
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Bloody Kid With No Regrets

When Bryce opened his eyes, he saw a white-haired child, another child with round glasses, and a tall man in a black tuxedo in front of him.

"...what happened?" he asked, rising from the floor. "Where is this?" he wondered.

Karl said, "My house."

"What? I'm not sure why I'm in your house" With a bewildered expression, Bryce inquired.

"You passed out for four hours."

"Ah, now I remember some strange guy shoved me..." He looked at the boy in glasses, "...wasn't it you?" he asked, pointing to Dimitry.

"What's the point?" Karl said

"Uh?" He replied.

"Don't get any strange notions; I still have to deal with you, which is why I brought you to my place."

"I don't get it."

"You will," Karl stood up from his chair and walked over to the weapon board in the training room, where he selected a sheathed sword and threw it at Bryce, who caught it firmly and looked at Karl.

"What is it for?" he inquired.

"I'm going to give you a chance," Karl said.



"Young Master, yes."

"Who exactly is this young man?"

"Bryce Metaxas," Roland said.

"Will there be trouble if I kill him?"

"It should be easy to handle, but if it can be avoided, I believe young Master should avoid killing another person."

"Wait...another....?" Bryce began to panic.

"That's true, that fat pig is dead; he kept spitting on me, and I got carried away in my rage and murdered him, hehe." With a quiet laugh, Karl said. "...I don't want to kill you if necessary, if you can land a hit on me, I'll let you go home, how's that, isn't that a fair game?" he said as he glanced at Bryce.

"...ehm...sir?" Dimitry stated tremblingly.

"What is it?" Karl inquired.

"Can you tell me why I'm here, sir?"

"Don't question me," Karl said to Dimitry, who was already shaking.

"It's a lie, you can't be serious...why would you kill someone...impossible it's unless you're part of them, it's impossible"

"...what is he saying...raise your sword and fight, kid, every kid deserves to have sense drilled into them like this."

'That's correct, he can't be serious; he wouldn't dare to kill someone unless he was a part of them.' Bryce thought to himself and unsheathed the blade before sprinting at Karl with the sword in the air and his shout in front of him.


He saw the sword swing towards his front and fall, and as he stared, he noticed his hand glued to the blade on the floor, and he quickly freaked out and yelled. "ahhhhh!!! my hand!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!! MY HAND!!!

Bryce collapsed to the ground, wailing and rolling on the floor, gripping the joint from which his hand had been severed.

"...this grunting youngster is behaving like a king... what a laugh"

'Seriously, is this supposed to be a thirteen-year-old...' Roland came out in a perspiration where he was standing.

Dimitry's legs were shaking as well, not only Roland's.

"You-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u You're one of them!!!" Bryce yelled as he groaned in agony.

"Part of what, what is this brat saying?"

"He must be referring to your status," Roland responded as he came forward with a mop to scrub the floor.

"What about my status?" Karl inquired, intrigued.

"In Thulford School, the heirs to the world's top ten richest conglomerates are placed on a new level of hierarchy. I feel a student will be more knowledgeable about this." Roland finished and went on to mop up the blood on the floor.

Karl confronted Dimitry, who immediately collapsed on the ground.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to murder you..."

"They are the true owners of the school; they are uninterested in prefectship, which is why it is left to grunts like us, because they have world-class authority at their fingertips; they call themselves gods of the nine skies, and they are made up of the top ten richest heirs."

"Weird, I thought my father's company was the seventh richest in the world; why am I being left out?"

Dimitry's eyes widened, 'He's the seventh... what have I gotten myself into?' "There's no way, they would have definitely invited you," Dimitry said.

"Hmm..." Karl stroked his chin, a habit he had developed when he was full of beards.

"He's correct, young Master; there's no way you wouldn't have been invited, think about it."

"That's correct!" "Now that you mention it, there's always this red package with a black seal I meet under my desk every time," Karl replied abruptly but quickly.

"They're the ones!" Dimitry spoke quickly and inquired, "'How did you handle the letter?'

"I threw them away."

"Eh?" Dimitry was taken aback.


"They won't be gentle with you because you're seventh; disobeying their letter is disobeying their authority; they could send espers, literal espers, to come and teach you a lesson; they're truly gangsters to the bone," Dimitry feared.

Karl gave a wide grin.

"What? "Are you happy?" Dimitry inquired.

"Yes, that is why I am smiling," Karl responded, still beaming.

"However, why?" "You could actually die."

"That's what makes it fun; I enjoy having fun, so this level should be able to keep me entertained." "I need them to send me espers as soon as possible."

'He must have a screw loose... that's correct, all of them are out of the ordinary.' "What's your name?" Karl cast a glance towards Dimitry. "me? "My name is D-D-Dimitry," he stutters. "I like you, so relax," Karl said as he tapped his shoulder.

As Karl touched him, he became suddenly calm. '...strange, I'm no longer terrified...' he thought to himself. "How do you make a living?" Karl inquired. "My father operates a cleaning business," he explained.

"Cleaners are a big industry," Roland stated.

"Cleaners are a ---," Roland stated halfly but Karl cut in

"Those in charge of mining and gathering whatever is in a gate, while the espers deal with the monsters." "Do you think I don't do my homework?" Karl stated.

"No, sir, forgive me," Roland apologized, his head lowered. "Because a normal person exposed to the conditions of a gate is extremely dangerous, only espers are permitted to enter a gate... "Your family must be quite talented," Karl remarked.

Roland smiled as he thought, 'seems like someone has been taking school seriously.' "Yes, but my father is an esper, as are my siblings, but I'm nothing exceptional; I awoke when I was twelve years old, but I have no ability." "The experts think I'll figure it out as I get older." "...I see you, too, have had a difficult life. "All right, let's go eat while you tell me about Thulford." "eh? "However, I must return home." "All you have to do is call home and tell them you're with me."

"Is it okay?" "Yes it is? As I previously stated, I have taken a liking to you, and you are now my subordinate "Karl stated. "All right, if you'll excuse me for a moment" Dimitry happily went to call his parents and inform them that he will be spending the night at Karl Frydenlord's house, which caused a joyful uproar in his house that night; his siblings even asked him to send a photo of the two of them together, but he wouldn't dare because he had not forgotten Karl's dreadful face that enjoyed spilling blood.