
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 6 Calling for God’s Guard

Early the next morning, when Iger woke up, he found warm milk and a plate of fruit salad and chicken sandwiches beside the bed.

  "Thank you, Kaka." The corners of Iger's mouth raised slightly.

  "This is my honor, Mr. Egger." Kaka's figure appeared in the corner of the room, bowed deeply to Egger, and said excitedly in a high-pitched voice.

  Half an hour later, Egger appeared on the playground of Hogwarts. At this time, a tall figure was already waiting there, with long greasy hair covering his face. Snape looked at Egger with a gloomy expression.

  "I think I asked the elf to inform you last night to wait in the playground at seven o'clock this morning and check the time. Mr. Morrissey, didn't your parents teach you to keep time?" Snape said in a conspiratorial manner. Look at Egg.

  Although Snape looked very unkind, Egg didn't feel that Snape was targeting him. Except for Voldemort and Dumbledore, Snape treated everyone like this.

  "Unfortunately, Professor Snape, I have not met my parents. I don't know if they are still alive..." Egg spread his hands: "If you have the opportunity to meet them, please say hello to me."

  In the principal's office, Dumbledore couldn't help laughing when he looked at the image of smoke in front of him. He had a premonition that Snape was going to make a big mistake on the kid in front of him.

  Looking at the sarcastic smile on Snape's face, Iger thought he might be laughing at himself for being an orphan, but Iger didn't care at all.

  When I find the Resurrection Stone, I'll see how you kneel down and beg me, Severus...

  As for when to find the Resurrection Stone, Egger decided to encourage Dumbledore to take a walk around Gunter's old house if he had time one day.

  "From today on, I will be your spells teacher. You will learn a lot of high-intensity spells from me to release the long-deteriorated magic power in your body..." Snape didn't catch Egg's parents, but He said in a long drawl with that greasy voice: "My progress is very fast and my requirements are very high. I hope your undeveloped brain, Mr. Morrises, can keep up with my progress."

  "Okay, Professor Snape~" Egg blinked and acted cute with his eight-year-old face: "Where do we start? Hanging the golden clock upside down?"

  In front of Egg, Snape's face darkened suddenly, changing faster than the weather in London.

  Egg looked at Snape's dark old face and twitched the corner of his mouth. He was not sure whether Snape would give him a Cruciatus shot or something. After all, Dumbledore was not around.

  "Take out your wand Mr. Morrissey." Snape's tone was calm, but everyone could hear the anger brewing under the calm tone.

  Egg hurriedly took out the magic spell, thinking of only two spells in his mind in case anything went wrong.

  Mantra and armor protection...

  Seeing Egg's somewhat panicked look, Snape finally laughed secretly. He waved the wand in his hand gracefully and very quickly: "Seal the tongue and throat!"

  Egger suddenly felt that his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. He looked blankly at Snape who smiled viciously. Egger spread his hands in confusion: "Uh, cough, uh, Lu Lu Lu slightly..."

  I don't know how to do silent spells... Ige was about to cry without tears.

  "Compared to regular spell casting, the silent spell consumes more magic power. Of course, it is also more difficult. But I think since Mr. Morriss knows the unpopular dark magic defense spell of the Upside Down Golden Bell, the silent spell is obviously not something Difficult matter." Snape finally smiled evilly.

  At least in Egger's eyes, he was grinning.

  "Based on my level of magic power, this spell can work on you for at least two or three days. I hope Mr. Morrises can learn the silent spell in these two or three days." Snape said lightly: "Of course , although tongue sealing and throat locking are just a simple controlling spell, over time, occasionally the tongue will be torn off or the breathing will not be smooth during sleep, causing suffocation, but I think our Mr. Egg will not care about those things. Is not it?"

  Egg looked at Snape expressionlessly, his thoughts racing, and then he took his wand and wrote a line of words on the ground.

  "I have news about Lily Potter, what do you want?"

  Seeing Snape's face suddenly twitching, Egg smiled happily. Although he couldn't laugh out loud, he still smiled brightly.

  Come on, let's hurt each other!

  Looking at Snape with a gloomy expression, Egg grinned and then wrote:


  There is also a long tilde drawn at the end...

  Snape looked at Egg hesitantly, and then sneered: "What I want to know, you can't stop at all."

