
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 76 What is bravery?

Chapter 76 What is bravery?

 Novel: The Poisoned Egg at Hogwarts Author: Jiang Xiaozhou


  Fox failed to understand what Egg said. What Egg said was neither human nor bird language, but Parseltongue.

  Anyway, Fox only saw Egg hissing, and then the basilisk broke away from the iron rope with a bang and stood tall in front of Egg.

  Egg blinked and saw that the spell that bound the dragon was broken away by the basilisk, and his head felt a little short-circuited for a moment.

  "That...I was joking..." Egg hissed and explained with a sincere expression.

  But it seemed that the basilisk didn't want to talk to him and gave him a fang.

  Egger picked up Fox and turned around to run away, frantically releasing obstacles along the way. The basilisk staggered one after another after being hit, and it looked like it was about to explode.

  Egg feels a little numb. At least so far, he has not figured out any way to control the basilisk. The big guy in front of him seems unwilling to communicate with him.

  Think about it, after all, no one is so good-tempered that one moment he had his eyeballs picked out by someone, and the next moment he was chatting with someone in a friendly manner. This kind of thing will not have a result if you don't blow your brains out...

  Egg didn't look like the basilisk had a communication IQ. He kept shouting about tearing it apart and killing it, but there was no organized language.

  The situation in the secret room was out of control. The basilisk's thick tail kept beating the surrounding buildings, smelling Egg's scent and destroying it all the way. Egg held his head to avoid the rubble, and carried Fox around the snake-embossed pillars. Running around, to put it simply, it probably means:

  The basilisk chases the eggs, the eggs roll around the pillar, the linnet is held in its hand, and it squeaks everywhere...

  The picture is both horrifying and absurd...

  "Suppression from all directions!" Egger pointed with the wand in his hand, and dozens of iron ropes wound up the basilisk's body. However, the basilisk learned to be smart this time. The moment the chains stuck to its body, a dragon swung its tail. , slipped out through the gap in the chain.

  "Tsk... Misstep..." Egg gritted his teeth. He learned the Shifang Suppression spell from the library. It is usually used to restrain the giant dragon. However, although the basilisk is a species of the same level as the giant dragon, the snake The monster is more flexible than the giant dragon with rugged bones and corners that is easy to restrain.

  Basilisks and fire dragons are both 5X in the registration set up by the Ministry of Magic. For ordinary people, there is actually no difference. If you encounter them, you will die. However, for someone like Egger who can fight head-on, the difference is huge. In terms of strength, In similar situations, the way of fighting is very important.


  A burst of red light spurted out from the tip of the staff, fiercely hitting the basilisk. The huge and ferocious body was immediately hit by the red light and flew backwards, screaming and being thrown away in the distance. On the stone wall.

  "Sure enough, the most powerful weapon is Expelliarmus..." Egg looked at the wand in his hand with some emotion.

  What Avatar is chewing on a giant melon is nothing compared to Expelliarmus.

  The protagonist's royal curse is really not a joke...

  Of course, Expelliarmus, strictly speaking, is a magic spell that falls under the category of disarming and retreating from the enemy. It itself has the power to strike, and is then released by Egger, a violent magic launcher whose magic properties are comparable to those of an evil little mage. The power is still very impressive.

  For Egger, killing the basilisk is not difficult, but controlling the basilisk is difficult...

  "Suppression from all directions! All petrified! Falling unconscious! Immediately imprisoned! Hang the golden bell upside down! Eat slugs!!" Iger pointed the wand in his hand at the basilisk and outputted: "Grinning! La! La!"

  The basilisk in front of him suddenly flew upside down, with slugs spurting out from its bloody mouth. It was entangled with thick iron ropes and reins. Its huge body was softly suspended in the air, and the iron ropes were tightened around it. controlled it.

  There was smoke curling up from the tip of the wand. Egger blew lightly on the wand, and then his eyes narrowed slightly. The tip of his wand was slightly charred. Was it caused by playing with fire?

  "Suppression from all directions! Suppression from all directions!"

