
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7

Early the next morning, Su Qi put on his clothes, washed up, walked out of the room, and bumped into Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia who came head-on, the three greeted each other and came to the restaurant to eat together, Su Qi released his Pokémon and bought them Pokémon food.

I have to say that the powerful elf also has a large amount of rice, enough to spend Su Qi three thousand alliance coins, really can't afford to support ah, fortunately relying on himself to have a cheap grandfather, Dr. Ohki's last lack is money, every year the alliance sends hundreds of millions of research funds, and there are a lot of bonuses for publishing Pokémon research papers, otherwise Su Qi will definitely be eaten poor.

After eating, Su Qi and Xiaozhi Xiaoxia said goodbye and continued their journey.

Came to a dense forest, the surrounding quiet, a little gloomy, only some Zerg Pokémon distributed on the trees.

Su Qi released the fierce bite land shark to accompany him, definitely not because he was afraid, but just thought about it.

After walking for an hour, looking at the forest walking back to the origin in front of him, Su Qi, the road idiot, collapsed, Su Qi took out the map book and looked at it, the guide only showed the location, and the specific place name, but there was no specific road map.

Looking around, the forest in front of me could not see the end at a glance. It seems that today you can only spend the night here.

At night, Su Qi took out his sleeping bag and found a clean open space, found a bunch of dry branches, and released a fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, a scaled-down version of the jet flame," Su Qi said.

I saw Charizard open its mouth and spit out a small flame, which instantly burned the branches.

At night, Su Qi looked at the stars in the night sky in front of him, and Su Qi began to think back to the four years he had come to Pokémon, Dr. Ohki, Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi, and so on.

"Bite the land shark, Charizard, let's come to the special training tomorrow, towards your goal, come on," Su Qi's sudden words startled the two Pokémon next to him.

"Shark", "Woo-ah", Su Qi's two Pokémon roared up to the sky, quite combative.

After resting for one night, the next morning, Su Qi got up early.

The morning air is good, Su Qi greedily smelled the grass and trees in the air, how could there be such fresh air in the world of the previous life.

Simply picked some tree fruits, filled the stomach, I have to say, the role of these fruits is really not small, not only useful for Pokémon, but also the effect on the human body, Su Qi ate a few blue orange fruits, and felt very full.

Su Qifang took out a few Pokéballs.

"Everyone come out."

Charizard, Giant Rock Snake, Fierce Shark, Electroshock Warcraft, Giant Golden Monster, Tyrannosaurus, and Hakron appeared in the clearing.

The huge bodies of several Pokémon instantly occupied the clearing in the forest.

Su Qi looked at the Pokémon in front of him with an indescribable sense of pride.

"Bite the land shark, you fight against Charizard, Charizard your strength and defense are good, but the skill power is not enough, follow the Bite Land Shark to learn hard," Su Qi assigned each other's training methods.

The quality of the Pokémon drawn by the system is good, and all aspects of material attack, melee combat, and defense are all king-level.

"Tyrannosaurus, you fight against Hakron, pay attention to your physical strength and attack speed, the Tyrannosaurus is limited by its body shape and its speed is not fast enough."

When he was in the Kosna River, Su Qi saw its weak point when he fought against the fierce bite land shark, so that he could not even avoid the splitting of the fierce bite land shark in the water.

"You guys practice well."

The Tyrannosaurus hissed, then turned around and went to fight Hakron.

"Electric shock Warcraft, you use 100,000 volts to attack the big rock snake and the giant golden monster, the giant golden monster you are a steel attribute, to improve your ability to resist electric shock, electric shock Warcraft You have to train your electric attribute moves, the big rock snake is not afraid of electric attribute attacks, you have to let the big rock snake be harmed."

"Okay, everyone start training, the big rock snake, you will work harder," Su Qi said embarrassedly as he looked at the big rock snake with a resentful face.

(The big rock snake thinks, you are high, use me as a meat shield, young man, I advise you to be kind, rat tail juice.)

Everyone went to training, and Su Qi took out the eggs drawn by the system, and I don't know when they will hatch.

Look at the blue-green egg in front of you, and see if the color is Leo Lu or Yukira. However, both Pokémon are quasi-gods, and no matter which Su Qi is, they are happy.

"Eggs, eggs, you hatch quickly," Su Qi said as he looked at the egg in front of him and stroked.

