
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 82 - Julian VS Bruno (1)

The day of Julian's battle with Bruno had finally arrived, and the anticipation in the air was palpable. From his hotel room, Julian observed the growing crowd that had gathered in front of the Indigo Stadium.

Julian: "Hmm, I wonder how today's battle is going to unfold."

As he pondered the upcoming challenge, the sound of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts. Julian opened the door to find a room service attendant with his breakfast. He quickly enjoyed his meal and then prepared himself for the battle ahead.

Julian encountered a group of persistent reporters loitering around his hotel. To avoid their intrusive questions and maintain his focus for the upcoming battle, he had to make a silent exit. Once inside the stadium through the back door, he couldn't help but express his annoyance.

Julian: "No matter which world it is, these reporters are always the most annoying people around."

With the pesky reporters behind him, Julian could now concentrate on the challenge that lay ahead as he readied himself for the battle against Bruno.

As Julian made his way toward the waiting room to prepare for the upcoming battle, he encountered an unexpected presence in the hallway. It was Agatha, moving at a leisurely pace. Julian acknowledged her with a smile and a slight nod before continuing on his way.

However, his keen senses picked up on something unusual. Within Agatha's shadow, he detected a pair of eyes fixated on him. Julian didn't shy away from confrontation and, with a friendly wave, made it clear that he was aware of the hidden observer. With that, he proceeded to enter his designated waiting room, ready to focus on the challenge at hand.

Agatha, ever perceptive and experienced in her craft, addressed the Gengar that had emerged from her shadow.

Agatha: "It seems he was able to detect you as well. We'll have to exercise caution during our battle."

The Gengar displayed an eerie yet confident grin, nodding in agreement. Their silent communication was a testament to the partnership they had developed over time.

Meanwhile, in his waiting room, Julian took a moment to compose himself. He settled into a chair, closed his eyes, and engaged in a meditative practice, focusing on clearing his mind of any distractions or external influences. His mental preparation was crucial as he readied himself for the upcoming battle against Bruno.

Julian's assessment of Agatha and her Gengar was filled with respect for their skills, recognizing that their abilities had made them a formidable opponent.

As time continued to pass, the signal came for Julian to make his way toward the entrance, where the battle would soon commence. He took a deep breath, his mind focused, ready to face the challenge that awaited him in the arena. With determination and anticipation, he made his way to the battleground, eager to demonstrate his prowess as a Pokémon Trainer.

The arena buzzed with anticipation as the enthusiastic announcer addressed the crowd, building up the excitement for the upcoming battle.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we're back with another thrilling Pokémon battle that will keep you on the edge of your seats. Today's match is a big one, featuring Bruno, a member of the Elite Four, and the fan favorite Julian. Both are exceptional trainers, one specializing in Fighting-types, and the other an all-around talent. Now, let's get on our feet and give them a warm welcome!"

The audience rose in a collective show of support as the announcer called both trainers to the battlefield. Julian entered the arena, his eyes locking onto his opponent, Bruno, a tall and imposing figure with a robust, exposed upper body and spiky black hair. The stage was set for an epic battle between two skilled trainers with very different specializations.

Julian, never one to shy away from a bit of playful banter, couldn't help but make a comment on Bruno's attire.

Julian: "You should have put on some clothes. I don't want to see a half-naked man in front of me."

Bruno regarded Julian for a moment, his expression unfazed by the comment.

Bruno: "I prefer to battle like this. It allows me to connect with my Pokémon."

Julian quickly realized that Bruno was a trainer who wouldn't be swayed by simple trash talk. Respecting his opponent's preferences, Julian settled into a focused mindset for the battle.

Soon, the referee, decked out in protective gear, entered the battlefield, ready to officiate the match. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the battle was about to commence.

The referee's announcement set the stage for the upcoming battle, outlining the specifics of the match.

Referee: "This will be a Four-on-Four battle, as per the request of Elite Four member Bruno. The rules are straightforward: the trainer who loses all four of their Pokémon first will be declared the loser."

