
Pokémon Become a Pokémon Master

[Shuangwen, Not the Virgin, Powerful Pokémon] Su Qi, a boy in the second grade. I have always imagined traveling through the world of Pokémon, conquering Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon master. One day, when Su Qi woke up, he found that he had really traveled to the world of Pokémon, and was born in Zhenxin Town. The awakening lottery system and various powerful Pokémon accompanied Su Qi on adventures. Su Qi who awakened the power of Bird looked at himself, is this Bird, cool! Gyarados, fire-breathing. Koga ninja frog, water shuriken. Why is this man so powerful, so handsome. This is the beginning of an adventurous journey.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 102

"The fast dragon uses its dragon claws to block it," King Dutian said.

The Super Tyrannosaurus did not dodge in the slightest, rushing straight towards the fast dragon, the super Tyrannosaurus roared loudly, the horn drill collided with the dragon claw of the fast dragon, and the two sides were deadlocked.

Gradually, a bead of sweat appeared on the face of the fast dragon, which seemed to be very consuming, but the super tyrannosaurus continued to attack the fast dragon without going forward.

Scarlet's eyes were filled with tyranny.

Seeing that Kuailong couldn't hold it a little, Su Qi hurriedly said: "Daiochisis, use the cosmic virus." "

The cosmic virus can be said to be a big killing move of Daioqisis, because of the extremely destructive power, so Su Qi did not use it during the game, but now there is no need to leave a hand for the enemy, directly amplify the move.

It's done!

I saw a dazzling dark purple light emanating from the crystal aura on Daiochisis's chest, constantly increasing and expanding, and an inexplicable energy emerged.

Deochisis switched attack forms, four tentacles, condensed on the chest, and a dark purple light enveloped Deochis's whole body.

The energy shot out, and the super tyrannosaurus was smashed into the wall of the venue without the slightest room for resistance, and a super tyrannosaurus figure was printed on the high-density alloy, which shows the strong impact and destructive power.

The shock wave from the cosmic virus caused smoke to fill half of the venue.

Everyone choked and coughed.

The smoke cleared, and the dark purple energy remained on the body of the super tyrannosaurus, which could not be dispersed for a long time.

The cosmic virus has powerful energy to corrode and change the DNA of living things, and this super tyrannosaurus is considered wasted.

"Quick! Fall back. Yumeng said loudly.

The man in black under his hand hurriedly wanted to control the airship to leave, this time it was too failed, this teenager actually has such a powerful Pokémon in his hands, he must go back and tell the doctor, Yumeng thought to himself.

Su Qi saw that they wanted to escape, and his right hand condensed the power of the waveguide and slashed towards the sky, and a blue energy cut straight through the airship.

An explosion sounded.

"The captain's airship was attacked, the power system was damaged, and the airship couldn't move," said the person operating the airship.

"Damn," Yumeng's face showed a hint of anger, and his right hand slammed hard on the island, and even the two balls were up and down.

King Juzi Tianwang watched Su Qi stop the airship of this group, so he immediately ordered his subordinates and said: "Go, catch them, don't let them run."


The people of the Alliance sat on the flying Pokémon and prepared to capture these people.

The people who watched the alliance were about to arrive on the airship, but none of the available Pokémon in their hands were gone, and the 20 or so people on the airship showed a scared look.

Yumeng is also in a hurry, and must not be caught by the people of the alliance.

Suddenly she thought of something, and an evil smile appeared on her face.

The people of the Alliance approached the airship and directly commanded the Pokémon to destroy the airship gate.

At this moment, inside a small door under the airship, Yumeng took the only helium hot flying machine on the airship and escaped.

Su Qi below, saw a blue energy under the airship, and fixed his eyes on it, it was the woman.

Su Qi directly used teleportation to catch up, but the speed of the hot vehicle was too fast, almost reaching subsonic speed, but the damage caused to the body was also huge, and if it was not done, it would kill him.

"I still let her escape, but this time it can be regarded as some gains," Su Qi said, looking at Yumeng, who flew a few kilometers away.