  After two more suppression spells were cast, Egg looked at the basilisk tied into an M shape in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

  The big head of the one-meter-thick basilisk was still spewing slugs, and Iger didn't know how long it would vomit. The big guy in front of him had high magic resistance, and its thick scales had already begun to wake it up.

  Egg looked at the ferocious beast in front of him curiously, not intending to do any excessive interrogation. It could be seen from the half-day battle that this thing had a low IQ, and like the fire dragon, it was of a type that could not communicate.

  Taking out a large bottle from his arms, Egger inserted it into the basilisk's fang, and the snake venom slowly flowed in along the mouth of the bottle.

  The dark green snake venom was flowing back and forth in the bottle with a hint of crystal. It was sticky and evil. However, according to Snape, the more powerful the poison, the more valuable the potion was. Egg decided to squeeze the basilisk. Dry!

  There is a small hole that is invisible to the naked eye on the tip of the basilisk's ferocious fangs. What surprised Egg is that, unlike ordinary poisonous snakes, each tooth of the basilisk has a tiny hole for spitting poison. After thinking about it, for Among his own students, Egg decided to knock out all the snake fangs.

  He just did what he said, pouring bottles of water of life and death into the Basilisk's belly for free. Egg took the Sorting Hat off his head and fumbled for a long time but couldn't take out the sword.

  "Where's my sword?" Egg looked at the Sorting Hat in his hand with an unkind expression.

  "With all due respect, Egg, I have been on top of you just now. You were not as brave as Gryffindor. I can read your inner thoughts. You were a little coward just now..." The wrinkles on the Sorting Hat opened. One fit.

  "Oh? Really?" Egg sneered, holding the sorting hat and approaching the basilisk: "How about I wake it up and you show me what it means to be brave?"

  With a clang, a mithril sword fell to the ground, and the Sorting Hat stayed quietly in Iger's hand, as if it was not the one who spoke just now.

  In fact, the Sorting Hat thinks that Egger is very brave, but the Sorting Hat feels that there are some flaws in the blackmailing of Little Phoenix. However, it is obvious from the look of Egger that he does not want to argue too much with him. The Sorting Hat feels that they are the only ones who have disputes with species that have substantial life. Don't talk too much about alchemy products. After all, you can't see someone without looking up. It would be bad if you hurt your feelings...

  The sword in his hand gently rested on the root of the basilisk's tooth. Egger made a light stroke, and a fang fell to the ground. He kept moving, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Two minutes later, a string of fangs in Egger's hand looked like There was a clear and crisp sound like wind chimes, and he returned with a bucket full of miserable green venom. Behind him, the basilisk was tied up in the air with hundreds of iron ropes, unknown whether it was alive or dead.

  The picture is extremely miserable.

  With a 'pop' sound, Iger's figure appeared in the principal's room. In the principal's room, Dumbledore was receiving guests. The person Iger also knew was Cornelius Fudge...

  "Good morning, Mr. Minister." Iger looked at Fudge in front of him with a smile: "I don't know why you are here in this humble house."

  Fudge was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, Iger was right. Hogwarts belonged to Iger, and he was more qualified to say this than anyone else.

  "Ah... Iger, what are you..." Fudge looked at Iger happily, then looked at Iger's dirty body and the phoenix with green onions in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Just woke up?"

  So...did I sleep with a basilisk or a bird? Can you explain it to me?

  The corner of Egger's mouth twitched: "I just gouged out the eyes of the basilisk and controlled it. Look, these are the trophies I got, a bunch of fangs, a big jar of venom..."

  With that said, Egg casually threw the half-dead Fox onto the table aside, and took out his trophies from his arms, including a large set of fangs, a jar of venom, and two large, yellow, smashed eyes. son.

  Just looking at the two smashed eyeballs, Fudge felt a palpitation in his heart.

  "Did you...did this?" Fudge pointed to the items on the table.

  "Of course, but it was Fox who picked out the eyeballs." Iger decided to tell the truth and not to take the credit, so maybe everyone can work together in the future. I won't help anymore...