
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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Chapter 41 The Winged Demon

 "Although I was the first one to subdue him, in fact..." Newt tilted his head, feeling Hermione's admiring eyes and nodded: "I just took advantage of him not paying attention..."

  "Why doesn't he look into our eyes?" Hermione asked in a low voice in Egg's ear.

  "Grandpa Newt has autism..." Egg mumbled, "I've heard that he talks like this to everyone for many years."

  "I heard it." Newt turned his head and looked into Egger's eyes: "In fact, I have changed a lot."

  There was a hint of dissatisfaction on the old face. Egg looked at the childish look of the old man in front of him and grinned: "Do you still remember our agreement?"

  "Oh, of course..." Newt turned around and returned to the house, taking out a stack of thick ancient books: "I helped you after you told me last time that you learned Parseltongue by accident. Pay attention."

  "What kind of books are these?" Egg looked at the books in front of him strangely.

  "I collected some books when I was traveling around the world when I was young. I think they should be of some help to you." As he said that, Newt picked up a book, flipped through it, and then placed it in front of Egg: "Look at this ."

  Iger looked at the strange words in the book and opened his mouth. An eagle cry sounded from Iger's mouth, which sounded like a bird's cry.

  Hermione looked at Egg in surprise, with a look of disbelief.

  "What is this?" Egg looked at Newt in confusion.

  "You know, because I have raised many magical animals like birds, and even my mother raised hippogriffs when I was young, so I have always paid attention to ways to communicate with birds. This is what I learned in the East. Found on the monuments of Mongolian ruins, the language used by ancient Mongolian shamans to tame birds and magical animals seems to be the same as Parseltongue, and they can be learned quickly?"

  Newt looked at Egg in amazement: "I also studied for a long time, but it seems that you can master it at a glance."

  "What kind of talent do I have?" Egg asked in disbelief.

  "It seems so..." Newt looked at Egg for a long time: "My wife's sister has the ability to prophesy and is good at reading minds. That ability is more terrifying than Dumbledore's Legilimency. It can't be stopped at all... I think You should have similar abilities, and you can learn magic things very quickly, Egg..."

  Newt thought for a while and said: "The Book of Blood you mentioned, you only learned Parseltongue from it. I think that article should have been imprinted with some special magic. The same is true for this article. It was me What it looks like after rubbing the words on the stone tablet..."

  "And combined with what you said, you can learn spells instantly and understand by analogy. I think this should be a learning talent." Newt said, thinking for a long time: "Only for magic learning talent, regular books The things on there are of no use to you. There are only articles that are imprinted with magic or ancient magic script. You can understand the meaning of the author in an instant. Of course, this is just my guess, although I think it is eight or nine. Never leave ten."

  Egger nodded somewhat suddenly: "You mean, the Parseltongue in the Book of Blood was engraved with magic seal, so I learned Parseltongue in an instant?"

  "Of course, didn't you just read this bird language?" Newt thought for a moment, turned around and took out a small object and handed it to the two of them: "This is a bird snake, try to communicate with it."

  Egg nodded without thinking. Newt pursed his lips and smiled, with a hint of vitality on his slightly dull face: "What is she talking about?"

  Egger looked at the little bird and snake in front of him: "Hungry...cockroach...eat...but he doesn't speak very fluently."

  "Of course, this is just a baby bird snake. It has not yet reached the stage of communicating fluently. I can only judge based on their intonation and the length of their voices. This is your talent. I don't know if it comes from Bloodline, but... To be honest, it's not that I look down on Muggle-born children, but Muggle-born children rarely have such special talents."

  Newt spoke very quickly, which seemed a bit inconsistent with his age of several decades. He looked more like a young man with a slightly anxious personality.

  Egg nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Newt and asked: "These books...are all magic books?"

  "Nine times out of ten." Newt nodded: "It contains the language of beasts and... some inexplicable magic that I can't understand. I suggest you be careful when learning, because there are some things that I haven't figured out yet. clear…"

  Hermione was not far away holding a small creature that Newt was teasing when he came. Newt turned to look at Hermione: "That's the moon-crazy beast. It likes to poop. Be careful, but fortunately they Only defecating at night…"

  Seeing Hermione hurriedly put the little guy down, Newt smiled: "Their poop is very valuable. If it is collected before dawn, it can be used as a powerful fertilizer. Hagrid always wants me to help him get the moon-crazy beast." of poop."

  Hermione laughed and reached out to gently touch the little head of the crazy beast in front of her: "They look very cute..."

