
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 42: Diary obtained

  A few minutes later, in an extremely luxurious but simple and elegant reception room in the Malfoy family's castle, Egg was nestled on a large soft sofa and squinted his eyes. The slender wand was caught by his pouted lips. Arched under the nose.

  The intuition brought by the blessing elixir told him to wait for the other party to speak first...

  Hermione sat timidly on the sofa next to Iger. She had no doubt that if Iger hadn't been sitting here, she would probably have been killed by the Malfoy family.

  Moreover, Egger had just rudely and unreasonably slapped a piece of melon off his head, and Hermione was still extremely frightened in her heart.

  "Outstanding young man..." Lucius sat generously on a luxurious crimson sofa and looked at Egg with an awkward smile, and forced a smile on his face that was as pale as Draco: " Draco has told us many times about your excellence, Egg. This time our son admired you very much. Of course, he was also a little scared. As the heir of the Malfoy family, to be honest, I don't like you very much. Seeing his cowardly look."

  "I think... cowardice is also a smart way to survive when facing the power of oneself..." The corners of Egg's mouth slightly raised, and his long white fingers took the wand from his mouth: "I thought you should be aware of this. I understand, Mr. Malfoy..."

  Egger's voice was very soft, and he looked into Lucius's eyes with a half-smile.

  The corner of Malfoy's mouth twitched, and he seemed to be unhappy with what Iger said. However, considering the murderous look on his face when he came, Lucius nodded politely: "Of course, this is also smart Slater. Lin Yiyi's lifestyle."

  "No, no, no..." Egg bit his lip gently and looked at Malfoy, who was sitting next to his mother: "Real Slytherins will never lack Gryffindor-style bravery, and their nobility will not let them Surrendering at the feet of others, it seems that Mr. Malfoy you haven't realized this problem yet..."

  Lucius suddenly lost his composure, but he still forced himself to calm down. Egg's disagreement with Avada Kedavra killed Quirrell. Although it was not widely spread, it was suppressed by Dumbledore, but in Pure-blood families like theirs still know it in detail.

  "Of course, I have never doubted the bravery of the Malfoy family, don't you think so, Ms. Narcissa?" Egg pursed his lips and smiled: "For example... when someone threatens your husband's life, I think Ms. You will definitely stand in front of your husband..."

  Hearing Iger's words, the Malfoy family showed a rare natural smile. Narcissa looked at Iger with great appreciation and nodded without hesitation: "Of course."

  "But if Mr. Malfoy doesn't have enough status in your heart, then you can't tell..." Iger's words made several people feel a little confused. They felt that talking to Iger was like a roller coaster, rising and falling. …

  Egg looked at Malfoy and showed him a very kind smile: "But if it were Draco, then I would definitely have no doubt about your courage, Ms. Narcissa..."

  Narcissa's heart skipped a beat when she heard Egger's words. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to take Draco into her arms, and nodded reluctantly.

  Egg looked at the looks of the three of them and gave up when he saw fit. He was not yet as powerful as Dumbledore. Excessive teasing would only arouse the rebellious psychology of the Malfoy family, and then the gain would outweigh the loss.

  "I don't quite understand, Egg." Lucius smiled dryly and nodded: "What do you want to express to us?"

  "There are many things I want to express. The first thing is..." Egg looked at a snake relief on the wall and said absently: "As expected, Voldemort will probably come back in a few years."

  Hearing Voldemort's name, the Malfoy family suddenly jumped up and looked at Egg in horror.

  "When he came back..." Egg turned to look at Lucius: "He found that his old friend was extremely luxurious and lived a stable and happy life with peace of mind. What do you think the reaction of the perverted murderer would be?"

  Lucius laughed awkwardly: "How is that possible? The Dark Lord has been dead for many years..."

  "Who said he was dead?" Egg looked at Lucius in surprise: "As far as I know, that guy is lingering and hiding in a place, waiting for his loyal servants to find him..."

  "Tsk...it's really sad...isn't it?" Iger said with a pitiful expression: "Maybe he will let his old friends do something impossible? So that they can die?"

  Lucius' face suddenly darkened. It seemed that Egg had said something he didn't want to think about.

  "Or maybe occupying their luxurious house as a base for his return?" Iger raised his index finger and shook it gently: "These are not certain things."

  Lucius's face turned even darker, and even Narcissa began to look pale.

  Narcissa was not a Death Eater, and she didn't even have the Dark Mark on her wrist, but the problem was that her beloved husband was once a Death Eater.

  "But I guess those are secondary..." Egg sneered: "For people like Voldemort, obviously this level of revenge seems too low-level. I guess he is likely to assign those old If you use your friend's blood to assassinate Dumbledore, you will gain if you succeed, and you will not lose if you fail..."

