

..one week later in Zero dimenson.

"Okay, okay enough I'll tell you everything." Theo screamed he had been in pain for a while and he finally broke. Zero pulled out 100 shards of sharp blades from theo simultaneously and let out a huge sigh of relief in his head. " Jeez this guy had a lot more will power than most people I've interrogated." zero thought to himself as he released Theo.

" So tell me the real reason you've been chasing me and what the hell your world really is." zero said as Theo sat with his head hung catching his breath. " I believed.. I could... break my.. curse." theo said taking a few breaths in between. Zero walked up to Theo and gave him some water " Hey take your time no rush I guess I mean your voice must be tired after a week right." Zero smiled awkwardly as he realized how messed up what he just said was. Theo looked at him and glared but didnt have the energy to retort.

A little while later Theo stood up. He brushed himself off and proceeded to say " Look the energy your body carries is different from what I have ever seen and the woman who cursed me said nobody in this world could break my curse. When I noticed your energy didnt seem the same as this worlds I believed you to be the answer to my problem. I believed I needed to examine you and unlock the key to my freedom." Theo said with a look of longing in his eyes. Zero had seen this look before most commonly on his comrades I'm his past life. After a soldier goes through an insurmountable experience and actually gets through it defeating through all expectations they lose something. Some say its drive. Some say its purpose. Some say its themselves. Overall they tend to develop many mental problems and eventually commit suicide. Zero had faced this after many years of completing task and seeing many of his comrades pass. Zero found his purpose, his purpose was his family. Once he lost them though he lost himself and drank himself to death.

That's when he woke up reincarnated in this world. Losing everything pushed him to the brink so he understood that look I'm Theos eyes more than anyone else. Zero felt he couldn't let someone else fall victim to their demons they way he had. He had a new purpose and new drive so he felt he should help Theo.

" Theo." Zero proceeded to say as Theo looked up at him. " I'm not against helping you, that's why I wanted you to draw up a contract. Yeah you'd be my subordinate but I'm always take care of my guys and I would do everything in my power to help you break your curse." Theos face changed a slight glimmer of hope flashed through his eyes. " So you'd only draw this contract up to ensure your safety?" Theo asked. " yes exactly I'm kinda sick of being sucked into worlds without my consent." zero replied. Theo slowly shook his head. " You cannot be the one to write it. I will draft the contract and you can read it and well talk about any changes you may require but I will not let you put some under handed method in the script to use against me." theo said. " Fine, fine whatever just make sure you can't hurt anybody from my family, or myself. Also include you having to teach me magic like you ORIGINALLY said you would because I need to increase my strength in this world if I'm going to help anybody." Theo nodded his head and said " very well but we need to leave this place before anything. Actually what is this place how did you create this place?"

" I could ask you the same thing." Zero replied to theo asking about his world. " Well actually my world is just an extension of my subconscious with has been made into a plane I can access with a certain spell. As to how I supply it with unlimited mana well it took my 70 years to figure that one. I had to access another dead dimension." zero with a confused expression asked " dead dimension?" " yes well it means there is no life there but the dimension itself is overflowing with untouched deposits of many from different planets in that universe. finding one that has that is one in a billion but I was lucky enough to find indicators that narrow down the search. I made a small hole into one and just funnel mana into my dimension but I can't pull to much at once or else the dimensional guardians will notice." Zero looked at theo trying to wrap his head around everything. " what the hell there are so many different dimensions and rules and this and that jeez can't a guy just live in one world and be happy." zero said overwhelmed by everything.

" How about you how did you make this place?" Theo asked zero. " Well that's actually a lot more simple. it's an ability from my eye that allows me to put them under and into this place. The only reason we've been here so long is because I have a constant flow of mana from your place. Normally I can't even keep my eye open for more than a few minutes at my level currently."

" interesting. well we should hurry back before you start consuming to much mana and start pulling from the other dimension at a high rate." theo said as he walked towards zero. "ehhh yeah so this eye consumes a lot so we should probably hurry." Zero said as he pulled himself and theo out and they woke up in Theos dimension.