
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 101

It is the alliance people who maintain the order of the assembly.

The audience at the scene looked at the alliance people who suddenly appeared, and immediately did not panic, because everyone believed that the alliance's heavenly kings would protect everyone.

King Kikuko carries the coffin of death, King Wataru carries the fast dragon, King Shiba's Iron Palm Lux, and President Maranch carries a thunder chu.

"What are you who dare to make trouble here," the Maranch elder scolded angrily.

On the airship, a fat man said: "Dead old man, you also deserve to know who we are!"

His words provoked laughter from the other men in black.

President Maranch looked at the dead fat man in front of him who did not put himself in his eyes, and a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

"Raichu, use 100,000 volts."

"A little thunder chu, sonic dragon." The fat man threw a Pokéball and said.


I saw the sonic dragon flying towards Lei Chu with a blood basin and a big mouth, the sonic dragon was extremely fast, and it fell from a high place to make it difficult for Lei Chu's attack to hit.

The fat man looked at the old man in front of him and Lei Qiu with a disdainful look.


Raichu was also angry, this person actually dared to scold his trainer, it was really unforgivable.

A huge current gathered on Lei Chu's body, and the dangling current continued to surge on Lei Chu's body.

"Lei Chu"

With Lei Chu's roar, the body of the 100,000-volt heavy Lei Chu directly gushed out, and went straight towards the flying sonic dragon.

The sonic dragon was hit by 100,000 volts, and let out a miserable scream, and a lot of black smoke suddenly came out of his body, and the protective hair on his neck was scorched.

"What, the sonic dragon I just received, this time the doctor won't slice me and study it," the fat man said as he looked at the sonic dragon that was injured and fell to the ground in front of him.

Then he turned around again, "Captain help, help me, who knew this old man was so powerful."

Yumeng couldn't watch her team members being sliced, she took out the Pokéball.

"Go, Bloodwinged Wyvern."

The blood-winged wyvern spread its wings, blood-red flesh wings, blue skin, four distinct horned wings on its head, and sharp teeth as tough as a steel ruler.

"The Bloodwinged Wyvern uses the Dragon God to dive."


The blood-winged wyvern roared and accelerated sharply, only to see that the body of the blood-winged wyvern revealed blue energy fluctuations, and the speed of the fastening falling blood-winged wyvern became faster, and the blue energy was wrapped, and even its appearance was a little distorted.

The blue energy condensed into a dragon-shaped body, leaving a blue energy fluctuation where it flew, like a dragon winding by.

"Raichu, use the Volt attack." President Maranch said.

"Raichu" Raichu

ran, faster and faster, and the slightest electric current began to spread continuously on his body.

Gradually, the current condensed more and more, and finally Lei Chu was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and the bright yellow current, with Lei Chu's running, the overflowing current fell to the ground, scorching the surrounding land a lot.

It is enough to see the power of the volt attack.

Two figures, one blue and one yellow, collided, and the surroundings instantly became bright, and the dazzling light spread to everyone, shaking everyone's eyes.

An explosion sounded along with bright lights, and thick smoke filled the audience.

In the smoke, the blood-winged wyvern flew up and let out a roar.

President Maranch saw the Bloodwing Wyvern flying and knew that Raichu must have lost.

Sure enough, the smoke cleared, and Raichu had lost his ability to fight.

"Raichu, you worked hard," Maranch said as he picked Raichu up.

"Maranch will leave it to us next, you step back, and the wife should also make a move," King Kikuko said with a smile.

The wrinkled skin on his face wrinkled together with the smile, showing a terrifying threat.

It is also because of the long-term use of ghost Pokémon, which makes Kikuko Tenwang look even more gloomy, making people afraid when they see it.

"Death Coffin, use the juggling space." Kikuko Tenwang said.

The eyes of the Grim Reaper Coffin turned red, and in an instant, a red square space surrounded the Bloodwing Wyvern.

The Blood-winged Wyvern looked at the red confined space around it and tried to break through the trick space several times, but to no avail.

While they were fighting here, our protagonists Su Qi and Daiochisis came to the back of the airship under the cover of the broken ground below.

Deochisis uses the destruction death light against the mechanical chains.

Daiochisis condensed energy, and a bright yellow energy shot out from the crystal aura on his chest, smashing all several robotic arms, and the explosion sounded, revealing the parts and wires inside.

Several people who were fighting suddenly heard the voice behind them, and they looked back in unison.

"Damn little ghost, I actually rescued that divine beast," Yumeng said through gritted teeth.

"Well done, Su Qi," King Du Tianwang said as he looked at Su Qi.

Then they can let go and fight.

"Fast Dragon Destroys Death Light."

"Iron Palm Lux slammed into the body."


Looking at the two Heavenly King-level Pokémon, Yumeng did not dare to underestimate and said: "You all go up, take them down."


All the men in black took out the Pokémon and released them.

"Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, Million Ton Boxing

," "Ice Ghost Protector, using frozen rays," "

Gotha duck, water cannon."


Dozens of energy streams collided on both sides, setting off a violent explosion, a mushroom cloud rising into the sky, and the defensive shield on the sidelines activated to block this wave of attacks.

The smoke cleared.

A large number of Pokémon appeared on the ground, all of them lost their ability to fight.

Only King Wataru's fast dragon, Kikuko Tenno's death coffin, and Alliance Senior Prosecutor Doro's Sulip still have combat capabilities.

Master Shiba's Iron Palm Warrior loses his combat ability due to his use of melee attacks.

All the Pokémon on the opposite side, including the Bloodwing Wyvern, have all lost their ability to fight.

"Grab it with your hands tied," said King Dutian.

"Captain, what should we do," the fat man said.

"Don't panic, the doctor's first-level experiment can come in handy, go for Super Tyrannosaurus."

From the air, a Pokémon landed on the ground, making the already collapsed ground even more irregular.

Su Qi could see at a glance that something was wrong with this super tyrannosaurus, not having the aura of a normal Pokémon, but like a killing machine, it exuded a tyrannical aura.

And the main thing is that its eyes are still red.

They also saw that this super tyrannosaurus was unusual and told their Pokémon to be careful.

"Super Tyrannosaurus let them see your power, go ahead and use Earthquake."

The Super Tyrannosaurus roared, but didn't listen to anything at all, and ran towards the fast dragon, using the horn drill.

"Damn, how disobedient at all." Yumeng clenched his fists and said.