
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 23 - Marine Headquarters

Everything went smoothly after the short battle. The marine soldiers arrested all the pirates that had surrendered, while beheaded the rest. And to no one's surprise, their captain Rakas-the-bull, was only unconscious.

The force of Victor's blow landed right on his skull, followed by a concussion that knocked him out immediately. Other than that, he had no visible injuries. Even the kick injury left on his stomach disappeared, exposing the ridiculous resilience of a Zone type devil fruit user. He was immobilized using Seastone Cuffs, consequently making it impossible to use his fruit ability, even if he regains consciousness.

After the pirates were locked up, Zephyr asked Victor to visit his cabin after dinner. And now, here he stood, facing the man who showed somewhat an unrecognizable expression.

"Sit, Victor…" His hand gestured to the chair opposite, other side of the table.

Victor followed, having guessed what he was about to ask.

"Can you tell me more about the old man who had trained you? How did he train you? And if there were any unusual things you noticed during your training…" Zephyr asked directly.

A little surprised, but not far from his guess. "Well, like I mentioned over the Transponder Snail, it was more like torture. It was very hard, so hard that I even thought of suicide during the first months.

Every day I was getting beaten up, exhausted mentally and physically. But every next day I woke up refreshed and healed of all my injuries. I remember days when I had my hands, feet, fingers, ribs, all broken, but miraculously, I would be healed anew the following day. No, every day after an injury like that, the following day I would feel stronger."

Zephyr narrowed his eyes. He was also an instructor who put great pressure to his students during training sessions. But not like that. What Victor was describing could indeed be defined as torture.

He didn't speak and let Victor finish.

"A few months later, one evening during dinner I asked old man Nappa about why my injury and fatigue disappeared every time I slept." Victor paused, before perfecting the nonsense. He could see from Zephyr's expression, the eager curiosity.

"He said it was his fruit ability. Back then, I didn't even know what a Devil-Fruit was, so I never asked. And later, as it had become a norm for me, I forgot to ask more about his Devil-Fruit." Victor concluded, dropping his imaginary mic.

"Uncle?" Victor called out. Zephyr had remained silent even after half a minute. He was concerned to know whether Zephyr had believed his nonsense or not.

"Hmm… I understand now." He responded, making Victor even more concerned. He wondered if this was it, "Did this old man realized it was all bullshit?" Victor thought.

"Yes… You remember the note he left?"

"Note? The seven years thing?" he asked.

At the same time, "I knew you were smart, my dear beloved uncle," he thought, happy that Zephyr had finally brought all his bullshit home to one.

"Yes… His Devil-Fruit. It must be an unknown Paramecia related to healing. However even for a Paramecia, healing injuries like you described would be difficult, unless there was a catch." Zephyr explained.

"What catch?" Victor responded knowingly.

"Remember Victor, nothing in this world comes free. Even your rapid increase in strength. While there were no drawbacks for you, that old man should have endured for you."

Victor acted a surprised expression, followed by a confused one.

"Seven years… All that healing must have caused him seven years of his life. That is what I understood after hearing your story. Your rapid increase in power now makes perfect sense." Zephyr said.

"Can you explain, Uncle?"

"Look Victor," he said while getting up. He then walked round the table, stood next to Victor's chair, "Any other person could also train like you did but would not show improvements this fast. Unless the said person somehow can neglect the recovery time after training." *Sigh* "I'm glad that your incredible physique now is genuine, but, I'm also worried that the man named Nappa you mentioned come and demand something unreasonable."

Victor sat looking down. He wanted to act an apologetic expression. An emotion resembling someone who was not happy, after knowing he had stolen seven years of a man's life.

And Zephyr being the 'smart' man he was, "Don't feel so bad Victor," he said touching Victor's shoulder. "Remember, you didn't ask for it. He did it out of his own will. And he did mention you owe him, so, if his future request is reasonable, then please, fulfill it."

"Damn… Zephyr this old man is really something…" Victor thought, breathing a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Uncle. I hope to see him again. I never even got to say thank you. Whatever he asks of me, as long as it is not evil, I will do it." Victor spoke as he stood up. He now had a determined expression, perfectly in line with the finale of his great play.

"Good… Haha… Now go, get some rest. In two days, we will arrive at the Headquarters."

"I will. Good night uncle." Victor said and walked out of Zephyr's cabin. And Zephyr who had his eyes at the now closed door, showed a smile he had buried deep within him, from the day he lost his wife and son.

"You have a good kid, Von," he spoke into the empty room, following a jovial smile.

-Two days later.

Marine Headquarters, Marineford. Currently the most powerful organization in the world which is under the direct control of the World Government. While there are hostile forces, majority of the world's population, especially the civilians living in World Government affiliated countries, have an extremely positive view of them, so much so that some even believe they are the embodiment justice itself.

The current Fleet Admiral is Kong, also known as Steel Bone Kong. Under this very, very powerful leader, the marines thrive preaching their justice, at the same time, maintain the order of the world.

It is located on the first half of Grand-Line, situated near the Sabaody Archipelago, and laid directly next to the Red Line. It could only be accessed through the Gates of Justice along with Enies Lobby and Impel Down.

It is a crescent moon-shaped island, and at the center of this majestic structure stands a fortress-like building that bore the sign which contained the kanji for "Marines" and the Marines' symbol between them. Ahead lay the Marineford Town, a large residential area which homes the families of Marines stationed at Marine Headquarters.

Numerous marine flags fluttered with the wind, and Victor couldn't help but show a fascinated expression, much like every other soldier. There were heavy artillery cannons erected on the shore, on the coastline, and more than a hundred Battleships neatly lined up. It was a sight of pure dominance.

The battleship slowly made its way inside the crescent-shaped harbor, and Victor quietly clenched his fist, looking at the fortress-like building that symbolize justice, "This is where my story begins, it's… exciting!"

The arrival of the warship instantly caused a commotion in the harbor. After all, this was the battleship of former Admiral Zephyr, and the current chief instructor.

Zephyr stepped out first, followed by Victor and Binz, whilst the rest of the soldiers followed behind.

At the same time, a soldier with the rank of commodore came running moderately, then stopped in front of Zephyr. He gave a standard marine salute, while saying, "Welcome back, Instructor Zephyr."

Although most marines of the four seas still refer to him as admiral, the marines stationed here at the headquarters calls him by his current title. The headquarters chief instructor Zephyr. But this doesn't mean they do not respect him, nor makes him any less a powerful man. Zephyr is still regarded as a marine admiral in the hearts of almost all the marines, regardless of where they are stationed.

Zephyr nodded, expecting another inquiry, probably from Fleet Admiral Kong.

From the day of his family's murder, he had never once moved out of the Marineford island, and had been living here, later becoming an instructor. It was only seven weeks ago that he had suddenly left the headquarters. Back then, he didn't care about asking permission nor who was watching his movements.

All he wanted was to find his only remaining family member. And now, after how everything had turned out, his reckless actions were reminded to him by his returned rational thinking.

"Fleet admiral wants to see you. He asked me to take you to him as soon as you arrive, sir." The marine explained his purpose.

"Right…" Saying, he turned and faced everyone that had followed him to South-Blue, "Dismissed, take a good rest and wait for further orders." His eyes then met Binz, "You too, take a day's rest, and come to the training grounds day after tomorrow."

The soldiers, and Binz all gave a salute before they all motioned to disperse.

Consequently, he gestured the commodore to lead the way, "Let's go…," while placing his hand on Victor's shoulder, "Victor, you will come with me…"

Victor nodded before following. Their destination was the large, multistory building.