
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The temple of time

The current king had five wives therefore he had many children. Veronica and Alena were the daughters of the king's fourth wife. "How can the nephew of a mere viscount get S-rank. Master Nimrod did you take a bribe from Viscount Robert or maybe duke Grey" Alena shouted after the students were gone. Inside the conference room, there was, Alice was standing between Luna and Ezekiel. The twins were by the door; master Nimrod and the two princesses. "No my princess I would never align myself with the duke. You think too lowly of me". Hearing how the guild master was talking about her father pissed off Luna but luckily Alice was there to stop her from doing something stupid. Luna was a petty person by nature and she would surely get revenge. 'How dare they talk about my dad like these excuses of human beings she thought enraged. "You can all go now your faces disgust me," said princess Veronica

Upon reaching her room Luna was fuming with anger "How dare they say that about my dad" she hissed. "Calm down Lulu, you don't have to worry about people like them" coxed Alice. "Your right I have something more important to deal with". That evening Luna had planned to sneak into the dungeon and check something out. The truth is while in the dungeon she sense something odd as if something or someone was calling out to her. Night came and Luna instructed Alice to stay in the room in case anything happened. After casting a cloaking spell she snuck out of the dorm and headed to the basement where the dungeon was located. After entering the gate she felt the distinct presence again as if it was guiding her somewhere. Luna decided to explore the dungeon in hopes of finding out what was calling her. She had to fight off countless trolls and stone wolves until she reached the area where the power she has been sensing was the densest, there was a gold and black scythe on the ground and it was the source of the enormous mana. Luna reached out to touch the scythe and the mana emitted by the scythe tried to consume her. She was transported to a different realm, where there were five moons each bigger than the last. She was in front of a giant temple the entrance had two angels opposite to each other. One was carrying a giant hourglass and one was carrying a tablet, there was writing on the tablet and the words 'time waits for no one ' were on the tablet. The inside of the temple was a huge open space.