
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 100

"I am very optimistic about this child Su Qi," King Juzi said appreciatively.

"Huh? It seems that this teenager is not simple to get the praise of Kikuko's senior," President Maranch said in amazement.

"You don't know, he defeated Gurado on Red Lotus Island and saved the entire Kanto region," King Kikuko said slowly.

"It's him! Sure enough, a hero out of a young man, extraordinary.

In an instant, Ma Lanqi's eyes felt different when he looked at Su Qi.

He was also curious about how this young man should face Sidolanen, a divine beast with super high defense.

Su Qi, who was standing at the venue, took out a Pokéball from his waist and said, "Go, it's up to you next, Daiochisis." "

Daiochisis switched attack form and floated on the field, his body was mainly orange-red, his face was blue-green, and his back had three blue-green dots. The face has a purple stripe running through it, and the chest cavity has a crystalline trachea.

Its rectangular black eye sockets have white round eyes, and the crystallized facial patterns and organs are also purple.

Deochisis looked at Sidoran, who was standing opposite, with a look of disdain in his eyes. The eyes became more

as if he felt the dangerous aura on Deochis, and Sidoran's sharp eyes stared at Deochis, and the two sides were tense, and the battle was about to break out.

However, Su Qi's Daiochisis shocked President Maranch and King Kikuko who were far away in the viewing room.

"Kikuko-senpai, is that the legendary Pokémon Daiochisis from the universe," President Maranch's voice was excited, and even the words were trembling.

Kikuko Heavenly King's cloudy eyes suddenly cleared, and I saw that Juzi's eyes widened, and his face was also incredible.

"It should be," Kikuko said.

After all, she hadn't seen the real thing, but had only seen this legendary Pokémon in the ancient books of the Alliance.

The audience looked at the strange Pokémon in front of them and began to talk about it.

"What kind of Pokémon is this, it won't be a mythical beast."

"I don't know, but it's such a handsome Pokémon, I love it."


Many viewers took out the booklet to check it, but the booklet said that there was no data.

The referee on the scene was also confused, and the Pokémon taken out by both sides did not know themselves, isn't it difficult for me?

Seeing this, Su Qi explained to the audience and said: "This is a legendary Pokémon from the universe, Daiochisis. "

Boom, boom~"

Su Qi's words made the audience instantly boil, it turned out to be another divine beast, are you going to see the divine beast duel today?

In the face of today's battle, the conference temporarily added many cameras to broadcast today's battle scene without dead ends.

Ah Hong looked at the legendary Pokémon that appeared in front of him, and a sense of pressure also came.

"Daiochisis, use mental pressure."

Several tentacles of Daiochisis condensed, and an invisible wave of pressure light shot towards Sidoran.

Sidolan was forced back several steps by this invisible pressure, and a scratch was rubbed on the ground.

As the exclusive skill of Daiochisis, mental pressure can be described as an excellent skill to break through the super high defense of Sidoran.

Especially in the attack state, Daiochisis has increased its attack power several times.

Sidorann could only hold on hard, and there was no resistance.

"Sidorann uses burrowing," Ah Hong said.

Forcing a divine beast to dig a hole and escape, this is also no one.

"Sidorann uses earthquakes." Ah Hong said.

As soon as the words fell, the ground began to fall on a large scale.

Su Qi did not panic at all.

"Daiochisis flies and uses cosmic power on the ground."

Daiochisis flew into the air, four tentacles condensed energy in front of the halo on the chest, the aura on the chest of Daiochisis emitted green strange energy, and Su Qi stood far away to feel the power of that energy, which was really terrifying.

"Is this the power from the universe, Deochisis is such an incredible Pokémon." Su Qi said in shock.

The energy condensation became stronger and stronger, and the green light shone on the whole scene, which was extremely dazzling.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but close their eyes.

A green ball of energy smashed towards the ground.

A violent explosion sounded, black smoke and mushroom clouds rose in the sky, and the sound wave of the explosion set off a huge storm.

The red shield of the conference venue automatically triggered, blocking this residual power.

This energy was so amazing that the entire grass field was completely lost.

On the surrounding walls, huge cracks appeared, this was a high-density alloy, twice as strong as diamond, and even he could hardly block the aftermath attack of Daiochisis.

You can imagine how big this attack was.

The consumption of Daiochisis is also not small, and it has switched back to its normal form.

Su Qi used the power of the waveguide to block the impact of the aftermath, but he also took more than a dozen steps back, and by the way, he also saved Ah Hong, otherwise the energy just now was enough to take it away.

Su Qi withdrew the energy shield and looked at the collapsed site, and at this moment, everyone's eyes were on Sidolanen under the deep pit in front of him.

Under such a powerful attack, Sidolan can rely on its incomparable defensive power to block it.

In the air, Deochis's gaze was also fixed on the collapsed ground.

Suddenly, a white energy rushed out from under the ground and hit Deochis, and Deochis's pupils dilated, and he urgently switched his defensive form and used to hold.

The energy hit the shield where Theochisis went, and the energy scattered, and a tiny crack on the shield gradually appeared.

The crack continued to expand, and after a while, it could not be supported, and the shield shattered instantly.

The energy hit Deochis, the energy at this time has weakened a lot, in the defensive form of Deiochisis, the damage of the cannon light cannon to Deochisis is already very small.

Sidoran's body crawled out of the ruins, but he was already at the end of the crossbow, and his body faltered and fell.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 3000 combat points.

"Sidolanen lost the ability to fight, so the winner of this match is Su Qi, let's congratulate Su Qi player for advancing to the quarterfinals."

The audience boiled and congratulated Su Qi.

"Sidoran," Ah Hong shouted worriedly.

However, since all the grounds had collapsed, he had to prepare to take back Sidorann first.

When Ah Hong was about to take back Sidolan, suddenly four black mechanical chains in the sky bound Sidolan and prepared to take it away.

"What kind of person," Su Qi looked up.

I saw Yumeng sitting on the airship balloon with someone, and the mechanical arm below was about to prepare to take Sidorann away.

Everyone present was also shocked, what kind of person is this person who dares to openly steal other people's Pokémon in the competition field of the conference.

This is simply a serious provocation to the Union.

I saw several figures around the venue quickly approaching the enemy in the air.