
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Bloody Kid And Bloody Assistant

"How does that make sense?" "How did you do that?"

"Qi... all I have to do is raise my qi to the seventh layer, and the surroundings will surrender to my will, and you probably can't see the qi because your eyesight is poor." Unless I make it obvious, qi augmentation beginning at the sixth kevel is nothing more than compressed air." "I don't follow a word you're saying!" Viktor yelled. "Not that I expected you to," Karl chuckled.

"Young master," Roland said softly.


"Please let me tend to them," Roland said.

"...well, I'll give you ten minutes."

"Thank you, young master," Roland bowed and went forward, picking up his scythe. "You scumbags almost cost me my job."

He swung his scythe and dashed at them, the first minion tried to block but Roland's scythe phased through his knife and blood splashed out from his neck as Roland slashed it away with his scythe and dashed at the next guy who was wise enough to quickly use his ability he slapped his hand together and Roland was caught in between the air, as if the air was squeezing him together. The third minion charged at him with a dagger and stabbed him.

'It's not even 4 minutes,' Karl said, dismayed.

Suddenly, the minion who stabbed Roland went forward and stabbed the man in charge of the air, stabbing him repeatedly. "What? What are you doing, you dimwit?!!" Viktor yelled.

But the man with the knife also ran towards him.


He shot the guy in the head and turned to face Roland, who was laughing as he was freed from the hold of the invisible air by the death of the second minion.

"You scumbag, you used my guys against me." ""Uh-uh, the real work begins now," Roland pounded his scythe on the floor, "obey my call, a master of the dead calls out to your souls."

The three dead bodies all stood up and started walking towards Viktor, who was still shooting, but they were still moving towards him.

"argh!! Dammit!!!" He threw away the gun, and his upper body was enveloped in a purple aura. "A necromancy ability, huh... let's see how well it fares against my homing ability, how well will you be able to protect your young master while focused on me," he flung many bullets into the air, and the purple aura immediately absorbed all of them and began shooting them towards Karl. "Don't worry about me... you just have three minutes," Karl told Roland, who was attempting to stop the bullets.

Roland was in command of the dead bodies, and he ran at Viktor. Viktor's punch shattered the three dead minions in a moment; he twisted the punch into Roland's chest, which Roland immediately blocked with the pole of his scythe, but he still flew off and crashed into the wall.

'He's good, not only is he constantly shooting bullets at young master... to still be able to deliver reinforced punches like that...to think I might have to use my grade A undead,' he says. Roland stood up and moved magnificently towards Viktor.

~stab~ "Huh?" Roland was the first to suffer.

Viktor looked down and noticed a hand poking out of his stomach; he looked ahead and saw no one. "I had my eyes on him... how?" he pondered as he vomited blood. "Master!! You stated that there were three minutes left." "Your three minutes were up already," Karl said as he pulled his hard, blood-splattered, and Viktor fell on his knees. "Young master, this is unjust; you should give me an opportunity to protect you." "I did... but you're too slow... having dead people fight for you is child's play hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Karl laughed loudly and arrogantly. "What do you mean child's play, and that's my esper power?" 'What the hell have I stepped into...' he said as he collapsed on the floor.

They both stared at him. "To believe he wouldn't be able to escape it...? At this point, I don't mind not being an esper" Karl remarked this while clicking his tongue at Viktor, who was dying on his knees. "Young master, you don't need to be an esper because you're already strong enough."

Dimitry knelt in agony upstairs as the two of them spoke about what didn't matter despite the fact that they had just slain four people.

He was terrified, whispering to himself, "he's a monster, a real monster."

Karl approached him and bent in front of him, Dimitry was all curled up and buried in his thoughts that he didn't realize Karl was in front of him.

"What's the matter with you?" Karl stated.

"I believe he was afraid because he watched you kill someone."

"ehhh? However, this is not the first time it will happen." Karl stated with a strange expression on his face, as if he was amused by Dimitry's situation. "Young master, one does not grow accustomed to witnessing people slaughter. Not with someone as innocent as master Dimitry," Roland said. He stepped closer because he wanted to assist Dimitry, who was still curled up and afraid to make eye contact with Karl. "Leave him," Karl advised.


