
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

DROPPED °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although the translation is bad but if you want to continue you can read at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/ke100299.html . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 7 Rubeus Hagrid

  Today is the last day of summer vacation at Hogwarts. Tomorrow evening, a red-painted train will whine and bring a group of little wizards to the gate of the school.

  Iger was swinging his wand in various directions, and a silver kitten followed obediently behind him. Although Snape said that this spell would gradually drain away the magic power, Iger didn't seem to have any major problems so far. I can feel that the previous powerful feeling of explosive power is fading, but it is not very obvious.

  Egg felt that as long as he wanted to, he could turn into a dark mass of silence at any time.

  The reason why the Obscurus did not live long was mainly because the young wizard's body could not withstand such a large amount of magic power. It was like the water in a bucket. When the amount of water reached a critical point, the bucket would burst.

  What Iger has to do now is to release the endless water little by little as much as possible, and at the same time increase the capacity of the bucket. When the bucket changes from wooden to iron, Iger will be able to withstand the power of Obscurus. By then, Obscurus will become Iger's most powerful weapon.

  At this time, Iger had been under the patron saint spell for more than two hours. However, the feeling of exhaustion he imagined did not come. However, Iger did feel that he was becoming more and more coordinated. He had a feeling that when the silence in his body gradually weakened, , when he gradually becomes stronger, he will be able to fully control this black ink.

  The weather in Scotland today is pretty good, at least Iger hasn't been able to use the umbrella he carried with him yet. At this time, Iger was walking on a vast lawn, and a hut appeared in the distance in his field of vision.

  The corners of Egger's mouth curled up slightly. He knew where this was. This should be Hagrid's cabin.

  After a gentle knock on the door, a dog barked in the house, followed by a rough voice: "Shut up, Yaya!"

  The wooden door of the cabin was quickly opened, and Hagrid lowered his head. In front of him was an eighty-nine-year-old blond boy looking at him in surprise. The boy's blue eyes and soft-lined face looked very handsome.

  "Ah, hello, I think you must be the Egger that Professor Dumbledore mentioned, right?" Hagrid looked at Egger and smiled.

  "Hello, Hagrid, Egg Morriss." Egg held out his little hand.

  Hagrid rubbed his rough big hand on his body with some restraint, and then carefully held Iger's soft little hand, for fear of hurting Iger.

  "Rubber Hagrid, nice to meet you, come and sit in the room." Hagrid turned sideways and motioned for Egg to enter the room.

  Egg walked into the house and looked around curiously. He saw a bunch of silver unicorn fur hanging on the wall and various strange hangings. Although the cabin was shabby, it was very cozy.

  "I've heard about you, Egg, and I'm sorry." Hagrid looked at Egg's curious eyes and said solemnly: "But don't worry, Dumbledore is the greatest magician, and he will definitely find a way to help you. of."

  Egger smiled: "It doesn't matter. In fact, I don't care about this kind of thing very much. There are many more terrible things than death, right?"

  Hagrid raised his eyebrows and looked at Egger in surprise: "I'm glad you have such knowledge, Egger. Really, if you need anything, just tell me and I will definitely help you."

  "Thank you, Hagrid." Iger was not polite, and his eyes immediately shone like Hagrid: "I wonder if you can help me get some Acromantula venom and unicorn hair, of course, I will go with you."

  Hagrid immediately waved his hand and rejected Egger's proposal to go with him: "I have unicorn hair here. If you want it, I can give it to you directly, although I don't know exactly what it is used for."

  "There are ten galleons on the market." Egg looked at Hagrid with a smile: "The venom of the Acromantula is even rarer. One pint costs one hundred galleons and it is priceless."

  Hagrid shook his head: "I have known those things for a long time. Professor Dumbledore has long advised me to improve my life, but I think it is useless to ask for too much money. Of course, if you need it, Egg, I will help you." Please pay more attention."

  "Thank you very much. I have no source of income. It would be great if I could get this done before I enter school in three years." Egger suddenly laughed.

  "Then I am even more obligated." Hagrid laughed and said, "To be honest, I like people like you very much. You are very honest."

  "Thank you for the compliment. I'm still a little ashamed. I always feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Iger grinned sheepishly.

  "Don't think so, Egg." Hagrid looked at Egg seriously: "Anyone with a clear eye can see that I am a hybrid giant. You are the first little wizard who is not afraid of me and is very friendly. Although the students There are many people who are not afraid of me, but there are not many who are as honest and forthright as you. I know that most of them still hate my bloodline."