  Narcissa's hand holding Draco's shoulder suddenly became bloodless, her joints pale, and her lips trembled slightly on her already pale face.

  "That's enough!" Lucius stood up suddenly and looked at Iger expressionlessly: "I don't know if Mr. Morisses is in the mood to stay for dinner. I will let the house elf prepare it."

  Lucius began to get angry. He felt that the brat in front of him was so annoying, and the name he called him changed from his Christian name to his surname.

  "I can protect Draco Malfoy." Iger said lightly: "Even the Malfoy family...what do you think?"

  Lucius was about to say something, but Narcissa reached out to stop him.

  "It seems there is a sane person here..." Iger nodded with a smile: "That's good..."

  "We have no choice..." Narcissa took a deep breath and looked at her husband, her eyes gradually becoming firmer: "We can't place our hopes on that man's kindness..."

  "Mercy?" Iger grinned: "It's really strange where you can see his kindness..."

  "He's right, Lucius..." Narcissa's expression looked very bitter.

  Lucius stared blankly for a while, then slowly turned his head to look at Egg, and said in a low and unhurried voice: "What guarantee do you have?"

  "I thought you could see my potential." Egg pouted.

  "Potential and strength are two different things." Lucius' voice was urgent.

  Egg stood up and walked slowly to Lucius, raised his head and looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Pull out... your wand!"

  A few minutes later, in the garden behind Malfoy Manor, Lucius held a silver snake-headed wand and faced Egger from afar.

  "Bow!" Egger raised his wand, and the two bowed to each other. Then they pointed their wands to the ground, walked back with their backs to each other, and turned around at the same time after a few steps.

  Lucius immediately fired a disarming curse. Egger flicked it and the red curse disappeared immediately.

  Lucius kept moving, tapping the wand in his hand quickly, and rays of light shot towards Iger. Iger waved his hand again to deflect all the spells. After retracting the wand, he stretched out his hand and several rays of red light shot towards Lucius. Go, Lucius flew backwards with a bang, and the wand in his hand swirled and flew into Egger's hand.

  "Fear comes from weakness." Egg looked at the snake-headed wand in his hand expressionlessly. The snake head on it seemed to match his own lion head: "I can't even use a wand against you. Your strength is as strong as Silver's. Severus is far behind. If you had Severus's strength, I think at least Voldemort wouldn't knead you so casually, Mr. Malfoy."

  Lucius clutched his chest in confusion and nodded in a daze: "You are right. I think I have reason to believe you now."

  The severe pain in his chest made him wonder whether what Egg gave him was Expelliarmus or to pieces...

  "I think the reason why you follow Voldemort is simply because his blood theory in the early days can better support your status and interests." Egg casually threw the wand to Lucius: "But for a large family that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, how can It will not gradually decline due to some inevitable reforms of the times. Of course, the prerequisite is that you are not that kind of pedantic fool..."

  After defeating Lucius in a crushing manner, Egg was no longer as polite as before. He just looked at the Malfoy family quietly: "Changes in the times are necessary. Either adapt to the times and find a life suitable for pure bloods." The other way is to live in Voldemort's shadow, trembling with fear, hoping that one day he won't be killed on a whim."

  "If you still admire power and hope to follow the Dark Lord, then I don't mind becoming the Dark Lord and communicating with you as the Dark Lord, but I think it will not be as harmonious as it is now... But if Mr. Malfoy If you can understand the current situation, I can assure you that your Malfoy family will still have a place in the future magical world." Egg stepped forward to help Lucius up, with a smile on his lips: "What do you think, Malfoy? gentlemen?"

  Lucius nodded with a pale face and followed Egger in a daze.

  After a while, in the Malfoy restaurant, Egg looked at this noble and elegant place in amazement. He carefully cut a piece of steak with a knife and fork in his hand, and then gently put it in his mouth. Hermione beside him looked less like Egg. With such a good appetite, eating in this place always makes her feel very uncomfortable.

  Fortunately, because of what happened just now, the Malfoy family's attitude towards Hermione was unexpectedly very harmonious. In fact, Draco has never said anything excessive to Hermione since he discovered the unusual relationship between Hermione and Egg. .

  He was afraid that Egg would kill him...

  "How does it taste, Egg?" Lucius asked with a kind face looking at Egg next to him.

  "It tastes very good." Egg nodded: "Is this made by a house elf?"

  "Yes, our house elf." Lucius cut the steak and nodded slightly: "Although I don't know which elf made it..."

  "Which one?" Egg looked at Lucius in confusion: "How many are there?"

  "Not many, in fact, there are only a few." Lucius shook his head: "If you need service, I can give you one, Egg."