Both Julian and Bruno nodded, affirming their understanding of the rules.

Referee: "Trainer Julian, are you ready?"

Julian confirmed his readiness with a nod.

Referee: "Elite Four member Bruno, are you ready?"

Bruno replied in the affirmative.

Referee: "Then let the battle begin!"

With a wave of his flags, the referee initiated the long-awaited showdown between Julian and Bruno. The crowd braced for an intense and thrilling battle.

Bruno was the first to make a move, sending his Hitmonchan into the battlefield. The Fighting-type Pokémon adopted a defensive boxing stance from the outset, ready for the upcoming clash.

Julian observed the defensive strategy with a thoughtful expression.

Julian: "A defensive fighter, huh?"

In response, Julian chose to send out his Pidgeot. The majestic Flying-type Pokémon took to the field, spreading its wings and maintaining a safe distance from its opponent. The stage was set for a strategic encounter between the defensive Hitmonchan and the agile Pidgeot.

Bruno swiftly initiated his strategy, issuing a series of commands to his Hitmonchan.

Bruno: "Being in the air won't help you at all. Hitmonchan, use Agility to boost your speed, and then Bulk Up to enhance your attack and defense."

Hitmonchan executed the prescribed status moves, increasing its speed while bulking up its physical prowess.

Bruno: "Now, leap and strike with Mach Punch!"

Hitmonchan leaped into the air with remarkable agility, aiming to deliver a powerful uppercut using Mach Punch. However, Pidgeot was equally agile and managed to evade the attack by shifting to the side. Hitmonchan landed gracefully, rolling back into a boxing stance, ready for the next exchange.

Julian: "Good job, Pidgeot. Let's keep this up."

The battle was off to an electrifying start as both trainers showcased their tactical prowess.

As the battle unfolded, Julian found himself assessing Bruno's tactics and Hitmonchan's agility.

Julian: "It really knows how to jump, but what's the use of jumping when it cannot change direction mid-air? I don't know what he's thinking. It seems like he's just going with his gut, much like Ash. That Hitmonchan is quite formidable in both agility and offense. I need to ensure that Pidgeot avoids taking multiple hits from it."

With his strategic considerations in mind, Julian issued his next command.

Julian: "Pidgeot, use Air Cutters!"

Pidgeot responded by releasing a barrage of sharp, cutting Air-type projectiles aimed at Hitmonchan, attempting to hit the defensive Fighting-type Pokémon from a distance.

Bruno's Hitmonchan showcased impressive agility as it hopped and skipped, deftly avoiding the barrage of Air Cutters. Its movements mirrored those of a skilled boxer, displaying remarkable finesse in its dodging.

Julian was keenly observant of Hitmonchan's agility.

Julian: "Really nice form, but it's not going to help."

With a strategic adjustment, Julian issued his next command, aiming to capitalize on Pidgeot's abilities.

Julian: "Pidgeot, use Hurricane!"

Pidgeot responded by flapping its wings with great force, generating a sudden increase in airspeed. The air currents began to swirl and coalesce, forming a massive tornado that rapidly expanded, threatening to pull everything inside its vortex. The battlefield was now filled with the overwhelming power of the Hurricane attack.

Bruno's response to Julian's Hurricane attack was both clever and practical. He directed Hitmonchan to employ the move Stone Edge, causing large stone pillars to emerge from the ground, which served as a protective barrier against the swirling vortex.

Bruno: "Now, hold on to them until it stops."

Hitmonchan swiftly positioned itself between two of the stone pillars and clung tightly, bracing against the intense winds of the Hurricane. The stone pillars vibrated under the tremendous pressure, but they held their ground, providing a solid anchor for Hitmonchan.

Julian observed the situation, acknowledging the effectiveness of the strategy.

Julian: "It is indeed a good technique to avoid being sucked into the Hurricane, but how will they escape the tormenting winds and flying debris?"

The battle had reached an intriguing juncture, with both trainers showcasing their tactical prowess.

