
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 9

After Su Qi finished speaking, he released Charizard and the giant golden monster.

"Bite the land shark, use the Dragon's Breath, Charizard Dragon Big Word Explosion, Giant Golden Monster, Destroy the Death Light." The three attacks crashed into the body of the Fire Rock team, setting off a huge explosion.

The Fire Rock team even brought Pokémon down.

The three of Ash closed their mouths in shock, is this really the power that a newcomer trainer who has just debuted can have.

Seeing the shocked gazes of Xiao Zhi and the three, Su Qi saw it and said: "Haha, Ji Fu Don't Six, call the police quickly, and leave the rest to Miss Junsha." Su Qi took back the Pokémon.

"What do you mean?" Ash tilted his head and wondered.

After a while, many police officers arrived, and they were so happy to see so many criminals.

Miss Junsha came over and saw Su Qi and said, "It's you, thank you very much, you are really a good young man who sees righteousness and courage." "

This Miss Junsha is the one I met at the Pokémon Center in Nibi City.

Su Qi scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "It's okay, this is what we should do."

Heehee, Miss Junsha said with a silver bell-like smile: "In short, I still have to thank you, without your help, I don't know how long this gang of criminals will be at large." I will apply to the Alliance for a reward for you. "

Beautiful young lady, can you date with the little student." Xiao Gang's boyish heart broke out again, knelt down on one knee, and took Miss Junsha's hand.

Jun Sha was a little confused by this sudden scene, but it was thanks to Xiaoxia.

"Okay, okay, don't look at the occasion," he said, grabbing Xiao Gang's ears and walking to the side.

"No, Miss Junsha, I will wait for you, my heart will always belong to you, Miss Junsha," came Xiao Gang's voice.

But no one bothered him anymore, "Okay, don't pay attention to him, he may have a problem in his head," Su Qi said.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong, we will withdraw first, collect the team," a large number of police personnel escorted the personnel of the Fire Rock team out.

After Miss Junsha left.

"Pi, Pippi," Pippi under Ash's feet jumped out at this moment, picked up his small short hand and gestured at everyone, constantly pointing in one direction.

"You mean let's follow you," Su Qi said.

"Pi, Pippi," Pippi nodded affirmatively.

Several people followed Pippi to a rock wall, only to see Pippi perform a command skill, a strange colored circle suddenly appeared on the wall in front of him, Pippi jumped in, and everyone followed.

I saw a huge weir standing on a huge weir with a white mysterious light. Su Qi thought that it should be the huge Ultimate Moon Stone in the teleportation. It should also be a direct target for the Firerock team.

Below stood dozens of pipis, as well as an aging Picosi.

I saw Xiaoxia full of little stars and said: "Wow, there are so many pippi, it's really cute, people like it so much."

"Thank you for your help, so that we can avoid a difficult situation." Suddenly the old Picosi spoke.

"This Picosi can talk," Ash said excitedly.

In the anime, Tsukimi-san does have a talking Picosi, presumably the one in front of you.

"It's okay, protecting Pokémon is originally the responsibility of our trainers, you're welcome." Su Qi said.

"In any case, you helped my race and were our benefactors," Picosi said and waved his hand, and four moon stones broke away from the huge moon stones and flew into our hands.

The piece in Su Qi's hand was the largest. This is the moon stone, looking at the moon stone that radiates light, Su Qi sighs at the magic of the power of nature.

"But how do you use the Moon Stone," Ash asked puzzled.

"The Moon Stone can help Pokémon evolve, for example, the Pippi in front of you can evolve into Picosi under the action of the Moon Stone. Su Qi explained for Ash.

"So it is. Xiao Zhi suddenly realized, "Su Qi, you know a lot."

Su Qi thought to himself, isn't this nonsense, Pokémon, I have been chasing for more than ten years, of course, these common senses are understood.

"Give you the Moon Stone as my thank-you gift." Patriarch Picosi said.

"Patriarch Pikosi, I want to ask what happened to Pipi's command skills just now," Su Qi asked puzzled.

"That's to prevent the Moon Stone from being exposed to the world and snatched away by some ill-intentioned people, and I used my superpowers to create this isolation space that people can't find. But I still don't know who spread the news here, and more and more people come here to look for the Moon Stone. Patriarch Picosi replied.

"So that's the case, no wonder no one has found this place for so many years." This also explained the doubts in Su Qi's heart.

"Soon the evolutionary ritual of my clan is coming," Patriarch Picosi said.

"Evolutionary ritual? What evolutionary ritual?" Ash couldn't help but wonder,

"The evolutionary ritual is the ritual in which my clan evolves from Pippi to Picosi." Patriarch Picosi said.

I saw that dozens of Pippi held hands and danced a mysterious dance together, and the light of the moon stone was also getting bigger and bigger, illuminating the entire space, and one by one the fart leaked the light of evolution, and the prickly people couldn't open their eyes.

Evolution is over, and all Pippi have evolved into Picosi.

Su Qi sighed: "It's amazing, and there is such an evolutionary way," although the animation has seen such a magical scene, but there is still an indescribable admiration when seen in reality.

After the ceremony, Su Qi and his party also bid farewell to the Pikosi family and walked out of the Moon Mountain.

Everyone came to Road 2, and Ash sent an invitation to Su Qi and said, "Su Qi join us, let's travel together, and become stronger together," Ash looked at Su Qi with firm eyes.

"Forget it, I like a trip, I keep growing in travel, and I'm not used to having a companion to join." Su Qi declined Ash's invitation.

Seeing that Su Qi refused his invitation, Xiao Zhi also ignited his fighting spirit and said: "Okay, but I will also cheer, next time we come to fight, I must defeat you."

Su Qi smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you." But then again, how did you challenge the success of the Nibi Dojo.

Xiao Zhi touched his nose with his hand and said proudly: "Of course, it was overcome by my strength, you asked Xiao Gang."

Xiao Gang cut and said, "That's because you are pitiful, so I released the water, and used Pikachu to fight in my rock gym, so you can come up with it."

Hearing this, Su Qi couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that Xiaozhi, the master of reverse attributes, was still as reckless as in the anime.

When we got to the intersection, everyone was going to separate.

"Goodbye everyone," Su Qi said goodbye and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

"Goodbye, Su Qi," looking at Su Qi's fading back, Ash's heart lit up with a raging battle flame.

"Pikachu, come to special training, and become strong together."

"Pika, Pi." Pikachu also looked at Ash firmly, looking forward to the next meeting.