
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Bloody Kid

Karl, as expected, did not fit in at a regular school; he found the atmosphere extremely irritating. Not to mention the luxury yell. It was a school of hierarchy, thus every student was showy. To see who has the most money or the most valuable possessions. Every student arrived in their cars, and their bodyguards unlocked the doors for them. Karl was dropped off in a Mercedes-Benz c300, year 2379 model (which was the latest) with only Roland as his escort.

"Young Master, no matter how hard I think about it, I honestly believe we should have brought more escorts for you so you wouldn't look inferior," Roland replied.

"I said I dislike unnecessary attention," Karl said, adjusting his school uniform as he walked forward.

'The young Master is very different from the other kids,' Roland observed.

"What's going on there?" Karl paused.

Roland turns in the direction Karl was looking and notices a group of students assembling. "With my experience, young Master, I advise you not to become involved if you absolutely despise unnecessary attention."

"Of course, I'm not getting involved; I'm just curious...go let's look," Karl said as he walked up to the location. But before he could reach there, someone raced passed him.

" *sniff sniff* this fragrance..." Karl's head followed the fluttering hair till the sprinting lady vanished from his sight, as he was dazed and remained dazed even after she had vanished.

Roland grinned. 'Seeing him like this makes me feel at rest; this way, I can preserve my sanity; I was starting to wonder if he was really thirteen, but seeing him like this reassures me.'

Karl yelled out, "Roland!"

"Yes, Young Master," Roland replied, smiling.

"Follow that girl, learn her name, address, family, clan, and all else you can about her."


"What are you looking forward to?" Karl looks at Roland, who can't believe he's been asked to run after a female.

"go!!" Karl kicks him in the buttocks.

"Yes, Young Master!" he exclaimed as he dashed away.

Karl closed his eyes and grinned, 'That perfume, no mistake about it, it was definitely Yeonhwa's" he continued walking towards the crowded area while immersed in his imagination, not realizing he had already arrived, someone grabbed his shirt and screamed,

"It's him, he's my accomplice!!"

"Uh?" He was jolted back into reality.

"Hey. "Are you attempting to frame an innocent boy?" A young man with yellow hair stated.

"I swear to God, he was there!!" The boy who had seized Karl's shirt yelled, and he appeared to be ragged and beaten up.

"Hey, Junior, you were with this Boy when he entered the restricted area, right?"

"Huh?" Karl was still baffled by the incident.

"You better not attempt to make that foolish innocent expression," a boy with short black hair said arrogantly behind the yellow-haired lad; they were both wearing long pants, indicating that they were seniors, while Karl and the boy who grabbed him were both wearing shorts. It represented the fact that they are freshmen or juniors.

"First and foremost...did you just talk arrogantly to me?" Karl finally reacted, but he was no longer interested in comprehending the situation.

"What is the point?" Freshmen?!" Karl received a more arrogant response from the boy.

"What? "Did you just refer to me as fresh meat?" "He just called me Freshmeat, didn't he?" Karl asked of the youngster who had been holding his clothes before.

Karl grinned as the boy who had grabbed him moved away slowly.

"Come on out! I'll show you the real fresh meat" Karl stated.

"This freshman must be insane," the boy says arrogantly as he steps forward.

"Won't you stop them, Alturio?" Behind the yellow-haired boy, another wavy, black haired boy in long pants said to him.

"No," Alturio, the yellow-haired boy, responded.

The black-haired boy sprinted towards Karl with a tightened fist. Karl weaved slowly, changing sideways, walked into his range, and slapped him with the back of his hand, sending the lad flying out of the crowd and into the flower garden. "Now who's a freshmeat?" he asked, looking at everyone.

"As I expected," Alturio said, shocked. "He is an Esper."

"Is that an Esper?" "But what is a powerful Esper like that doing in our school?" Godo, the boy next to him, screamed, "I'm not sure if Gilbert will even survive that."

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand you were an Esper, and I apologize on behalf of Gilbert's arrogance and as the disciplinary prefect," Alturio said as he approached Karl. But Gilbert didn't call you freshmeat; he said freshmen, which is a term used for students in classes 1 and 2, whereas seniors or sophomores are terms used for students in classes 3 and 4"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Karl stated with an irritated expression.

"hmph?" Karl was difficult for Alturio to comprehend. "I know what Freshmen means, I needed an excuse to beat him...isn't that what you guys do in schools like this?"

"Wow, you're interesting," Alturio said, "I'm Alturio Patrick, second son of Jonathan Patrick and heir to the Ewinrobles." Alturio extended his hand to Karl.

'...I've heard that name before... Ewinrobles,' "I'm Karl," Karl said as he accepted the handshake.

"Is that it?"

"Of course, what else do you need to know?"

"I mean, isn't it a courtesy call to introduce oneself the way I did?" Alturio said.

"Courtesy call, or whatever call, I told you all you needed to know, so pardon me," Karl said as he walked past them, "Damn Roland, how long is he taking to obtain a little girl's information?"

"That boy, Altturio – "

"You don't have to say it, Goddo, he's a scumbag, the worst of the worst, he doesn't deserve to be here." He lacks etiquette and isn't even smart, as far as I can tell. "I will revenge him for this humiliation," Alturio said viciously.