As if hearing Su Qi's words, the Pokémon egg in front of him shook slightly, and did not move again.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed, and the egg in front of Su Qi disappeared out of thin air.

Su Qi was stunned, suddenly reacted, and shouted loudly: "Egg thief, put it down for me." Everyone

heard Su Qi's voice and hurriedly rushed over, the black shadow had disappeared, according to Su Qi's judgment, it should be a flying Pokémon, so fast.

Everyone went to find it separately, and Charizard and I came.

In this way, six pets and one person, scattered to find the egg thief.

"Charizard, you fly up to see if there is any trace of it."


Charizard heard this and began to fly into the air to look around.

Several other Pokémon also began to look for them in the surrounding woods.

Suddenly, air cuts attacked Charizard in the sky, and Charizard ate pain and howled in pain.

"Charizard, are you all right," Su Qi shouted worriedly.

"Woo-huh," Charizard responded to Su Qi, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing that a huge bijordon appeared in front of him, seeing that his figure was larger than the ordinary bijao, his eyes were sharper, and the most important thing was that it was still a shining Pokémon, purple, and the feathers on his head were golden yellow, making it more domineering.

It turned out to be a bijol.

"Bi Diao handed over my Pokémon eggs," Su Qi stared angrily at Bi Diao in front of him.

Bi Diao did not respond to Su Qi, and directly attacked Su Qi with a fierce storm.

"Charizard, we also use Storm."

Charizard flapped its wings and blew a gust of wind, and the attacks of the two collided, stalemated for a few seconds, and it was obvious that Charizard was superior. The eagle was blown down and fell to the ground.

The eagle that fell to the ground suddenly flew up, and several air cuts crashed into the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, use a large character explosion."

A huge flame in large letters collided with the air cut, stirring up a puff of smoke.

"Charizard, right now, uses megaton boxing."

I saw that Charizard's right claw emitted a bright light, hit the body of the eagle, and flew it out, and the eagle crashed into the tree behind him, smashing the tree out of a crack, and the eagle supported its wings and insisted on climbing up.

Su Qi looked at the Bidiao in front of him, and he couldn't help but have the desire to subdue in his heart, who wouldn't want such a strong flash Pokémon.

"Bijon, why did you steal my Pokémon eggs." Su Qi asked.

Although Biao stood up, it was full of scars and was unable to fight, looking at the Pokémon trainer in front of him, it weakly lowered its head, fell to the ground, and lost its ability to fight.

Su Qi hurriedly ran forward and took out the healing spray and potion from his backpack and gave it a dose.

Hearing the sound of battle just now, the fierce biting land sharks also rushed over. Looking at the eagle in front of him, he knew that it was an egg thief.

After a while, Bidiao slowly woke up, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the six pets in front of him, looked at himself, quickly retreated, and crashed into the tree behind him.

"Bidiao, why did you steal my Pokémon egg, where did you put the egg," Su Qi questioned as soon as he woke up.

Looking at the man in front of him as if there was no danger, Biao gestured his wings, and Su Qi probably understood the meaning after a while.

It turned out that Su Qi and they broke into the territory of Bidiao, and this Bidiao heard Su Qi's battle sounds, quarreled until he slept, and flew over in anger, but when he saw that these Pokémon were not easy to mess with, he saw the egg in front of Su Qi and stole the egg in revenge.

Listening to its explanation, Su Qi was also a little embarrassed, after all, he was wrong first, and Su Qi apologized to Bidiao.

"I'm sorry, we don't know that this is your territory, the so-called don't fight and don't know each other, can you return the egg to us now?"

Biao nodded, spread his wings and flew into the distance. After a while, he took back the egg and returned it to Su Qi.

"Thank you. Bidiao, it's better for you to travel with us and become stronger together," Su Qi took out the words of Xiaozhibai in the anime, and looked at Bidiao with a sincere face.

"Bi," Bi Qiao looked at the man in front of him.

Agreed, Su Qi's face showed a hint of joy, sure enough, Zhiye's words were useful.

I saw Su Qi take out the Pokémon Ball, and Bidiao lightly touched his head, and a burst of red light took Bidiao in, shook it twice, and stopped shaking.

"Yay, subdued the biao."

Everyone was also happy for Su Qi and howled.

Su Qi released Bidiao, saying that you are familiar with this forest, take us out.

"Bi,," Bi Diao spun around in the air and flew in one direction, Su Qi took back the Pokémon and quickly ran forward.