
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Luna; Alice; Ezekiel; Tiana and Thomas were all inside the dungeon and had already summoned their weapons. "Well this is new, how can these kids be able to summon weapons," asked one of the knights. Summoning spells are considered advanced spells and you have to be B rank or higher to be able to cast them. "Didn't you hear who they are? Their families are under duke Grey and rumor says that they send them to dungeons from a young age as a form of training. The duke's daughter is rumored to be an S rank even though she is really young and junior duke Zach is rumored to be a SS rank" another knight answered the question of his colleague.

Back in the dungeon, the group was fighting D-rank trolls." These things are so annoying" commented Tiana as she shot them with her mana arrows. "Tell me about it," said Thomas, the twin used bows to fight but unlike the regular archers who used arrows they preferred using mana arrows. "They just keep on coming, there is no end to them," said Alice as she swung her whip. Alice used leather whip coated in mana so it can cut through solid matter easily. Luna and Ezekiel are both close-range fighters, Ezekiel was using a standard long sword and Luna was fighting the trolls with her bare hands. "Look at that black-haired girl does not have a weapon with her". The students and knights outside the dungeon were using crystals to observe what was going on inside the dungeon.

"Finally they're dead" Tiana lets out a sigh of relief, but just as they were about to leave the area they were currently in they are ambushed by a pack of silver wolves. "Let's group up" Ezekiel shouted, they formed a small circle with their back against each other and the wolves surrounding them. Luna decided to take the situation at hand seriously and summon her rapier. There were exactly eight wolves surrounding them. The wolves have perfect co-ordination and attack at the same time but the long range fighter quicly react and shoot their arrows and aiming straight for their front legs. Alice quickly swings her whip and one of the wolves fell on the floor dead. After some time the battle against the wolve wa over. The corpeses of the wolves were littered on the floor, Ezekiel had killed a total of four wolves; Alice killed two and Tiana;Thomas and Luna killed one each. "That took longer than expected" said Tiana, "Yeah let's go now, I'm already tired of this place", Alice walked toward the gate and everyone followed. As they got outside they noticed that someone was missing "Hey, Where is Luna" Alice asked her voice was full of terror. She knew that Luna was really strong but she sometimes worried about her because Luna was two years younger than her she considered her as a little sister and she was also terrified of what the duke might do to her if something happened to his beloved daughter. "Don't worrie I'm here" came Luna's voice from the gate. Alice rushed toward Luna who just came out of the gate "Oh my got I was so worried Lulu, I thought something happened to you" she hugged her tightly. "I'm fine Allie you don't have to worry, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself you know".

The students where bought to a confrence room where the results would be announced. Master Nimrod announsed the results and finally it was time to announce the B ranks. "For B rank this year we have Tiana Roberts; Thomas Roberts and second princess Alena Reeves, can you please come up to the stage" due to curtesy everyone including the guild master had to bow due to the presence of the second princess, Tiana and Thomas were torn on what to do. Should they bow down to the princess or not, they decided to look over to where Ezekiel was and saw that he; Allie and Luna were still standing and they ultimately decided to stand as well. What the twins did displeased Alena,"What are you doing, do you not know how to behave infront of royalty". The two just remained quit while Alena screamed at them."Quell your anger princess, these two are part of the duke's fraction so you must understand they do not understand the standad way of behaving with royalty" master Nimrod said. "Let us carry on. Our A ranks this year are Alice Sheppard, Luna Sheppard and first princess Veronica Reeves". After the A ranks were introduced everyone prepared to leave but,"Where are you all going, unlike in other years this year we have an S rank please welcome Ezekiel Roberts". As Ezekiel walked up to the stage, shock enveloped the two princesses. "How can this be possible how can he beat us. This is unacceptable." Veronica whispered through her gritted teeth and Luna heard her due to the spell she casted on her ears which amplifies sounds.

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