

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

You and I

[We don't wanna be like them] 

  "So, who will summarise Mikl and Dana's story?" Professor Mazi asked and just like before, everyone's hands went up. 

  "Darsheill." She gestured for him to come to the front which he did without hesitation, Yima was impressed because she knew her knees would get weak and she would be stammering the whole time if she was chosen.

  "Mikl and Dana's love story starts when they were little kids, they fell in love even before they knew what love meant. After numerous love letters when they were older, they decided to link their souls together with a blood oath." He paused and even though they all knew the story they were excited to hear how he was going to tell it because coming from Darsheill's mouth, it felt like a different story, like they were hearing it for the first time. 

  "Mikl's love for Dana was as strong as the tides of the north but he still managed to break her heart by cheating on her with her sister, Fari. This angered Dana so much that she went ahead and married another man. Mikl didn't like this," Darsheill suddenly stopped, "Who the hell did Mikl think he was, If I was Dana I would have killed him and my sister." Professor Mazi and the whole class chuckled. 

  "Anyways, Mikl showed up at her wedding and asked for her forgiveness and for her to run away with him. Thankfully, Dana had a brain in her head which she knew how to use, so she denied him in the most casual way, she told him and I wrongfully quote, "get the hell out of my face and only come back when you are able to make me the owner of the whole world." Sadly Mikl still didn't figure out how to use his brain so he gathered around soldiers from everywhere and started a war, attacking the islands one at a time. Dear audience I am saddened to inform you that no one was able to stop this man and he colonised every island, except one, Fu's mount.`` 

  "It was a well known fact that no creature was allowed to set foot on Fu's mount and yet Mikl's love for Dana made him a worse fool than he already was. So the God's decided he wasn't worth their precious time so they cursed us with abilities. And those before us managed to stop him so now everyone was free but due to their stupidity they weren't happy, they wanted us gone too." 

 "Twenty hugs for part two." He ended and everyone clapped as they all rushed to give him a hug which ended up being a group hug.

 "Darsheill that was amazing, I would live it if you joined me for my next class after lunch with the advanced students."  The professor offered a giddy Darsheill.

 "I'd love to." 

 "Everyone back to your seats," once everyone was seated the professor continued, "Tomorrow I want each of you to tell me what you think of Mikl, Dana and Fari and also who you blame the most." She vanished into thin air like before, meaning it was lunch time.

 "Hey, have you changed your mind?" Cordelia appeared in front of Yima as she was about to leave. 

 "No, I haven't but I still haven't found a friend who I'll come with." Yima responded as she scanned the familiar faces of her classmates. 

 "You can bring Darsheill, you guys are getting pretty close." 

 "I guess so. Wait here let me find out if he's interested." 


 Darsheill was in a serious looking conversation with one of the guys from her group. 

 "I hope everyone's okay." She greeted and they both nodded their heads. 

 "See you later." Darsheill said politely, chasing the guy away. 

 "So Cordelia is having lunch with her family outside school and-" 

 "Can I join?" Kai suddenly said from behind her. She abruptly turned around and he was invading her personal space, she didn't mind at all. 

 "Uhm, yes of course." She stared at his throat because she couldn't handle looking into his eyes. 

 "When can we leave?" His voice sounds deeper when he was that close to her, she couldn't stand his perfume though. Once she was his girlfriend, she thought to herself, she was going to buy him a better one. 

 "Can I invite my older brother, he always starves himself because he hates the food that they serve here." Darsheill said laughingly. 

 "I can only bring one friend." Yima awkwardly said as she scooted away from his terrible smelling perfume and stood closer to Darsheill. 

 "I'm sorry Kai but we both have to stay. My brother hasn't eaten anything and I'm worried, Yima, I'll take you to him." Darsheill said his eyes twinkled with a spark of hope.

"Cordelia has been waiting for too long, let's go." Darsheill added when Yima just stood there without responding. 

 "I'm going with Kai," Yima moved away from Darshiell, "sorry." 

  Darsheill put on the biggest smile she'd ever seen. His once twinkling eyes were filled with familiarity and boredness as if he had heard the word sorry so many times that it had lost its meaning. 

 "Don't worry, it's fine." He responded 

 "Have fun." He said as he waved to Cordelia before he walked away. 

 They watched him go in silence and Yima wished she would feel something other than what she was feeling. She was supposed to feel guilty, sad and her heart should have been filled with regret but it wasn't. 

 "Your highness." She curtsied, "our lunch awaits." 

 Kai was still staring at the spot that Darsheill had once been. 

 "I don't want-" his stomach growled, interrupting his sentence. 

 "You don't want to?" Yima urged him to continue.

 "I don't want to keep Cordelia waiting." He replied instead and Yima smiled as she linked their arms together and guided him to where Cordelia was standing. 

 "Let's hurry up, we are running late." Cordelia groaned.

 "Do you do this everyday?" Kai asked Cordelia.

 "Only on special occasions." She replied looking pointedly at Yima. 


 "What's the special occasion?" Yima moved so that she was in the middle.

 "You'll see." Cordelia sneakily sent her a wink.