Hitmonchan's valiant efforts to hold on between the stone pillars proved to be a challenging endeavor as the full force of Pidgeot's Hurricane swept over them. The extreme wind speed caused the stone pillars to tremble, and the defensive stance seemed futile. The unrelenting winds shook Hitmonchan, but the resolute Pokémon continued to cling to the pillars, not willing to yield.

The battle took a more treacherous turn when the storm of small stone pebbles, propelled by the hurricane's force, began to pelt Hitmonchan. The stones, traveling at hurricane-level speeds, inflicted painful blows upon the Fighting-type Pokémon, causing it to wince from the impact. Even the sturdy stone pillars exhibited cracks under the relentless barrage.

Hitmonchan's resolve was clear as it persevered, but the situation was growing increasingly dire. Just when it seemed like Hitmonchan might be pushed to its limits, a stroke of luck intervened. The Hurricane's force abated, allowing the battered Pokémon a moment to catch its breath.

The battlefield had witnessed a dramatic exchange of power, and both trainers were poised for the next move in this intense battle.

Bruno showed concern for his Hitmonchan's well-being and received confirmation from his determined Pokémon.

Julian, on the other hand, seized the opportunity to press the offensive.

Julian: "Let's end this. Wing Attack!"

Pidgeot descended rapidly toward Hitmonchan, wings aglow as it prepared to deliver the final blow. However, Julian sensed something peculiar in Bruno's demeanor. He decided to telepathically alert Pidgeot, recognizing that Bruno might be waiting for a strategic moment.

As Pidgeot closed in on Hitmonchan, just meters away, Bruno initiated his move, the battle poised on a knife's edge.

Bruno seized the opportunity to unleash Hitmonchan's powerful Counter move just as Pidgeot was closing in for its Wing Attack. With a swift maneuver, Hitmonchan skillfully avoided the incoming attack and positioned itself to deliver a devastating counterpunch.

Julian was prepared for the countermove, having sensed Bruno's intention.

Julian: "Now, do a spin and grab its hand! Slam it to the ground using its own speed!"

Pidgeot executed the instructed maneuver with remarkable agility. As the punch from Hitmonchan approached, Pidgeot initiated a sudden spin, allowing it to evade the attack. In a stunning display of skill, Pidgeot used its sharp claws to grip Hitmonchan's arm and twisted around, lifting the Fighting-type Pokémon off the ground. With calculated precision, Pidgeot brought Hitmonchan crashing back to the battlefield, capitalizing on the opening created by the Counter move.

The dramatic move left the crowd in awe, and the battle had taken an unexpected turn.

With the momentum firmly on their side, Julian and Pidgeot moved to secure their victory.

Julian: "Finish this. Brave Bird!"

Pidgeot, enveloped in a shroud of intense blue energy, launched itself into the air. It swiftly descended, like a speeding projectile, and delivered a powerful, full-force impact directly onto the beleaguered Hitmonchan. The brutal strike sent Hitmonchan hurtling backward, ultimately rendering it unable to battle.

Bruno was left with no opportunity to issue any commands, as the match concluded in a matter of seconds. Julian and Pidgeot emerged victorious in the first round of this intense battle. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, appreciating the thrilling display of battling skill.

Bruno, acknowledging Julian's victory, expressed his appreciation for the battle and called back his Hitmonchan. He was clearly impressed by the unique tactics and power Julian had demonstrated.

Bruno: "That was really something I've never seen before. It seems I need to step up my game."

Bruno then retrieved a Poké Ball and directed it toward Julian.

Bruno: "I have the perfect opponent for your Pidgeot. Go, Onix!"

An Onix emerged onto the battlefield, but it wasn't an ordinary one. This Onix stood at an imposing 10 meters in height, much larger than a typical Onix. It bore a scar on its face, running from its right eye to its nose.

Julian couldn't help but be struck by the sheer size of this Onix.

Julian: "That's one massive Onix. It's nearly the size of my Gyarados, or maybe just a bit smaller. My Gyarados has grown quite a bit recently."

The battle was about to take an even more intriguing turn as Julian and Bruno prepared for the next round.