  Egg grinned: "Are we friends? In fact, I always thought I was a freak too..."

  Who in their right mind would fucking embrace death?

  "We are friends!" Hagrid nodded seriously: "Seriously, Egg, I really hope you will enter Gryffindor in the future."

  Egg spread his hands: "Actually, I hope I can enter Ravenclaw."

  "Why? Those smart people are not easy to get in touch with." Hagrid seemed a little surprised by Egger's answer.

  Egg's mouth twitched, why? Of course it was to avenge that dead raven! Egg thought a lot yesterday, what kind of chicken and rabbit are in the same cage, the perverted swimming pool manager who fills the water while letting it out, two speedsters who started at different times, etc., all waiting to retaliate to the one at the door of Ravenclaw Where's the dead raven?

  "I was taught by a bird, he is not alive yet!" Egg snorted.

  Hagrid reacted immediately: "You mean that knocker at the door of the Ravenclaw lounge? That inexplicable eagle?"

  "Yes, that's it..." Iger smiled: "I just want to experience the pleasure of being a smart person, but it doesn't want to cooperate with me..."

  "Don't worry about those Eggers..." Hagrid pointed to the kitten rubbing against Egger's feet: "No one can summon a Patronus at your age, not even Professor Dumbledore. You are a genius. !"

  "Maybe I just have more magic power..." Egger said uncertainly.

  "There are many Eggers with a lot of magic, but I'm pretty sure that even Professor Dumbledore couldn't summon a Patronus at the age of eight."

  Egger suddenly felt much better. He didn't care whether Hagrid's words were true or false.

  At least because of Hagrid's words, the psychological shadow that he was about to die again in the past two days was dispelled a lot.

  "If you don't mind, can I go to the Forbidden Forest with you?" Egg chuckled: "Dumbledore reminded me that if I go to the Forbidden Forest, I must let you follow me. Besides, I don't think you can get something for nothing." Great."

  Hagrid thought about it seriously and finally nodded: "If Dumbledore suggested it, fine, but you must stay with me."

  "Thank you, I will." Egger suddenly stood up with excitement.

  A few minutes later, Hagrid took Egger and walked in the Forbidden Forest with a small pink umbrella.

  "This forest is full of mystery and there are many interesting magical creatures." Hagrid said.

  Iger nodded and took out a little Niffler from his arms. Hagrid was stunned: "This is Niffler, my God, Iger, where did you find it?"

  "Mr. Newt Scamander gave it to me, but he seemed a little reluctant and thought I would eat it." Egg laughed.

  "This little thing likes treasures, shiny things. If you have time, you can bury something near the Forbidden Forest for him to find." Hagrid motioned to Egger to put Sniff away.

  The Forbidden Forest is beautiful during the day. The primitive and retro ecosystem makes this forest full of mystery. The sun shines on the ground through the mottled branches and leaves, surrounded by ancient trees. Egg feels that the air seems to be much fresher.

  A timid voice came, and Egg turned his head to look. There were several small green things like mantises hanging on the tree nearby.

  "Those are Bowtruckles. They are very shy, but once you get familiar with them, they will be very clingy." Hagrid laughed and motioned for Egg to extend his hand.

  Egger stretched out his hand and handed it to a little Bowtruckle. The little guy in front of him looked at Egger in panic. Egger crossed his fingers with a smile, and then the little guy timidly moved to Egger's hand.

  "Very good, you are very talented Egger." Hagrid's eyes lit up as he looked at Egger: "You can find some rubbish to feed him. This little guy likes you very much. You might be able to teach in the Care of Magical Creatures class. Achieved good results."

  "Really? I'll lend you some good advice." Iger smiled and protected the small Bowtruckle with both hands.

  Sniff in his arms came out, looked at the Bowtruckle curiously, then took out a penny from Egg's arms and handed it over.

  "Muggle coins." Hagrid smiled and said, "They seem to get along very well. Do you plan to raise him?"

  "Is that okay?" Egger was stunned.

  Hagrid nodded: "Of course, Egg, not everyone can win the favor of Bowtruckle, most people will only be stabbed in the eyes by them."

  Egg curiously teased the little hunchback in his hand: "Let's give it a name, let's call it Guoba..."

  Egg's name is Chinese...

  "Guoba?" Hagrid said this awkward oriental name awkwardly: "If you think it's suitable, Guoba will be fine."