  "You can take one away if you like. The feed for this little thing is very common and can be bought anywhere. Many wizard families will raise a few to fertilize the yard." Newt nodded. Hermione was a little embarrassed. Egg Looking at her, he picked up the one with the largest eyes and stuffed it into the small bag in his arms.

  Then Egg looked at Newt eagerly: "Is there anything else you want to give us?"

  "Greed is not a good thing..." Newt looked at Egg and shook his head helplessly: "But I really have something I need to give you..."

  With that said, Newt took out a cocoon-like thing from his arms and handed it to Egg: "Dumbledore told me that you are very strong now, otherwise I would not be able to hand it to you with confidence..."

  "What is this?" Iger reached out curiously and poked it, and the cocoon immediately stretched out a small tail and hooked it on Iger's middle finger.

  "The Winged Demon..." Newt nodded gently: "Its food is human brains..."

  When Hermione heard this, she immediately turned pale and took a step back, tugging at Egg's sleeve in horror.

  Egg looked at the little guy in front of him in amazement. He had heard of this thing, a very rare magical animal.

  "So...how did you raise it?" Egg looked at Newt strangely.

  Newt thought for a long time before he composed his words: "Since you and Dumbledore have asked about me, you should know that I have traveled to dozens of countries legally, and of course I have also smuggled into dozens of countries illegally. country…"

  Newt looked helpless at Egg's teasing look: "Although I am a Hufflepuff, expelled from the most kind house...well...but I am not a bad person, you know, travel There are always some blind, illegal dark wizards and so on. After they annoy me, I don't mind feeding them to the Winged Demon. Of course, most of the time it eats the brains of ordinary animals instead... Later, when my wife and I got married, I wanted to give my crouching devil to Hogwarts and put it in the Forbidden Forest, but my wife stopped me because that crouching devil once saved my wife's life, and it also saved my wife's life. That crocodile has captured Grindelwald..."

  "This one is just a descendant of the Winged Demon. I always buy some animal brains from places like Knockturn Alley. Of course, this also makes me feel a little guilty..." Newt said dryly: "But I think If it's you, you should be able to control this amount well. It's not a big meal, so it's no problem to have one meal in a month or two…"

  Hermione looked at the little cocoon in Egg's hand with some fear. Newt looked at her and smiled: "In fact, the Winged Demon is very smart. He can understand what we are talking about. I have thought about it before. Let him go, but he looks a little unhappy, which makes me angry. The little thing is still very loyal..."

  "I need to remind you, Egg..." Newt patted Egg on the shoulder: "The danger level of the Winged Demon is the highest. Their sharp teeth can even pry open the dragon's scales, so you must take good care of it. …"

  "Thank you, I will~" Egg said with a smile.

  After a while, Newt left the two of them to have lunch in the small bungalow. Egg also met Newt's wife, Tina Goldstein, for the first time.

  This former outstanding Auror of the United States Ministry of Magic seems to like Hermione very much. According to Newt, Tina used to be a rigorous, serious, smart and studious person. It may be due to the common personality of the two, but compared to Hermione, young Tina was more reserved.

  At around two o'clock in the afternoon, after Iger and Hermione had afternoon tea at Newt's house, they came to the door and raised their wands. Hermione looked at Iger with some confusion: "What are you doing?"

  "Waiting for the bus..." Iger smiled.

  As Iger finished speaking, a three-decker bus appeared in front of him with a bang.

  "Welcome to the Knight Bus... My name is Stan Sampac..." A young man with big ears and a small pockmark said looking at the two of them.

  "Wizards also have buses?" Hermione looked at Egg in surprise.

  "Of course, as long as you raise the wand in your hand anywhere in England, they will rush over in a hurry..." Egg nodded.

  "Where? Guys?" Stan asked, looking at the two of them.

  "Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor." Egg said.

  "That's not a friendly place..." Stan said, tearing off two tickets and handing them to the two of them: "It's in the next county, two Galleons each..."

  Egger took out five Galleons from his arms and handed it to him: "Two more cups of cocoa, no need to look for it, thank you."

  Star looked very happy and quickly got two cups of cocoa for the two of them. Hermione looked a little unaccustomed to riding in a car. She was shaken by the vibration of the car from time to time and could only hold on tightly. Egg's arm.

  "Are we going to Malfoy's house?" Hermione looked at Iger and asked, "Iger, just go by yourself. I'd better not go. I don't think a racist manor like Malfoy would welcome me..."

  "Don't worry, this trip may not be very beautiful, and I'm not sure whether the Malfoy family really welcomes me as he said." Iger grinned: "But I am going to do business."

  "What's the matter with you?" Hermione asked, looking at Egg.