"Send him home when he's recovered"

"Are you sure, young master?"

"He'll learn the hard way, and I despise meddling in other people's lives anyway."

Karl grinned and walked away, saying, "Throw him out of my house."

Roland sighed and turned to face Karl as he walked away, '...that Young master...' I'm wondering if he's attempting to use... no, no, no...' Roland gave a shaky nod. "It's time to go home, young master Dimitry."

Dimitry looked up, and when he realized that Karl was not there, he sprung to his feet and dashed away. "I'll accompany you," Roland said as Dimitry dashed for the door.

Karl snorted, "clueless fool," as he lay on his bed with his hand at the back of his head and his gaze fixed on the roof.

Roland entered Karl's room after driving Dimitry home. "Young master, letting him go like that is perilous; he has been seen with you, and given what occurred here, the kids may be persistent and consider him as a target to get to you," Roland cautioned. "Let them... the fool should have known that much. It's now up to him to decide if he wants to be a bait or not." "I see, so I was correct after all," Roland replied as he turned and walked away.

Karl returned his gaze to the white ceiling after turning his head in Roland's direction.


Timur continued to throw tantrums the moment he saw Karl in school the next day, the most irritating thing to him was the fact that he had not heard anything from Viktor and earlier his father had called to ask if he had anything to do with Viktor's disappearance, he denied but he was already much flustered, not hearing anything from Viktor possibly means that Viktor has been defeated.

Imur entered the room and noticed Timur gnawing his nails. "What exactly is it, Timur?" "I dispatched Viktor to his location yesterday, but it appears Viktor has been defeated!" "My father must not know about this!" he exclaimed as he flung himself up, flustered.

"I knew Senan would have to do it...you weren't cut out for it." "Are you serious, Imur?" Is it what you're interested in right now? If my father finds out I got Viktor killed, I'm going to be toast; he won't forgive me!!" "How is that my business? It's not my fault you only have a third-rate eser at your disposal." "What? Imur? "You dare?"


Timur's face twisted sideways as Imur slapped him. "Don't get too carried away and lose your place, Timur." I like you, and I don't want to dislike you so quickly."

"Master, I have returned," bowed a black African man in a black suit.

"Give the outcome," Imur said as he sat down. "He is not an Esper; there is no other information that leaps out except that he sometimes makes decisions like an adult, and despite not being an Esper, he can comfortably fight or possibly even defeat a low ranked esper." "Oh, I see... how about his escort?" "His rank was sealed, his expertise is commanding the dead, but other than that, he is a second-rate esper." "Second rate, huh?" Imari commented as he opened his textbook. "Kindly excuse yourself." "Yes, master," he said as he bowed and walked away. "You were impetuous, Timur, attacking without proper information, as I assumed his bodyguard defeated him."

"Wrong, Vikto-r is rea-lly str-ong, he's powerful!!" Timur yelled and bolted. "Oh my God, this is why I don't hang around with kids."

Senan came in as Timur was leaving, and he gave Imur a quizzical glance. "Don't look at me that way; he failed to eliminate his objective and is saddened by the outcome." That's why I'd like you to assist him," Imur explained. "Tchi, as if I'd ever take orders from you black monkeys," he remarked, his hands in his pockets. "oh-oh, your brother might be in trouble if you don't, his surbodinate did mention that he was discovered with another woman again, obviously your brother just can't stop cheating, his public image will be wrecked at this pace."

"You imbecile!" Senan yelled at him.

Imari tossed several images of his brother and a strange woman in a hotel room onto the table. "If you get rid of him, I can get rid of them," Imari responded.

Senan gritted his teeth, "fine," he was about to leave, then hesitated, "why are you so hell bent on killing him anyway?" he said, without looking at Imari. "I wasn't, at least not until today," Imari responded. "Well, whatever, it's none of my business; just remove that photo and the rumors," he remarked as he walked away.

"Is it really okay for me to leave it to him?" Imari asked, smiling.

"Do you want me to take care of him, sir?" a black man dressed in ninja garb appeared out of nowhere. "Don't worry, Asha; Senan is cunning and lethal, and he'll figure it out." "All right, master," Asha, an assassin, murmured before disappearing.