
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 14 - Doom

As he was flying, he suddenly noticed some smoke coming from a small island a bit to the east below him.

Victor halted his flight and observed down.

He was too high up and could only see small dots that faintly resembled small houses. Realizing that it was an inhabited island, he thought of having a look then proceeded to descend.

The more he descended, the more he could see that the smoke was not coming from one point, but different points.

A few more meters down he confirmed his conjecture. It was like a scene that came straight out of a goring horror movie.

His vigilance increased, lest their come any unwelcome surprises.

"Jaya, scan below and see if there are any living humans…" Victor said frowning, looking at the many scattered bodies all over.

Burned, slashed and even what appeared to be raped bodies of women and children, all were scattered like discarded garbage on a dump.

[Detecting a faint pulse from one of the shelters. Please follow the indicator.] A green dot appeared on the transparent mini map projected on Victor's iris.

Going to the location he was met with a small house with a broken door.

Disabling the camouflage mode, he made his way inside, "I expected the pirates to be ruthless, but this… it looks like the work of animals. No! Even animals aren't this savage…" he thought, shocked, and disgusted by the sight.

"Cough… Cough…" hearing a faint cough coming from the only room inside the house, victor slowly walked inside.

There laid the body of a dead young boy, he appeared to be a little over 10 years, a woman stripped naked, appeared to be ruthlessly assaulted or raped, and a middle-aged man with one hand and two feet chopped off. The man was alive, albeit barely breathing. Blood continued gushing from the decapitated limbs, and Victor once again realized the tenacity of physique in this world, compared to normal humans in his previous life.

Pricking his ears, the half dead man slowly opened his eyes to see a lean figure about six feet tall — as tall as the dead boy near him — completely covered in a matt black suit, as if it was the reaper, hear to collect his soul.

"Are you… the angel of death?"

Victor raises a brow, not expecting to hear those words as the first thing the man would utter. "No" he answered simply.

The man's half dead eyes somehow narrowed, "one of those pirates?"

"No." The answer was the same.

The man did not speak, seemingly confused.

"I was passing by and when I saw the smoke coming from this island, my curiosity got the better of me." Victor explained.

"Cough… cough…"

The man started coughing while spitting out blood.

"What happened here?" asked victor.

"P-pirates happened. The-black-anchor pirates. They… it was a m-massacre. The b-black mailed me. They r-raped my wife and shot m-my son. T-they made me w-watch…" Tears gushed out like a waterfall. The expression on his face was that of somebody who had gone through intense torture.

Victor's eyes narrowed, and the suit portrayed his expression perfectly.

"Marines?" victor enquired.

"Cough... cough…

W-we did not... have… t-time to s-signal… They c-came in the middle of t-the night…"

Victor sighed. "I see."

"I-is anybody else al-alive?" The man mumbled in pain.

"No… I can only detect your faint life aura" victor answered.

"C-can you do this old m-man a favor, stranger…" the man muttered, turned his head to look at his dead wife and son. The tears never stopped; his expression only grew more agonizing.

"Speak." Victor responded.

"B-bury m-me with my w-wife and s-son… on top of the hill to the n-north…"

Victor did not answer. Not because he was going to refuse the man, but because he had thought of an idea.

Thinking that the strange man in black outfit would reject his plea, "I... I have... m-money… I c-can give it to y-you… p-please…" the man begged.

"No… I will fulfill your request. But it's not money or treasure I want." Victor responded

The man's expression slightly loosened, only to become same as before. He did not know what the stranger in front of him wanted. Nor he did not think he would have it.

"I want the identity of," victor pointed his hand at the man's dead son, "your son."

"Cough … cough…"

Confused and somewhat hesitant, the injured man looked at victor for an explanation.

"You're dying so there's no harm in telling you." Victor paused, meeting the man's eyes, "tell me… what is your name?"

"V-von Doom… my son Jacob… and m-my wife, s-Selene" the man answered with all his strength.

Hearing his answer, "well mister… Von Doom. Seeing that you don't have much time, I'll make it simple. I plan to eradicate all evil from this planet, and for that I need to join the marines. But my identity is… complicated... and I need another. So fortunately for me and I'm sorry to say this but unfortunately for you, your son would be the perfect fit for that."

The man listened as victor spoke.

"My plan involves me to join the marines. And since I would become an admiral or even more in the future, I must make sure my background is solid. A boy who had lost his entire village, his entire family… now that… is something motivating enough, don't you think?"

Von-Doom stared at Victor in fury. The man in front was talking about using his dead son for his own benefit after all. But after a while, his longing-love for family took over. Even after death, he wanted to be with them. He decided not to care about what happens since he gets to be with his family in the grave.

However, that doesn't mean he'd agree for just any reason. "Will… y-you… do evil… as a m-marine?" the man asked.

Victor was a little surprised. Not because of the question, but because he was not straight up rejected. "No…" he responded.

The man's expression became a little reassured, "I... my cousin... is a m-marine… admiral… I w-was o-once a ma-marine… my wife g-got pregnant… s-so I quit…"

Hearing his words, Victor understood why he asked the question. But then he became curious as to why would an admiral's relative be living in this remote village. "What about the Marineford? Don't they have a place for marine members relatives to live... especially since you said your cousin is an admiral…"

"F-for l-l-love…" the man replied simply.

"I see…" said Victor, before enquiring once again "Will you agree then?"

The man showed an expression of hesitation. He remained silent for a moment before pointing his finger at the table. "M-my journal..." There was a book under it. "A-answers for y-you… T-take m-my s-sons name..."

Victors gaze followed and he walked over to pick up the book under the table. "Journal…" was written on the cover. Victor than quickly skipped a few pages to realize this was the man's life, written like a diary, with dates and all information. "Perfect... exactly what I need." Thought victor.

"W-will y-you help me n-now?" the man asked victor who was facing back.

Deciding, Victor turned around and squatted in front of the dying man. "I will burry your family in the place you mentioned. Two graves," he said holding up his index and middle finger. "One for you and one for your wife." He then stood up, "but your son, I will burn his body into ashes. I will lay them in both your graves." He turned around, his back now facing the man, "No one can find out your son had died!

He was the only survivor!"

The man paused before agreeing. "Cough… t-thank you."

Victor took a moment to observe the man who just blatantly agreed to his selfish request.

"I… agree." He heard the dying man say.

The corner of his lips curled up, "I would not take your son's name, but yours… I would be called Von Doom from now on. Victor von Doom."

"Cough... pha. ha... ha…" The half dead man started laughing out of nowhere while coughing a mouth full of blood.

Victor raised a brow in question, to which the man answered, "th-that was… th-the name… my w-wife wanted to c-call my s-son at first…"

Victor let out an "oh…", to which the man simply replied, "thank y-you… str-stranger…"

His eyes closed, losing the little vitality and aura he emanated.

I know.

Dr. Doom from Marvel.

I like the name... Cool and shit...

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