
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 8

After two days in the forest, Su Qi finally walked out of the forest and came outside.

It seems that it is good to accept the eagle, and there is no need to be a road idiot in the future, and someone pointed out the road.

Su Qi took out the booklet and opened the map to see where he was.

Just out of the dark green forest, the next stop is Mt. Moon, over the Mt. Moon, is Hualan City, thinking of the water ballet performance of the three sisters of Hualan, Su Qi couldn't help but be excited, calamus, peonies and cherry blossoms are each bright and moving, incomparably beautiful.

After walking for a while, Su Qi saw the tall Moonstone in front of him, in the animation, Mt. Moonmi is rich in moon stones, and there is also a huge superb moon stone in the teleportation, so it has received favor from many people, and many people have come to Mt. Tsukimi to find the huge moon stone.

Almost everyone returned to no avail, and fewer people came slowly, and everyone regarded it as a rumor.

Only Su Qi, who had seen the animation, knew that there was indeed a huge Superb Moon Stone in the Moonlight Mountain. Guarded by a group of Pippi and Picosi.

Entering the Tsukimi Mountain, Su Qi walked on the road and encountered a cave, about two meters high, looking at the flat rock walls around it, Su Qi thought that this was a man-made cave, the purpose should be to find the best moon stone of the Moon Mountain.

However, logically speaking, the rumors of Tsukimi Mountain were all many years ago, how can anyone still come here.

Su Qi entered the cave, it was pitch black, there was no light, and some wind blew from time to time in the cave.

The calls of large-mouthed bats and supersonic bats were also heard from time to time in the dark, adding some terrifying atmosphere to the cave, and Su Qi took out a flashlight to observe the surrounding situation.

After walking a distance, it still did not come to the end, who dug such a big tunnel here.

Suddenly, the stone under Su Qi's feet cracked, and a pangolin drilled out and launched an attack towards Su Qi, who quickly released a fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard uses dragon claws," Su Qi said loudly.

The green dragon claw directly slapped the pangolin and smashed it heavily on the rock wall, and the pangolin lost its ability to fight.

"Just want to sneak up on others," Su Qi said disdainfully.

"Who's here," came the voice of a young man from a distance.

Seeing a man in a white research uniform coming to Su Qi's side, he asked with a guarded look.

"I'm a trainer who came out to travel, passing by here and seeing a cave, I came in to see what you are." Su Qi said.

The man listened to Su Qi's words and slowed down slightly, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be a trainer, we are researchers from the Pokémon Research Institute in Nibi City." Come here to study and research. "

Researchers of the research institute," Su Qi listened with a blank look, because in his memory, there seemed to be no other research institute around except Dr. Zhenghui of the mysterious lighthouse.

Su Qi was a little guarded in his heart, and he still didn't understand anything on the surface. Pretending to worship, he said, "The researcher of Nibi City is so powerful." The

corner of the man's mouth smiled slightly, thinking that it turned out to be a rookie trainer who didn't understand anything, Bai was worried, and thought that he was discovered by the people of the alliance, but this newcomer is not bad, he can actually beat my pangolin, and then he is a stinky boy with a little strength.

"Then can I go in and visit your research base?" Su Qi continued to pretend to be harmless to humans and animals.

"Ah, visit our base, well... Okay, but don't say it. The man was visibly panicked.

"Of course." Su Qi replied. But I thought in my heart to see what you guys are famous, it won't be an evil force like Team Rocket, just serve you in a pot, report the league to receive bonuses, and just recently run out of money.

Su Qi followed the man for a few minutes and came to an empty open cave, where dozens of huge incandescent lamps on the wall illuminated the place.

Su Qi came from the dark environment, the light pierced his eyes for a while, adapted for a while, opened his eyes and saw many instruments operated by many people, at this time a middle-aged man came over, and asked the man sternly, why did he bring this child over.

I saw that the man said a few words next to each other's ears, and the two showed the same smile.

"Haha, hello, I am the director of this research institute, you can call me Qingli."

"Hello, I'm Su Qi. What research are you doing?

"We're working on Pokémon in the cave, so we purposely moved the institute here."

Su Qi obviously didn't believe such words, Moonsaw Mountain are some common Pokémon, such as pangolin, gopher, small fist stone and other common Pokémon, which have been studied decades ago, they must have these hidden secrets.

Su Qi looked at the people around him, they were all nervously measuring something, as if they were looking for something. Su Qi secretly observed.

"Su Qi, come here with me." Kiyori made a friendly gesture of invitation. Su Qi followed to see what medicine was sold in his gourd.

At the end, a huge detection device appeared in front of Su Qi's eyes, two huge cylindrical antennas, connected to many large machines.

Seeing this, Su Qi thought that these people must be looking for that Ultimate Moon Stone.

At this time, a huge explosion suddenly occurred next to it.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts." Ash shouted, followed by Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang and a Pippi.

Xiao Zhi, why is he here, Su Qi thought suspiciously in his heart.

"Damn, they all ran out." Qingli's face shouted a little fiercely.

A huge electric current broke the machine here, and a huge explosion was generated, and Su Qi covered his face to block this air flow.

"Su Qi, why are you here," Ash asked suspiciously.

"I see them acting sneakily and come to see what they want to do."

"They're the Fire Rock team. It is an evil force that specializes in capturing Pokémon and destroying world peace. Su

Qi knew that it turned out to be the Fire Rock Team that did not appear many times in the original animation.

"What about you, why are you here."

"Xiaoxia Xiaogang and I came to Mt. Tsukimi and met a Pippi, but we didn't expect to be encountered by the Fire Rock Team, they wanted to catch Pippi, we were no match for us, and they caught it, and Pikachu took advantage of the guards' inattention to steal his key and we escaped." Ash said.

"Hehehe, since it has been discovered, there is nothing to hide, originally I heard that Kawamura said that you have a fire-breathing dragon with good strength and want to use it, it seems that there is no chance now." Qingli said with a gloomy face.

"Go, Kuruga, use the Fluctuations of Evil."

"Go up and bite the land shark and use the dragon's wrath," Su Qi said loudly.

The fierce bite of the land shark with a move of dragon wrath directly solved Hei Ruga.

"Bite the land shark, such a rare Pokémon, it should be mine, everyone, give me an attack."

The members of the Fire Rock team present all released their own Pokémon, King Nido, Forked Bat, Fire Monkey, Large-billed Finch, Flame Horse, Flying Mantis, and Bada Butterfly.

Looking at so many Pokémon, Xiaoxia said worriedly: "What to do, let's find a way to run first." Xiaoxia broke out in a cold sweat.

Xiao Gang also said: "It's better for us to retreat first and then make plans." "

Haha want to run, how is it possible, since you know the secret of our Fire Rock team, all of you have to die here today, today is your time to die." Qingli said with a sinister smile.

"I think today is your time to die." Su Qi said seriously.