
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 75: You can’t hit me, right?

Chapter 75: You can't hit me, right?

 Novel: The Poisoned Egg at Hogwarts Author: Jiang Xiaozhou


  Looking at the huge stone statue in front of him, Egg carefully thought about how to blind the basilisk. However, after thinking for a long time, the only way was to wait for the basilisk to come out and throw Fox out and shout: Go, Fox!

  It seems like there is no difference whether you have me or not? Egg looked a little embarrassed.

  "Talk to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the four giants of Hogwarts!" Egg hissed, turned around and ran away, far away from the stone statue, with Fox in his arms looking at him with contempt. Looking at Egg hiding behind the stone pillar.

  "What are you looking at! This is a guerrilla tactic. I can't glare into its eyes, right?" A bird's cry came from Egg's mouth.

  "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, don't make excuses." Fox mumbled in his throat.

  The sound of the stone statue sliding in the distance was heard, and the big mouth of the Slytherin statue opened. Egger pricked his ears and listened quietly to the movement. After waiting for a long time, he did not hear any strange sounds.

  "Is he dead?" Egger stuck his head out suspiciously.

  It shouldn't be. Logically speaking, a thick and long basilisk should crawl out and go in and out of the pipe at this time...

  "Pull!" Egg shook the wand in his hand, and a dazzling red fireball shot out from the tip of the wand. The fireball flew up and illuminated the entire secret room.

  "I recognize this fire." Fox narrowed his bird's eyes slightly and looked at the flames in the air: "It comes from the ancient magic of Egypt..."

  "Are you from Egypt?" Egg looked at Fox curiously.

  Fox nodded slightly: "The Phoenix race is the only race that can achieve immortality in disguise. I have been around for a long time."

  "I heard that the Dumbledore family and the Phoenix Clan have an agreement. Whenever the clan members are in need, the Phoenix will appear?" Iger asked with some envy.

  "Yes, it's a contract from Dumbledore's ancestors." Fox glanced at Iger impatiently: "Why don't you go and see if the snake comes out?"

  "Did you see that ball of fire in the sky?" Egger looked at Fox with a smile.

  "Is there any problem?" Fox tilted his head.

  "I think you are almost old. You go and have a look. If you are killed, I will use the fire to help you achieve nirvana..." Egg smacked his lips and swallowed.

  Fox looked at Iger silently, seemingly shocked by the other person's shamelessness.

  "Don't look at me like that. I'm afraid of death, but you're not." Egg shrank his head, but Slytherin's big mouth in the distance still didn't move at all.

  Fox looked at Egg for a long time, then lowered his head helplessly: "Why does Dumbledore trust you so much?"

  "Look at me, I'm so good-looking!" Iger blinked and looked at Fox with his big eyes, looking malicious and adorable.

  Fox glanced at Egger noncommittally: "I was supposed to reach Nirvana a few days ago. Dumbledore advised me to wait a little later, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give you any help in my infant state, but it's quite uncomfortable for me to be like this now..."

  Iger looked down at Fox, looking like a big turkey with half of its feathers gone...

  "Want me to give you a ride?"

  "Thank you for your kindness..."

  Fox flapped his wings and flew unsteadily into the hole, and soon flapped his wings again and flew out.

  "It's sleeping, or hibernating..." Fox mumbled in his throat.

  Egg felt a bit toothache: "Then why don't you just gouge out its eyes?"

  "You just let me go in and take a look..."


  One person and one bird were in a state of being disgusted with each other. He sighed leisurely, and Egg looked at Fox helplessly: "In that case..."

  "You want to go in?" Fox tilted his head.

  "In this case, I can only trouble you to fly again and help me pick out its eyes. Thank you..."


  There was a 'boom' sound, and Fox's body was burning with flames. Wisps of ashes fell slowly, and Fox's old voice came faintly: "I can't hold on anymore..."

  Egg looked at the ashes on the ground and sighed, gently pulled away the ashes, and held up a gray, wrinkled bird in his hands: "Why bother?"

  Fox chirped twice, his voice was milky, crisp and sweet.

  "Is there nothing you can do against me?" Fox's voice was filled with excitement.

  "Alas..." Egg sighed helplessly, reached out and took out a small bottle from his robe, pinched Fox's little head and drank it...

  After taking the potion, Fox's feathers grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, a majestic little phoenix appeared in front of him.

  "The age-enhancing agent is a good thing." Egg looked at Fox with a confused look on his face with satisfaction.

  Fox's dark eyes stared at Egg, and his mind was dizzy. He suddenly remembered what Dumbledore said: Egg is a good boy...

  No, Dumbledore, he's a demon...

  "Go quickly, the age-enhancing agent is only effective for an hour, but I think the time should be enough..." Egg smiled and touched Fox's little head.

  As he watched Fox flap his wings and fly in, a roar came from the entrance of the cave. Fox flapped his wings furiously and flew out, holding two big yellow eyeballs on his blood-stained claws, each about the size of a basketball. The only drawback is that both eyeballs were scratched to pieces by Fox...

  "Kill you!" A violent hiss sounded, and a huge, green basilisk head emerged from the Slytherin stone statue. Looking from a distance, the old Slytherin man had a stick in his mouth. The thick and long thing, the thick basilisk's eyes are still dripping with blood, the picture is both weird and horrifying.

  Egger tilted his head. Did the old man choose this position to hint at something to future generations?

  Egg felt that if it were him, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net would definitely put the position where the basilisk came out on his crotch...

  However, it seemed that he couldn't think too much about the current situation. At this time, the body of the basilisk, which was dozens of meters away, was already rushing towards him.

  It has to be said that the impact of the image of the dozens of meters long basilisk rushing towards him was so powerful that at least Iger was so scared that his legs were a little weak.

  Picking up Fox casually, Egg turned around and ran away crazily, with the basilisk chasing after him, roaring and charging towards Egg.

  Damn it, the basilisk is going crazy!

  "There are many obstacles!" Iger flicked his hand, and the basilisk's head hit an invisible transparent barrier. With a 'clang' sound, the basilisk shook its big head, looking a little angry, and raised its huge head high. , a body of dozens of meters smashed towards Egger.

  "I'll dodge!" Egg suddenly turned around and threw himself to the side. There was an explosion behind him, and a deep ravine was created on the ground by the basilisk.

  If Iger felt that he had been photographed just now...

  Don't be afraid, I have armor to protect me...

  "Imprison them all!" Egg's wand flicked, and dozens of long ropes swarmed around the basilisk. The basilisk roared and broke away from the ropes, trying desperately to bite Egg.

  Dozens of ropes failed to bring much hindrance to the basilisk, and the huge body was already roaring towards Egg.

  "Suppression from all directions!"

  Dozens of thick chains appeared in the air and clattered around the basilisk. The barbed spear tips at the end of the chains were inserted into the surrounding stone pillars.

  The basilisk finally calmed down under the thick iron ropes.

  "Can't you hit me?" Egg looked at the basilisk struggling in the iron rope with a smile: "There is no way, I am just so strong, hahahahaha~"