

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chemtrails over the country club

[you won't play, you're no fun]

   "You stole his girlfriend?" Yima jokes, causing the boy to smile. 

  "I wish," he stared longingly at a girl who was sitting at the front. " I have to make all his wishes come true. He thinks I'm a genie." 

  "You're from Ty tri?" Just like Lebi, Ty tri had its own uniqueness, you can only visit the island if you are sent an invitation from its ruler. Due to the secrecy people started coming up with absurd explanations, the famous belief is that the island is magical and the ruler has magical powers that allows him to see who has been doing good. Once this person is recognised, they receive an invitation and once they are on the island they are granted three wishes to reward them for their good works. 

  This brought about development and lessened the poverty rates because everyone was doing good in hope that they would be chosen to visit Ty tri. 

  "Ya." he replied sadly. She didn't ask if the rumours were true because he wasn't going to tell her anything. 

  "I'm Yima." She said instead.



   Their professor was a woman, she introduced herself as Mrs. Mazi, she was going to teach them the history behind everything and what they needed to do with this information.

  ''This month we'll be focusing on house greens, can a green please raise their hand.'' Her bored gaze searched the room seeking a raised hand. Upon finding one she asked the person to join her at the front. 

  He was tall, probably taller than Yima and he had the same shade of brown skin like Dashiell and the twins. He had thin lips that didn't fit his face and a nose ring, but what drew her attention was his dimples which appeared whenever he made the slightest movements with his face.

  ''What's your name?'' She heard professor Mazi ask. 

  ''Kai Kavan.'' His deep voice made her knees weak, Kai, what a beautiful name for a beautiful boy she thought. 

   Kavan, the Royal family. 

  ''Can you demonstrate to the class what you can do?'' He nodded. 

  His fingertips danced around and on everyone's lap a flower appeared, Yima's flower was a deep red hupo. It was a rare flower which grew only on top of the Isolde mountains in Durt. Looking around She noticed that hers was different from the rest who each got a deely. 

  It made her feel special.

  She slowly took my ring off and put it in her pocket.

   She knew at that moment that she had chosen the future king of the land, Kai over her husband, Leo, the future king of the waters. After all, she couldn't swim. 

  ''You may take your seat.'' Once he was seated, professor Mazi continued her lesson. 

  ''Study the history of the greens and the creation of the abilities the book has two hundred and seventy pages so don't waste your free time sleeping.'' She had a pile of books in her hands. When they disappeared and appeared on each beginner's lap, Yima realized that her professor Mazi was a tifin.

  ''Originally greens weren't meant to fight, their job was to restore the earth to its natural state after an attack, the earth depends on them just like they depend on the earth, you'll all understand this more as we go on.'' Professor Mazi waited for the bird to finish its mating call before continuing, ''These days that system is over, we are all prey and to survive we need to use what we have like predators. Every house has to learn how to be good at what the other houses were born to be good at.''

  It was quiet and Yima's eyes wandered to Kai who had his eyes trained on the professor.

  ''Greens were born to heal, restore and create, Imits were born to hunt, provide and fight, Waves were born to supply, separate and balance everything, Droppers were born to be untouchable while Lintos were born to conquer, defend and kill.''

  It made more sense now but Yima couldn't help but wonder what she was doing in house lintos, she couldn't kill anything, she didn't have the guts to do it.

  ''Introduce yourselves and the house you belong to.'' 

  Yima Arcane, house lintos, She repeated in her head several times as she awaited her turn.

  ''Dashiell Mazarine, house waves.'' She was next. 

  Clearing her throat she spoke, ''Yima Arcane, house lintos.'' She was last to speak so after that everyone's attention went back to the professor.

  ''We'll continue tomorrow.'' With that she teleported to an unknown location. 

  Yima noticed people standing up getting ready to leave so she did the same. 

  She heard someone say something but couldn't hear what because she was busy staring at Kai who was talking to someone. 

  ''Did you hear me?'' She turned abruptly towards Darsheill, he was smirking down at her.

  ''You were saying?'' She asked, pretending not to be embarrassed because he caught her staring at Kai.

  ''Are you hungry?"  

  ''I'm starving.'' She said 

  "Follow me, but just so you know, you owe me." He went in the west direction and she followed behind admiring everything that they passed by, especially the students. They all looked shiny like they would break if she stared at them for too long. They looked expensive and had this 'I can own you' attitude radiating from them. 

  She wanted to be like that, to know how it felt. 

  They entered a huge rectangular building with a plain banana cream color that was crumbling with age. Luckily, the inside was completely different, on the left and right side of the walls were three huge cube-like rooms, each cube had a huge door leading inside it, each door bearing a house symbol. 

  The place was crowded but everyone's attention was drawn to the two people who were having a conversation at the front wall, It was Med and someone else who wasn't a student. 

  "That's Leandre, an H.U member." Darsheill informed her with pride, it seemed Leandre was very respected and admired. After all, he was part of the secret society that Lilith told her about. 

  People liked secrets, it unlocked their creativity when they tried to find out the truth. 

  He wasn't bad looking, he had inky shoulder length hair, she would kill for hair like that.

  Leandre caught her staring longingly at his hair and she looked away immediately, he probably thought she liked him. 

  "I'll demand payment later." Darsheill told her before he went in the house waves cube and she started towards hers. It was already crowded and as she passed by many circular tables looking for a place to sit, Lily yelled out her name while waving her hands in the air.

  Yima cringed because everyone turned to her and even though it only happened for a few seconds, she still wanted to strangle Lilith. 

  "That wasn't necessary." She whispered-shouted at Lilith.

  "I'll still do it again next time." She stated and Yima rolled her eyes and whispered insults under her breath. 

  "Here, write down what you want to eat." She took the paper forcefully from Lilith and scribbled down her favourite dish. The paper disappeared and was replaced by another dish which was similar but more advanced, a note came with it.

   ``We don't serve poor people's food here,'' it read.

  Yima took the paper and put it in her pocket, she was going to show it to Zelda later so that the people responsible would be punished.

   "House tifins is in charge of the food. That's the only thing those creepy stalkers are good for, eat up before it gets cold." Yima laughed a little before putting a spoon full of food in her mouth. 

  "This is over cooked." She complained. 

  "So?" Lily didn't understand why she was being so whiny. 

  "How do you take things back?" Yima demanded as she pushed the plate away, "I deserve something better than this." Lily just rolled her eyes.

  "I'm being serious here, I need proper food right now, I'm hungry." She had to speak with whoever was in charge to complain so that next time she could enjoy her meal properly. 

  "Have fun starving, I'm out of here." Lilith took her unfinished plate of food and dumped the contents in the bin even though she could have shared it with Yima instead. 

  Lilith marched out of the room looking back only once when someone called out to her.

  Yima stared at her food for hours before she dumped it all in the bin and walked out, she bumped into someone while she was headed towards the house tifin cube. 

  "I forgive you." She told the person before they said sorry, the person looked at her strangely and continued forward. 

  "No one's in there." She turned and Leandre was standing in front of her with his hands in his pocket, she ignored him and opened the door, he was right there wasn't a soul in there.

  "Where can I find them?" She looked at her imaginary watch.

   He smiled pitifully, "Your lunch was ruined?" He said and asked at the same time. 

  "Yes, take me to them." Her stomach growled. 

  "I don't take orders from people like you." 

  "What do you mean people like me?" She asked defensively, he turned around and she watched him walk away.

  "Are you coming or not?" She smiled as she raced to catch up with him.