
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 6

"Su Qi is really you," Ash ran towards Su Qi, followed by a beautiful girl with orange hair, and next to her pulled a scorched black bicycle that was electrified. Seeing this, Su Qi thought that this should be Xiaoxia.

To be honest, Xiaoxia does look good, that is, the bear is a little smaller, with a pair of long legs, and is simply a straight male killer.

"Ash, you are also coming to Nibi City, are you preparing to challenge the Taoist Hall?" asked Su Qi.

"Dojo, what dojo, I don't know," Ash asked with a puzzled look.

Su Qi really didn't expect Ash's IQ to be so low, and explained to him that if you want to participate in the alliance conference, you must collect the badge of the Eighth Avenue Pavilion recognized by the alliance, so that you can be qualified to challenge the Pokémon Alliance conference, and Nibi City is the location of the gray badge.

"So that's the case, I didn't know it before, I thought that as long as I accepted Pokémon, I could directly participate in the Alliance Conference."

Su Qi was completely defeated by Ash's brainless behavior, and quickly changed the topic to ask what Ash was doing.

Ash explained that his Pikachu was seriously injured and came to the Pokémon Center in Nibi City to heal his injuries, because Pikachu's 100,000 volts accidentally damaged Xiaoxia's bicycle, and Xiaoxia pestered Ash and asked Ash to pay for her bicycle. But Ash has no money, and now Xiaoxia is with Ash.

I haven't introduced you yet, "This is Xiaoxia."

"Xiaoxia, this is Su Qi, a very powerful Pokémon trainer."

"Hello," the two greeted each other.

Then Xiaoxia said: "But don't think about it, don't pay my bicycle, I will always follow you." "

Okay, okay," Su Qi couldn't stand it, interrupted their exchange, and directly took out the booklet to transfer the alliance coins needed for the bicycle to Xiaoxia's book.

At this time, Xiaoxia was a little embarrassed and said: "This is not something you broke, you don't need to compensate."

Su Qi smiled and said: "It's okay, Xiaozhi and I went out to travel in a place, his business is my business, take it."

"Su Qi, thank you so much," Ash was moved to cry, took my hand and was about to wipe my tears, looking at the face stained with snot, Su Qi withdrew his hand in disgust and said: "Just after I challenged the Nibi Dojo, I want to go to the Pokémon Center, let's go along the way." "

The three arrive at the Pokémon Center, and Miss Joy is still as beautiful as in the anime.

"Miss Joy, please help me recover the Pokémon, thank you."

"Yes, trainer." Miss Joy smiled and said, no wonder Xiao Gang is so obsessed with Joey, who can not love such a beauty.

"Miss Joy, is my Pikachu cured?" Su Qi Xiaozhi asked.

"Healed, but you have to take good care of your Pokémon, it's too badly injured." Miss Joy said with some reproach.

"Yes, blame me for not taking good care of Pikachu." Ash also showed a look of guilt on his face.

Miss Joy brought Pikachu over.

"Pikachu," Ash hugged it worriedly.

"Pika, Pikachu," Pikachu slowly opened his eyes, and now Pikachu gradually began to accept this trainer from his heart because Ash sacrificed his body to help it resist the attack of the flaming finch.

This is the skin god, Su Qi looked at it, yellow appearance, Z-shaped tail, two electrical signs on the left and right sides of the face. The little yellow mouse who defeated the first-level god had to envy our little ash.

"Pikachu, this is Su Qi, and he is also a trainer who came out of Zhenxin Town with me."

"Pika," Pikachu turned his cute little head and looked at the teenager in front of him, Pikachu still had a good impression of people who came out of a place with his trainer.

"Hello, Pikachu," Su Qi said. After speaking, he stretched out a hand and touched Pikachu's little head.

At this moment, Miss Joy came over and said, "Mr. Suqi, your Pokémon have been restored.

Su Qi took back the Pokéball of Hakron and Big Rock Serpent and thanked him.

Turning around and Ash, they said, "It's not early, let's live in the Pokémon Center today." Well

, Ash and Kasumi replied.

Just as the three were about to open the room to Miss Joy, a booming explosion came from overhead, and I saw a man and a woman, and a meow, standing on a huge hot air balloon.

Ash asked angrily, who are you?

Musashi: Since you sincerely asked

Kojiro: We will tell you Musashi with compassion

: In order to prevent the world from being destroyed

, Kojiro: To protect the peace of the world

, Musashi: Love and true evil, Kojiro

: Cute and charming villain

Musashi: Musashi

, Kojiro: Kojiro,

Musashi: We are traveling through the galaxy.

Team Rocket Kojiro: White hole White tomorrow is waiting for us

Meow: That's it Meow ~ ~

Team Rocket, you are the infamous Team Rocket, Xiaoxia said with a serious face.

"Little ghost, dare to say that our rocket team is notorious" Musashi said angrily, and Kojiro asked him to see how good we are, "Go ahead Aber, double egg gas, and snatch all their Pokémon." "

Grab our Pokémon and think beautiful. Su Qi threw out the Pokéball, "Bite the land shark, dragon fury." "

Bite the land shark, what a rare Pokémon, Kojiro's eyes are straight.

Double Egg Gas uses mud bombs, and Arbor uses poison needles. The result was that there was no battle ability at all, and he was beaten by Su Qi's fierce bite by the land shark and the wrath of the dragon.

"Such a powerful Pokémon, it must be our rocket team meow," Meow shouted excitedly, and then operated the button to release the mechanical arm, wanting to catch the fierce bite land shark.

"The fierce bite land shark jumps up to avoid and uses air to cut.

"Pikachu, you are also on, one hundred thousand volts." Xiaoxia also released the Pokémon, "Jewel Starfish, use Jewel Light," and the three attacks directly shattered Team Rocket's robotic arm.

"Ah," the three of Team Rocket suddenly felt bad, ready to run, don't let them Xiaoxia shout, Pikachu 100,000 volts, fierce bite land shark dragon god dive, Xiao Zhi and Su Qi ordered.

A huge explosion came, kicking up a huge amount of dust, and the rocket team disappeared into the air with the explosion, turning into three dazzling meteors and disappearing into the air, leaving only a nasty feeling.

Are you all right, Miss Joy quickly ran over and asked: I have informed Miss Junsha, and they will handle the rest.

"We're fine, it seems that we can only find a hotel to stay in today."

After a while, Miss Junsha from Nibi City arrived, asked Su Qi and the three, simply made a note, and thanked them for their shot, otherwise the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center would be snatched today, and said to apply to the Alliance to give them a reward.

After dealing with the Pokémon Center, the three people walked out, found a hotel, opened three rooms, and prepared to rest.

Su Qi, who came to the room, called Dr. Ohki and told him that he had received the dojo badge of Nibi City. But he never thought that Dr. Ohki told him that Xiao Mao had called two days ago, got the gray badge, and now he was heading for Hualan City.

Alas, I blame myself for being obsessed with this road, otherwise I should have set off to Hualan City now, briefly communicated with Dr. Ohki, hung up the phone, and Su Qi took a hot bath and prepared to sleep.

A dreamless night.