  Egg nodded immediately: "Okay, can you let me choose?"

  "Of course..." Lucius nodded, and then shouted into the air: "You all come here!"

  Several short figures suddenly appeared in front of several people. Draco frowned, apparently dissatisfied with seeing these dirty things while eating.

  Egg looked at the several elves in front of him, and he discovered Dobby. At the same time, Dobby also had the most wounds on his body. It seemed that this weirdo among the elves was really not liked by the Malfoy family.

  "I want this." Egg pointed at Dobby: "Looks like the little guy is quite pitiful."

  "You have to be careful about Egg, this guy is a freak and always wants to be free, so don't give them clothes." Draco whispered to Egg.

  "emmm... In fact, it's no secret that I like house elves. Professor Dumbledore knows that I go to the Hogwarts kitchen for supper every night..." Egg nodded: "If he really wants it that much If so, I will let him go free."

  Draco was immediately embarrassed when he saw Hermione's angry eyes.

  "From now on, Egg is your master." Lucius pointed at Dobby and said.

  Dobby nodded excitedly, and then disappeared next to Egg.

  "Thank you for your gift, Mr. Malfoy." Egg looked at Lucius and smiled, and then seemed to remember something: "In fact, I came here mainly for one item."

  Lucius suddenly felt something in his heart, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

  "I came here for a diary." Iger smiled: "I think you know what I'm talking about..."

  Lucius' face was stiff. He didn't know what to say and felt a little crazy. How did he know?

  "I think you must have had a headache with that diary for a long time. Instead of harming an innocent life, why not let me help you destroy it..." Egger said with serious eyes: "In fact, I basically don't know anything similar to that diary. We have already found everything, you just need to destroy all those things, and the person you fear will never come back... I think you should know what it is based on the long history of your family, so..."

  Lucius thought about it for a long time, then slowly left the dining table and walked toward the stairs. After a while, he came over with a simple black diary and gently placed it next to Egger's hand.

  Egger picked up the book and looked at it. A few letters on the book caught his attention: Tom Riddle.

  "Please...don't tell anyone else..." Lucius smiled reluctantly and nodded stiffly. Iger nodded and a flame started to burn. The notebook was not damaged at all. Iger smiled. it is true.

  Then he put the notebook in his pocket and nodded to Lucius: "I promise you, you will not regret it."

  "I hope so..." Lucius seemed to have regretted it...

  Although he has already moved in the direction of Egg, the act of handing the notebook to Egg has cut off his own retreat. This is very unwise for the shrewd Slytherin, although Lucius now wants to get rid of this book. The diary, but even if it is disposed of, it depends on the situation. For Lucius, it is best to throw the diary away without knowing it for no reason and then be picked up by Dumbledore and finally die with Dumbledore.

  At the moment when Iger put away his notebook, the last trace of the potion's effect gradually disappeared. After a while, Iger said goodbye to the Malfoy family, took Hermione's little hand and disappeared with a 'pop' sound. Si's eyebrows suddenly jumped.

  Because Malfoy Manor, like Hogwarts, has been cast a spell that prohibits Apparition and Apparition, but it seems that it has no effect on Egg.

  A few minutes later, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Iger lay dizzy on the sofa at Granger's house. Hermione on the side looked at Iger with some worry.

  "Iger, are you okay?" Hermione held Egger's hand tightly with her little hand.

  "It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy..." Egg shook his head: "It's much more comfortable than Apparating from Hogwarts. Hogwarts is hundreds of kilometers away, and the Malfoy family is only so far away..."

  Looking at Dobby who had followed him back, Egg looked at him and smiled: "This way, there won't be any problems at Hogwarts this year, so you shouldn't meddle in other people's business."

  He casually took off his socks and threw them to Dobby. Egg looked at the excited and crying Dobby and smiled: "You are free. Of course, if you are willing to stay with me, I will also pay you some wages." , how about ten galleons a month?"

  "Mr. Egger is really, really great..." Dobby said with tears in his eyes, looking very excited: "But Dobby is willing to help Mr. Egger work, and Dobby only needs two Galleons."

  "No, it's too little..." Hermione said quickly.

  Dobby suddenly sobbed: "Miss Granger is also a good person, and you are all great wizards."

  Hermione's face turned red, and she looked very embarrassed by Dobby's words.

  "Before that... you'd better pack up your dirty pillowcase." Kaka glanced at Dobby with a strange look: "Master Iger doesn't like dirty elves, Master Iger likes Kaka like this Clean elf."

  It seems that Kaka hates Dobby who needs a salary. In fact, this is the case. Dobby's weird character has always disgusted his fellow tribesmen, but this is very pleasing to Hermione. The little girl currently has a liberated family to raise a child. The initial idea of ​​the elf is...