
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

World Class Killer Attacks At Night

The death of Chimpolo and the sudden exit of Bryce, upset the student but did not shake the school. Afterall, it was one of the top ten that was pulling the strings behind the tragedy. Thulford was a place for the wealthy and the most tenacious; crimes and deaths occurred, but families settled them with a phone call and a transfer of funds; it was difficult to find anyone who wouldn't accept money; if there was one, it only meant the prices were not high enough; and for the top ten, no amount was imaginary for them; every student aimed to be their friend, every girl aimed to marry them. Even while a typical student at the school, such as Dimitry, is already wealthy in society, when placed beside them, he is nothing more than a poor filth. The unique classroom and convenience room designed for the gods of Thulford, as they were referred to by students, were located on the school's highest floor.

"How cute, murdered one and severed one's hand." Ines Lenoir is the daughter of a French transportation company's Chairman Charles Lenoir. She is not an heir, but because her brother is attending an Esper's academy, she is studying in his place to aid him.

"Do you think that's cute? or are you merely attempting to fulfill your title?" Senan O'Devlin is the heir to an Irish bodyguard company and Seamus's younger brother.

He is the second god and his brother is one of the world's most recognized raiders. "What is it supposed to mean to me-"


Before she could stop, he kicked her mouth from where he sat. No one understands the secret of his abilities, but Senan's ability decreases space and allows him to reach targets from distance, which is why he was able to land a kick on Ines despite the fact that she was 10m away from him.

"That is not attractive, Senan; you have no idea how to treat a woman, and it pains me for you." As he assisted Ines, Fidel de la Cruz, son of Danilo Robino and the fifth god, held a rose petal in his hand.

"You guys, stop it already, someone we've invited for three weeks has been ignoring us, yet he went ahead and killed two people right under our nose and even took care of it like he didn't need our consent, it's definitely clear this guy is deliberately ignoring us, he also might have done this because he didn't care about us, that's very cocky...am I right, Imari?" Timur Kutuzov, a Russian and the army chief's son, stated.

"After today, I shall delegate authority to you. Timur, it will most likely be difficult to clean up someone whose father is the seventh wealthiest Chairman, but with all of us, it should be feasible. If necessary, we can remove his father if he is too persistent; that way, Ine will be able to ascend to seventh and cease being insulted, or will she not?" Imari Okotie-Eboh said this with a smile and his forthright African English.

"Y-yes," Ine answered.

"Finally, I get to chastise some infant," Timur exclaimed. Unlike the others, Timur had a petite size and a lovely grin, but he was the worst of them all.

Except for Imari, he was the one with the most military strength among them all. "Tchi, the school will be terrible once more." Senan got up and walked out on them, saying, "I'm going to study." "Doesn't Senan get a little too pompous at times, is it because of his brother?" Timur stated. "Let him be Timur; he's the only one with a brother that is an hunter" "...I believe you'll be a rank S but it's just that your father wants you to be a businessman, right?" Timur stated.

"Let's all go study," Imari said with a smile.

As Imari left the room, the rest of them stood up and followed.

Dimitry and Karl were on their way home from school. "Do I have to follow you again?" Dimitry inquired. "Uh? You don't want to come with me?" "Why would I not want to follow you. lol," Dimitry remarked, laughing softly. "It's fine if you don't want to hang out with me." 'So you say... but I watched you smash someone's head and cut off someone's hand...do you honestly expect me to resist you?' Dimitry thought to himself.

As they continued walking, a student approached them and extended a red envelope with his head bowed.

Karl paused and smiled, saying to the boy in front of him, "explain yourself youngster." "I was merely told to give this to you," the boy explained. "...hmm" Karl smiled as he accepted the letter, but it was more than a smile; he was gloating, and his grin was filled with malevolent intent. He took the letter, opened it, and tore it while smiling so broadly that his white teeth were visible.

"Let's go," he said to Dimitry, walking pass the boy who was still bowed his head.

As though Karl already knew. Timur frowned as he dropped the binoculars he was holding. He took a step down from the box he had used as a step up to reach the window, fixed his bow tie, and began to comb his hair. "Master is enraged," his escorts murmured to one another. "The previous time this happened, he got in big problems with his father because of all the difficulty he caused." "What should we do?" We know Master Timur struggles with controlling his rage." "We're not going to do anything," replied the escorts' leader.

"Rodion," Timur exclaimed.

"Yes, Master," said the escort's leader. "Where has Viktor gone?" "Master... Viktor is not in the nation, and in my judgment, this is too minor a problem to include Viktor in. Viktor is an Esper, and involving him in a school quarrel will ruin his reputation if it is discovered that he murdered a high schooler..."

Timur locked his gaze on Rodion, the head escort "You're fucked! Don't tell me what to do; just call Viktor!" "Yes, Master," he replied. "And make it today; I don't care what time it is; I don't want that boy to come to school tomorrow," he says. 'How could that jerk... it was as if he knew I was there and still dared to offend me!' I'm going to kill him.