  "As for this..." Iger nodded at the little Sniff in his arms: "Just call Ke Ke."

  "What's this name?" Hagrid looked at Egger strangely.

  "A strange-looking duck, isn't it appropriate?" Egg raised his head and looked like Hagrid.

  "I think it looks more like a seal..." Hagrid said, looking at Kodak's fleshy body. God knows where he saw it looked like a seal...

  The two walked along in the forest, and Hagrid kept introducing to Iger the magical creatures that appeared from time to time.

  In the air, a flower flew leisurely in front of Iger. Iger looked at the floating flower in front of him with strange eyes.

  "It's an invisible beast, Egg." Hagrid smiled: "You're very lucky. It's hard for me to see him. He always likes to take away the cookies in my house when I'm not paying attention. I guess he must always It's starvation."

  Egg couldn't help but grin when he thought of the biscuits made by Hagrid.

  Have you ever thought that he might just be using it for self-defense?

  Of course, Iger still didn't have the heart to say this. He felt that it would make Hagrid very disappointed.

  Hagrid is such a simple person...it really makes people want to bully him!

  Reaching out to take the flower, Iger reached out his hand to touch it, but the invisible beast did not give Iger a chance, and disappeared after passing the flower.

  A burst of eagle cry came, and several hippogriffs screamed at the two of them in the distance. Hagrid patted Egger's head gently: "Be careful, hippogriffs have a bad temper. It is said that they are griffins." He is a descendant of Kazuma, but I don't know whether he is or not."

  Hagrid stepped forward and waved his arms: "Buckbeak, let me introduce, this is Egg. Egg, this is Buckbeak."

  Egg looked at Buckbeak in front of him curiously, and then asked: "What should I do?"

  "Look directly into their eyes, then bend down and bow. When it bends over you, you can get closer to it." Hagrid gestured: "Be careful not to blink, as this will make it think you are insincere."

  Egger looked directly into Buckbeak's eyes and bowed profusely. The big hippogriff in the distance raised his head proudly. After sizing up Egger for a while, he slowly bowed to Egger.

  "Nice work, Egg, come on, you can ride on them now." Hagrid waved, gesturing for Egg to come closer.

  Egg touched Buckbeak with some eager eyes, and Buckbeak seemed to enjoy it.

  Hagrid stepped forward to hold Egg's armpits and lifted Egg onto Buckbeak's back.

  "Hold its neck."

  Egg hurriedly hugged Buckbeak's neck, and Hagrid reached out and patted Buckbeak's hind legs. Buckbeak suddenly raised his two front paws, and then rushed out like an arrow from the string, his broad wings long. Open, a tall hippogriff carries Egg straight into the sky.

  The oncoming strong wind blew on Iger's face, UU reading Egg was in a daze, holding Buckbeak's neck with both hands, feeling excited in his heart.

  The tall hippogriff flew against the wind, flying over Hogwarts, passing through the cloisters of the castle courtyard from time to time, and then spinning around the towering bell tower.

  Egg sat on Buckbeak and watched the giant beast beneath him cross the vast black lake, and finally slowly flew back to the Forbidden Forest.

  After stroking his hair that was messed up by the wind, Egg got off Buckbeak's back with Hagrid's support. Hagrid looked at Egg with a smile: "Now that you know each other, you can come and play with it anytime you have the opportunity. I think he'll enjoy being with you."

  Egg nodded. The giant beast in front of him was very attractive to Egg.

  At night, in Hagrid's small room, the two of them counted what they had gained today.

  "Five unicorn hairs, a nest of bird and snake eggshells, two Acromantula venom, about half a pint." Hagrid said while looking at the things on the table.

  Egger did the math and found that it was about one hundred and thirty galleons.

  Hagrid laughed: "The annual book fee at Hogwarts is only a dozen Galleons. You can buy a lot of things with the remaining money."

  "It's incredible, Hagrid, you are guarding a treasure house!" Egger looked excited.

  The two of them didn't go too deep into the Forbidden Forest. They just wandered around the outer part of the Forbidden Forest for a day. Hagrid obviously didn't want to put Egg in any danger, but just wandering around the outer part, the two of them made a hundred dollars a day. Dogalon.

  The Weasleys knew they would cry, right? Egg couldn't help but think.

  "Three years, I think it will be enough for you to earn tuition fees until you graduate." Hagrid laughed.

  Egger was thinking happily: "Maybe I will become a rich man after I graduate..."