  Iger knew that Snape was going to give him a shot of Legilimency, and Iger began to panic again...

  A really awesome magician is just like a bug. There is no solution to this, okay?

  I'm so stupid, really, why should I seek death?

  What should I do to resist Snape's Legilimency?

  Egg's mind was spinning, and he made up his mind that if Snape dared to give him a shot of Legilimency, he would dare to let Snape see the breadth and depth of the small film industry in his previous life!

  Egg intends to use some indescribable images to open the door to a new world for Snape.

  "We have an agreement, Sev..." Dumbledore's voice came from behind: "You can't peek into Iger's brain."

  Egg turned around, and Dumbledore walked over calmly, seemingly curious about how Snape planned to teach Egg.

  "You're right, Professor, how about using Veritaserum?" Snape looked at Egg and smiled ferociously.

  Egg felt that for now, as he had not yet mastered silent spellcasting, it was better not to have any conflicts with Snape. It would not be a good thing to be worried about him.

  Dumbledore waved his hand, and Egg was relieved when he found that his tongue had detached from the roof of his mouth.

  "I want to warn you Egg, at least until you don't have strong strength, don't tease those powerful wizards. This is very dangerous, just like the school motto of Hogwarts..." Dumbledore waved his hand, and Egg appeared in front of him. A line of Latin: "Do not disturb the sleeping dragon..."

  "Thank you Professor for your guidance..." Iger shrugged and said helplessly.

  In his previous life, Iger was bedridden all year round and had little social experience. Although he has lived for eight years in this life, he is still unable to engage in meaningful things at his age.

  Like falling in love or something...

  The mentality of people who have lived in childhood for two generations is obviously more childish than others...

  "Similarly, Sev, I suggest you not to pry into Iger's brain. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing. Can you promise me?" Dumbledore looked at Snape.

  Snape's face was gloomy, not knowing what to say.

  "How about making an unbreakable vow?" Egg looked at Snape happily.

  After the words fell, Snape's face turned darker.

  "That's a good proposal..." Dumbledore clapped his hands. Looking at him, he seemed to really think Egg's proposal was good.

  "Forgive me for refusing, he doesn't seem to have the capital to swear an oath with me." Snape gave Egger a disgusted look.

  "What capital do you want?" Iger spread his hands: "Is it okay to ask you to see Lily again?"

  As the words fell, Egg felt as if he had just seen a light in Snape's eyes. He suddenly felt that he had to change his bad habits...

  Half an hour later, Ige looked at the strands of golden light wrapped around his hand and wanted to cry without tears.

  "Remember your words, Egg." Snape gave Egg a deep look.

  Iger's grin was uglier than crying, which has some benefits, right? At least Snape didn't reject him as much as he did at first.

  Although I hate him a little, I have to say that Snape is indeed a well-deserved great wizard.

  Whether it is dark magic, defense or potion making, Snape is obviously much better than ordinary wizards.

  The two made an unbreakable oath. Snape swore that he would never use any form to gain access to Iger's memory, ensuring that Iger's memory would not be spied on by others, and that whatever Iger wanted to learn, as long as he knew it, he could do it all. Give it to everyone, any potion that Egg asks for at any time, as long as Snape has it, he must provide it to Egg.

  What Iger set out to do was to let Snape see Lily again, no matter what state Lily was in.

  In terms of fairness, Iger took advantage. Iger knew that Dumbledore had fought for it for himself.

  "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore." Egg bowed slightly to Dumbledore.

  Dumbledore smiled, turned around and left.

  "Whether they are geniuses or madmen, we can't guess what they think, right? Severus~" Egg looked at Snape with a smile.

  "Just a few seconds ago, you were thanking the man you called crazy." Snape said with a straight face: "Also, you want to call me Professor Snape."

  Egg shrugged and began to learn magic from Snape.

  The first spell that Snape taught Iger surprised him. Looking at the doe flying with hooves in the air, Iger felt that Snape was really a love saint.

  Putting aside the selfishness, psychological darkness, not washing his hair, being aggressive, and rummaging through his small intestines, Snape is not useless...

  "Intuition tells me that you are thinking about bad things..." Snape glanced at Egg: "Calling God's Guard is undoubtedly a spell that consumes very much magic power, and the release requirements are also simple. You only need to be happy. I think For a kid your age, happiness should be the simplest thing."