"What motivated you to act in that manner? why? What if he was looking?" Dimitry nagged Karl all the way home, and when Karl finally sat down on the white comfortable sofa, he looked at Dimitry. "He was looking."

"Wait, he was?" Dimitry was terrified.

He picked up his backpack and stated to Karl, "I'm leaving," as Karl just gazed at him. "Are you going to kill me if I leave?" He inquired softly.

"Not me," Karl replied.

"What exactly do you mean?" he inquired.

"He saw both of us together, you will survive if you stay with me, you will not survive if you stay away," Karl explained.

"That's true," Dimitry answered, dropping his bag.

Karl stripped naked and entered the room. Dimitry looked at him and adjusted his glasses as Karl entered his room; he also looked at Roland as he gathered up Karl's clothes from the floor.

"Why does he always do that?" He questioned.

"Young Master is amazing in so many ways, this is only one of them."

"Ah, I see," he says, 'he must have been charmed, he believes throwing clothes around is a lovely thing...as expected of the top ten, things are different up there.' Dimitry pondered. Later that day, about 11 p.m., Karl opened his eyes and awoke. " *sniff sniff*...hmm" he stood up, put on his white robe, tightened the rope, put on his slippers, and walked outside.

After a while, the door opened and some people entered. "Viktor, is this really okay? Even though he is the chief's son, shouldn't ordering you around like this be considered rude?" One of his subordinates stated. "Shut up, what do you know, he is the future, tiny favors like these are required to completely win him, he is a person who completely relies on me for nearly everything, do you think that will change when he finally becomes chief...as I said, I'm not doing this for nothing. So hurry up and go take care of that kid because I have to return to Russia in two hours... and turn on the light for me "Viktor stated.

"Yes sir," his minion said, putting on a torch to find the light switch, pointing the torch forward and falling. "What the hell happened?" Viktor stated.

-clap! clap!!-

After the double clap, the lights turned on, and they saw a white-haired boy sitting on the couch, as if he had been waiting for them.

"Hard time sleeping?" questioned Viktor, dropping the large cigarette he was smoking. "...with rats running around my house, absolutely," Karl replied.

"What rudeness? but I find babies like you cute, it's a shame I have to kill you, I wish I could just keep him and train him," Viktor said, astonished and upset.

"What should we do?" one of his henchmen inquired.

"What else? The young Master wants him dead, so he should be killed."

His minions, three of them, drew their weapons, all of them wielding a knife.

"Don't hold it against me, kid," Viktor said.

Meanwhile, Karl seemed unfazed, simply sitting and watching them. They jumped at him from where they were, but Roland suddenly appeared in front of Karl with a spin of his scythe; they sprang back swiftly, but their hands were sliced.

"How daring of you?" Roland added, swinging the scythe to his side, its blade was 43 inch/1.09m long, with a sharp diamond-shaped edge and no marks or carvings. The handle is made of oak (a heavy, robust pale wood) and has a purple cloth-bound grip.

It has a medium weight and is perfectly balanced in his hands. 'Eheh, so he's quite formidable,' Karl reflected. "Of course... no surprise he was so relaxed, there had to be an esper protecting him," Viktor stated, pulling out a rifle, "Sorry pal, I don't have the time to play with you."









He started shooting at Roland, who just swung his scythe cyclonically, none of the bullets hit him; instead, they bounced away. Viktor directed the gun at Karl and continued to shoot, but Roland moved quickly and continued to stop the bullets with his scythe. "Tsk..." As he reloaded the pistol, the color of his eyeballs changed to purple and began to glow, and he smirked, "it will be different."


Roland spinned his scythe while standing in front of Karl, who was still sitting and enjoying the fight, but the bullet took a different trajectory, flew over him, and the next thing Roland saw was Karl falling to the floor.

"No! young lord!!" He yelled out and dropped his scythe. "Let's go," Viktor said to his minions as he slid his gun into his pocket.

"Please take your hands off of me."

"Huh..." Roland was taken aback.

Not only him, but Viktor, who was about to go, also came to a halt. "I said stop touching, me... do I seem like your younger brother?" Karl rose up, stretched his neck, and tossed the bullet to Viktor. "Did you really expect that small piece of metal to bring me down... are you an esper?" He stated

'What just happened, I was sure it hit him, did he catch it... did he catch it just before it entered... a speed ability esper perhaps?' Viktor scoffed, "so you were an esper, no wonder the young master called for me, it was my mistake to think you were an easy opponent." "What is this musclebrain saying... I am not an esper," Karl replied. "What? That is not realistic "He extended the pistol once again.





All four bullets fired in various directions, but when they reached Karl, they all fell to the ground.

"What?!!" "I thought you were a speed ability user," Viktor exclaimed. "I said, I'm not an esper," Karl reiterated.