  "Of course, I have been thinking about some issues in the past two days." Egg squinted his eyes and thought. After taking the Resurrection Stone with Dumbledore that day, Egg had been thinking about what he wanted this time, and soon he thought of this The next thing you want.


  Iger plans to take ownership of Hogwarts!

  When he asked Dumbledore, Dumbledore replied to him telling him that the land title and ownership of Hogwarts belonged to the principal, but if the principal wanted to transfer it, more than half of the school board must vote. Only if people agree.

  Just at this time, Malfoy's letter arrived... With any luck, Iger thought he could get the Horcrux first, and then completely take over the Malfoy family.

  Iger laughed very happily when he received the letter. If I remember correctly, Lucius Malfoy is a member of the board of directors, and it is said that his authority is quite large?

  However, Iger is not sure whether Lucius Malfoy will really agree. After all, even if he does not agree, Iger cannot give him an Avada. The Malfoy family still has a great influence in the British wizarding world.

  When the knight bus stopped at the foot of Malfoy Manor, Egg took Hermione out of the bus. Looking at the ancient manor in the distance, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then he took out a small bottle of Felixir from the bag and took a sip...

  Egger suddenly felt great, as if he could do anything now...

  "Actually, the scenery here is pretty good." Iger smiled: "Although it looks gloomy, it may be because of the guardian magic. It looks all foggy..."

  Just as he was talking, there was a sound in the distance, and a strong man appeared in front of the two of them. The corners of the man's mouth twitched, and he looked at Egg and Hermione behind him with joy. His nostrils expanded slightly, and his tongue slowly licked the mouthful. yellow teeth.

  Egger suddenly sneered: "You are coming here with bad intentions, who are you?"

  "You can call me Fenrir, Fenrir Greyback." Fenrir's browned teeth moved slightly, and his voice was low: "Your meat... looks very tender. It seems that I am in luck..."

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk...it turns out to be a little dog that bites people everywhere..." Iger chuckled: "I've heard of you, the leader of the kobolds?"

  "You should learn to be polite, kid..." Fenrir shook his head slightly, and seemed convinced by both of them: "Of course, if you sincerely request me, I will also allow you to join the werewolves..."

  There was a 'pop', and before he finished speaking, Fenrir's head fell on the grass, with the sinister smile before his death still hanging on his face.

  "Villains always die from talking too much. I can cut off your head without a wand..." Iger pouted, reached out and picked up Fenrir's dirty hair, motioning for Hermione to follow, and the two of them headed towards the manor gate ahead. Go.

  The way Egg came to visit was very unfriendly to the Malfoy family. Anyone who saw the invited guest holding a bloody head in his hand and blowing open the door of his house would definitely not be happy.

  Lucius could swear that he had never asked Fenrir to attack Egger. He couldn't help but look at his son Draco with some suspicion. Seeing his son shaking his head in panic, it was obviously not him...

  But here's the problem…

  Maybe Fenrir happened to run into Egger when he came to visit, and he planned to have a meal of tender meat, but he never expected to run into Egger, who was rotten and strong...

  Really, please memorize it! Lucius was almost going crazy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettThere was yellow mud falling into his crotch. It was either shit or shit...

  He recognized the wound on Fenrir's neck, Snape's specialty, the sharp edge.

  But Snape never said that he used a magic spell to knock off people's heads!

  "Kid, whether you believe it or not, I have to say that this is really just an accident..." Lucius looked at the wand raised by Egg with a smile, and smiled stiffly.

  The situation at this time could not help him being careful. The strength of the young man in front of him, no matter which channel he got the news from, could crush him without any pressure. Egg may not know the news about himself, but Lucius But he knew it clearly.

  But this was not the reason why Lucius felt nervous. What made him nervous was that after learning about Quirrell before the holiday, he found out that this kid killed Quirrell with one Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts. Luo, this made Lucius realize that the boy in front of him was not a pure white wizard like Dumbledore. He might be very dark in his heart!

  "Maybe that's the case..." Egger smiled strangely. He would not believe the Slytherins.

  "This is really just a coincidence, Egg." Draco looked at Egg hurriedly and said, "Greyback always comes to my house, hoping that my father can buy some of their dark magic items at a low price, I guarantee you!"

  "Okay, since you said so..." Iger threw away Fenrir's dirty big head and engulfed it with a burst of fire. Looking at the stiff faces of the family of three in front of him, Iger couldn't help but feel Smirk.

  He was still thinking about what reason he wanted to use to take the initiative, but he didn't expect to find such a good excuse at the door of the other party's house.

  Regarding the character of the Malfoy family, as long as I go out to promote it, the outside world will definitely believe whatever I say...