but also wiped his memory of their encounter and any recollection of the contract assigned by the man in the black suit.

Julian left the unconscious assassin behind, deep in thought.

Julian: "I could have chosen to change his life for the better, but I refrained. He's likely been involved in countless other deaths. If my hunch is correct, the man in the black suit will likely deal with him, sparing me from getting my hands stained."

With that in mind, Julian made his way back to his hotel. However, he had completely forgotten about the swarming reporters. The moment he stepped out of the secluded hillside and into the public eye, he was immediately besieged by a horde of journalists.

After a frantic escape from their relentless pursuit, Julian finally reached the sanctuary of his hotel room. He closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath as the safety of solitude enveloped him once more.

Julian sighed, feeling the weight of unwanted fame and the relentless reporters who came with it.

Julian: "I can't stand these reporters. It's one of the downsides of being famous."

He made his way to his computer and began researching his next opponent, Bruno. After spending some time on the internet gathering information, he took a well-deserved break.

Julian: "Bruno, a Fighting-type expert. His main team consists of Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Onix, and Machamp. He also has a Poliwrath and Golem, but they're not his strongest Pokémon. Machamp is his ace, and he uses Onix to counter Flying-type opponents while keeping a well-balanced team."

With this knowledge in mind, Julian contemplated his strategy and the Pokémon he would choose to face Bruno. As the days passed, he eagerly anticipated his upcoming battle, determined to make it a memorable one.