At this time, the remaining men in black have already been arrested.

Su Qi returned to the ground, and at this time, the Dutian King came over and said to Su Qi: "It's a pity, let that woman run, but everyone else was caught, today you are also hard, go back to rest first." "

Okay, I'll go back first, can you tell me the result of the interrogation of King Dutian," Su Qi said.

"Of course, you were originally a member of the alliance, and today you still came out with such great force, this is as it should be," King Du said.

After that, Su Qi and Xiaozhi returned to the hotel together.

And those men in black have been taken away by the police for investigation.

"Today is too thrilling," Xiaoxia patted her chest as soon as she returned to the hotel.

"But who are those men in black, who dare to openly provoke during the alliance conference, and try to snatch the contestants' Pokémon." Xiao Gang asked Su Qi.

"I don't know, the last time I dealt with them in the woods, I just felt that they were well-trained and equipped with a lot of high technology, and from their mouths I heard about a man named Dr., and they seemed to be afraid of this person." Su Qi said.

"Doctor? It seems that there are bigger secrets hidden behind these people," Xiao Gang said, touching his chin.

"Well, so we can't take it lightly, be careful with them," Su Qi said worriedly.

"Those two little guys were rescued by you from them," Xiao Xia said, looking at the two little guys in her arms.

"That's right, they were the ones I rescued from the group of men in black," Su Qi said, touching the head of the small bag dragon.

"These guys are so hateful that it's unforgivable to take such a cute Pokémon away," Xiaoxia said indignantly.

Sure enough, women have no resistance to cute creatures at all.

What worried Su Qi was the woman who fled, which gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis.

It seems that his strength is still not strong enough, and Su Qi is more determined to work hard to improve his strength in his heart.

Then everyone chatted a few more words and dispersed.

The little bag dragon and the baby bear were taken back by Xiaoxia.

There was only Su Qi left in the room, and Su Qi remembered that there was still an epic raffle ticket that was useless.

"System, conduct a lottery."

A virtual disc appeared in front of Su Qi's eyes, and as the slot machine-style joystick was pulled, the draw disc began to turn.

It ended up landing on a mega evolution stone.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Lucario Mega Evolution Stone (Companion).

This reward made Su Qi very happy, and Lucario after the evolution of the mega is the dream of many Pokémon fans.

Handsome and strong, with the power of his own waveguide, it is simply pulling the wind.

"Lucario come out," Su Qi released Lucario.

Lucario looked at Su Qi suspiciously, is it time to eat?

Su Qi handed the colored mega evolution stone to Lucario.

Lucario took it despite his doubts, because he knew that being his own trainer would definitely not harm him.

But what is this colored bead, what is the use of it?

Seeing Lucario's doubts, Su Qi said: "Lucario, this is a mega evolution stone, which allows you to evolve again and become stronger. "

Stronger, the word suddenly stimulated Lucario, as a Pokémon born for battle, Lucario cared most about fighting and constantly getting stronger.

Lucario held his own mega evolution stone, and the other held in Su Qi's hand.

"Lucario carefully feels the power of the Mega Evolution Stone," Su Qi said.

I saw that Lucario closed his eyes, and Su Qi also closed his eyes.

In an instant, the surroundings of the two fell into darkness and silence.

Lucario opened his eyes and looked at the dark space around him, only a blue figure floated in the air.

Lucario's eyes widened.

This is....

Su Qi's soul.

At this moment

, Su Qi also opened his eyes and looked at the silent space around him, and suddenly he saw Lucario's soul energy body standing in front of him.

"Lucario," Su Qi tried to exclaim.

Lucario raised his hand, and a dark blue smoke-like aura began to come out of his body, as if he was smoking, and Lucario's pupils began to turn golden yellow, exuding a terrifying aura.

Su Qi looked at the changes in Lucario in front of him, and suddenly seemed to understand that this was Lucario's fighting intent.

Su Qi smiled and said, "Lucario, let's become stronger together, okay?" "


the hands of one person sprayed each other.

Instantly, the colored energy around the two began to connect.

"Lucario, mega evolution!"