

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Elastic heart

[I've got thick skin and an elastic heart, but your blade it might be too sharp]

  "So what do I have to do to join H.U apart from the normal way?" He gave her a side glance before responding, "There is no other way, you must earn your place there." 

  "I will." She said confidently, he snorted.

  "Who do you think you are, me?" He was amused. 

    They entered a room full of food. 

  "I'll be spending my lunch here." She decided.

  He choked on his own saliva, "You can't, and before you stomp your little feet and demand why remember your place, you're a beginner so that means you can't enjoy our privileges." 

  "Then why did you bring me here?" 

  "Because you're Leo's unwanted wife." 

  "I'm not married to anyone." She waved her right hand around to show him that she had no ring. 

  "His mother gave him the ring before she went to Fu's mount." Yima stared at her hand and the ring was there. Leandre had moved it from her pocket to her ring finger. "He lost it a few months ago, did you steal it?" 

  "I'm his wife, he put it on me." She lied effortlessly.

  "Have you met him before?" He asked the same question Med had asked her. 

   "I'm pregnant, so yes, I've met him before." 

   Leandre stared at her stomach and shook his head. 

   "Eat something."He stood there watching her as she finished half of the food there. When she was done she pushed him aside and went out the door. 


   She found her nolou waiting for her, it was red from rage because she was late. 

  "What's done is done, let's hurry up so it isn't worse than it already is." She told it and it barked at her before it started moving. 

  Her second class wasn't outside, it was in a small T-shaped building, the door was closed when they reached there so she knocked twice and waited, after forever a short man with glasses opened the door and looked up at her. She had never met anyone with so much hate that it showed in their eyes. 

  "Which house?" He asked her after looking her up and down with distaste. 

  "Lintos." She said slowly, unsure of her own answer. 

  "Get in." He stepped aside and she walked in, everyone was already part of a group. She stood awkwardly in front of the class deciding which group to join. 

  "Just because you're his daughter in-law doesn't mean you get to come to my class anytime you feel like, join team three." She just stared at him in disbelief. 

  "What!?" He demanded when she didn't look away from him. She mumbled a sorry and joined the group. 

  "Since I'm the group leader-" A girl started saying and Yima interrupted her, "Since when?" 

  The girl smiled sweetly as she replied, "When we were making the groups, you came late after all." 

  Yima flashed her a fake smile.  

  "I'll choose who pairs up with who, and then you guys can decide for yourselves which day is suitable for you." Everyone nodded and continued staring at the girl like the wisest creature to ever exist. 

  "Matt and Ged, Zemnh and Frank, Sofie and Rick, Cordelia and Lottie '' She turned to Yima, acting as if she was trying to remember her name. 

  "Yima." She told her harshly. 

  "Right, you're with me."

  ''What are we supposed to do?'' Yima asked the whole group.

  ''We are expected to visit the house we were given and learn some of their fighting techniques and help our friends from that house to learn them in two days.'' The same girl replied as if it were easy.

  ''Which house were we given?'' Please not house lintos, Yima thought.

  ''House droppers.'' The boy with spiky hair said.

  ''How many droppers do we have in our group?'' The girl next to him asked, "The more the better."

  ''Two, Cordelia and I.'' The group leader replied. 

  ''Who's Cordelia?'' Yima asked as she looked at each group member, a ginger haired girl raised her hand. 

   ''With Estelle helping me, I'm sure we will win this thing.'' Cordelia said confidently, causing Estelle, the group leader to blush. 

  Everyone sat in pairs discussing when they would be able to visit house droppers. Lottie and Cordelia were going after class today. 

  "Tomorrow, after lunch?" Estelle asked Yima

  "Fine with me." 

  They continued to discuss the competition and how none of the other groups stood a chance against them. 


Lily wasn't in their room when she got there so after taking a bath, she took a dress from her wardrobe and put it on. 

  She grabbed the book that professor Mazi gave them and started reading about the Origin of the abilities. 

   It was messed up. 

   It made sense why there was this suppressed sadness and anger radiating from the walls of every building and every one who was older. 

  She closed the book and got up to get dinner, the place was almost empty. As she was leaving the building she noticed Hunter standing next to the maple tree alone, She marched towards him. 

  "I received a very rude message from one of your members."

  "I'm busy, tomorrow." 

  "You're not doing anything." Yima protested. 

  "He soon will be." A breathy voice said, it belonged to a short brunette. A tifin. 

   "I'm Beth." She placed a possessive arm around Hunter, "and you're leaving."

  Hunter didn't react or say anything. 

   "Tomorrow then." Nyima said ignoring Beth's sparky comment. Beth smirked.

   "I love your hair." Beth genuinely complimented her.

   "Thanks, I love your honesty." Hunter snorted like it was the craziest thing he's ever heard. 

  Walking back to her room, Yima admired the vermillion coloured sunset, the ones back home were less brighter than this one. 

  Back home, she and her family would sit under the only tree in their yard and tell stories while keeping the fire going. Devyn, her brother always told the same story every night, it was annoying. 

  She opened the door to their room and a random boy was seated on her bed talking to Lily. 

  "She's finally here." Lily announced. "He followed me here just to talk to you."  

  "Hi, sorry for coming so late." His voice was shaky.

  "It's fine, what did you need?" 

  "I wanted to offer up my time to help your group win, I heard about it from Cordelia, my sister." He explained.

  Lily coughed. 

  "Why are you here?," She remained standing, "I'm not the group leader. You need to talk to Estelle." 

  "Cordelia said Estelle wasn't feeling too well so I decided to come and ask her partner, you." 

  "Oh." Silence fell.

  "She'll be happy to work with the undefeated champion." Lilith said, causing Neon to blush. 

  Yima glared at her.

  "If you're going to win this you need the best teacher and Neon is the best they have, they wouldn't have been winning each year without him." Lilith told her.

  "Fine." Yima said, still awkwardly standing by the door.

  "Cordelia invited you to join her for lunch tomorrow."  Neon said and Yima asked the details and he happily told her. 


The next morning she woke up in a good mood, she rushed to class with a huge smile on her face, she couldn't wait to see Kai. 

  She was the first one to arrive and slowly as time passed people started showing up.

   Estelle didn't look sick as she walked up to Kai with a smile bigger than her own, Yima rolled her eyes.

  "Thank you so much, it means so much to me that you helped me finish my work." Estelle said cheerfully as she handed Kai a book and returned to her seat at the front. 

  Professor Mazi joined them after that. "How far have you gone with the reading?" 

  The atmosphere changed suddenly as everyone remembered the horrors that they had read, the professor noticed this and cleared her throat.

  "We never attacked anyone that we were told not to attack, we never hurt anyone we weren't supposed to. We were obedient." She began."They did to us what they feared we would do to them, and it hurt because we were never going to do that to them in the first place."

  "We're sorry that you had to go through all that." Lottie said and everyone nodded in agreement. 

  "The question for today is, who should we blame? Is it the two lovers who started the war, is it the God's who cursed us, is it the people who used us or is it us, because we failed to fight back." 

  Everyone's hand shoots up. 

  "None of you can answer this question because you were never born but the only thing you can do is avenge our people's death and suffering. "