  Snape walked up to Egg and made a wand-waving gesture: "Learn from me and call for divine protection!"

  "Calling God to protect you!" Egger shook his wand, and the tip of the wand glowed with silver light.

  Snape glanced at Egg's wand with disgust: "Obviously you didn't think of anything happy. It's better to say that you didn't think of anything at all. Your brain was eaten by you mixed with red pepper last night. Is it done?"

  "Do it again, call the gods to protect you!" Snape flicked his wand impatiently.

  Egger is a little confused. He doesn't know what kind of things are happy. The meaning of happiness is too broad...

  Was it the first time in your previous life that you saw a short movie that opened the door to a new world? The tip of the staff flashes fluorescent light, and the white light gradually spreads, but it is only a barrier.

  When you die? Although it is very sad, there is an inexplicable feeling...

  The wand in Egg's hand trembled violently, as if something was about to come out of it.

  Celebrating your birthday with old Mrs. Hull and everyone in the orphanage? My birthday is the day that old Mrs. Hull picked me up...

  Snape stood silently beside Egg, with a hint of disbelief clearly in his eyes.

  Can an eight-year-old kid cast the Patronus Charm for the second time to this extent?

  Was it when Miss Aisha proposed to adopt her? Or is it time to come to this wonderful magical world?

  But those are not important anymore. Now Iger feels that something is coming out of the wand. A ray of silver light stings their eyes slightly. Iger opens his eyes again, and a silver kitten surrounds him. Rubbing his trouser legs from time to time.

  "Obviously, your talent is pretty good..." Snape shook his face and turned away: "Today is the Patronus Charm. You can't bite off more than you can chew."

  The big black robe was as attractive as the outstretched wings of a big bat when he moved around, and Snape left aggressively.

  Egg curled his lips and squatted down to tease the kitten in front of him. When his fingers touched the cat's chin, Egg could feel an inexplicable warmth.

  Egger was a little surprised. The patron saints are physical... In other words, not only can they fight against dementors, but sometimes they can also do something for themselves?

  For example, sending a letter or something. Do you remember who did this in the original novel?


  In the principal's office, Dumbledore stood in front of a complicated and exquisite shelf. On the shelf were small silver bottles.

  "His talent is very good." Snape walked in: "At least I couldn't release the Patronus at his age. Originally, I just wanted to consume more of his magic power."

  "It turns out that some people are always better than imagined, right? Sev?" Dumbledore turned around, his eyes unclear under the silver lenses.

  "He has clues about the future. You said that he knows our future Dumbledore." Snape looked at Dumbledore eagerly.

  "I know what you are thinking, but I advise you to put down that thought." Dumbledore looked at Snape and said softly: "I think although I am older, I am not that old and stupid yet..."

  "Since he knows, then he knows what to do when, I might as well say that Iger is the person who understands the story most thoroughly." Dumbledore looked at Sape's eyes: "We have emotions and we are in the situation, so when we encounter things, it is difficult to make the right decision."

  "But for Egger, it's very simple..." Dumbledore brushed an instrument with his palm, smoke billowed, and the scene of Egger frantically releasing the Patronus on the playground appeared in front of them.

  Snape glanced at Egg on the screen: "I hate him, he is weak and noisy."

  Dumbledore shook his head slightly: "It is precisely because you are weak that you become strong. As for the noisy person you mentioned, I find it interesting to chat with him. He is the first child who dares to call me Lao Deng."

  "He is also the first child who dares to call me by my Christian name." Snape was still disgusted: "The Dark Lord will definitely like this lawless boy."

  "But he may not like Voldemort, I'm sure." Dumbledore smiled and stuffed an envelope into the drawer.

  "Why?" Snape retorted.

  "According to my investigation, that child particularly likes beautiful women and is not very interested in men." Dumbledore chuckled: "He is very naughty. If he is not a beautiful woman, he will even tease someone like his own grandmother. Obviously you are not The first one to be teased..."

  "Rude kid, I hate him even more." Snape turned and left.

  "Looking at his appearance, Silver, I don't think he hates you..." Dumbledore's voice sounded behind Snape: "Although he is not the first one, I think he should be the third one. I am looking forward to it." What a change this little egg will bring to you, Sev."

  "I'm honored... But judging from the current situation, this egg is poisonous..." Snape didn't look back and left as resolutely as ever.