The student began to clear, and whispers began to circulate about a freshman who dared to criticize a member of the student council. Karl was well-liked within a week.


"Alturio, I keep hearing some tainting stories; you should know that as a member of the student council, we must avoid being the subject of rumors; nothing good comes from them," Bryce, the student council's president, stated.

"I'm sorry, President; I'll make things right."

"Don't mend it, rid of it, eject him or something, are you new to this?" "How did you become a member in the first place?" Bryce stated in a mild yet authoritative tone.

"If I recall correctly, it was a certain muscle-headed individual who said, 'I can vouch for him,' right Kim Young-bum?"

"I still think Alturio is resourceful; do you think you could have measured up to his accomplishments since the short time he's been with us, uh?" Arkady?!" Young-bum, hit the table, he immediately regretted what he just did and apologized, "I'm sorry President"

"...Alturio is a really useful person, which is why I'm being friendly; I don't understand why a freshman should be making a fuss when school has just resumed, Alturio..."

"Yes, Mr. President."

"Do not let him get in the way of your being president."

"Yes, President," Alturio replied with a smile.

Following the meeting, the assistant president approached the president.

"I believe what you did there was reckless."

"Anna...why do you believe that?"

"Because you're naming Alturio as the new president, which isn't up to us to pick."

"...is that it, or are you more concerned that you deserve the position more, Anna you are smart and intelligent that is why despite being in class two you were able to earn your place as the assistant president, but don't get your hopes up, you can't be president until you get to class four, it's beyond you and not even your father can interfere this time around...well..." "...until you accept becoming my girlfriend, of course, I can make you be the president," Bryce grinned.


He was slapped across the face before he could finish his sentence. She walked gracefully out of his sight.

He clenched his teeth and shut the door behind him. "A-nna!!" He gnarled.

Karl walked out of the door, whistling and walking on his own, as soon as it opened. Bryce looked at the open door and then at Karl, who was walking away.

Bryce looked at the open door and then at Karl, who was walking away. I don't want silly rumors to spread!!"


It was the last two classes before school ended. Karl sat with his eyes closed, waiting for the next teacher. Suddenly, three students approached his seat, one tall, one obese and round, and one muscular, all dressed like delinquents.

'...they don't seem to be from this class,' Karl said as he opened his eyes.

"Hey there, brat! We'd like you to follow us!"

'They're at it again...' Karl was outraged by their tone, so he stood up, hands in his pockets, and addressed them, saying, "Did your parents not teach you to respect your elders?"



All three of them burst out laughing.

'Did I say something funny?' Karl wondered, only to realize he wasn't Che Hua. It was something that happened to Karl all the time, because he had lived more years as Che Hua than as Karl, and it was a loss of self every now and then.

"I believe your parents must be grooming you to be a fantastic entertainer "said the chubby one.

" *haha... haha...* anyhow, just follow us, an important person wants to see you," the tall one added as he laughed.

"Lead the way," Karl replied as he followed them, desperate to escape the humiliating environment and the entire class's attention. "Oh my, the big three are taking him, I guess he's in real trouble... who knows what will happen to him now," two students remarked as Karl was led away. Meanwhile, Dimitry remained behind them, squeezing the book he was holding and adjusting his round glasses.

'It's not my fault, it just happened that way,' he thought to himself as he walked away. Karl got at the location they had sent him to and encountered a man sitting; he was tall, black-haired, with black languid eyes and a little smile that seemed to harbor hypocrisy. He was smoking, but as Karl walked in, he dropped the cigarette and stepped on it, stood up, and slapped the tall guy.

"How come you didn't inform me he was coming? What will you do if he spreads rumors that the student council president is smoking?"

'Seriously, I thought Davidsen said this was the best school in the entire world, what precisely is wrong with this setting?' Karl sighed as he reflected to himself.

Bryce glared at Karl and approached him, swooping his hand to slap him but it just sailed passed the empty air.

He was taken aback, but even more so by the glare Karl was giving him.

"Wow, how did you do that?" He inquired.

Karl continued to gaze at him aggressively.

"Didn't you hear the president talk to you?!?" The big one yelled while spitting on Karl's face; Karl's face was already gloomy, his white bangs covering his eyes as his eyes darkened with rage. 'I will murder these children.' Suddenly, a boy in glasses dashed in and grabbed the president, pushing him backwards. He and the president fell to the floor, but he quickly stood up and grabbed Karl's hand, saying, "Come on, let's run away now!!" but Karl did not move, and the other three quickly grabbed him and began to beat him up. "Hey pig," Karl shouted angrily in his ethereal and haughty voice.

"What?" The overweight guy came to a halt and returned an indignant glare, "what did you just call me?!" He charged towards Karl, but –


Karl gave him a kick in the jaw, that was more than a kick, and the overweight boy launched into the air before he could reach the ground.


Karl smacked a kick in his face, and as his body dropped to the ground, blood splattered everywhere, and blue smoke (Qi) oozed out of his leg.

"What?!!" The last two were terrified.

"Chimbolo?!!" shouted the tall boy

"I can't even see his face anymore, hey brat, what have you done?!!" exclaimed the muscled guy to Karl in absolute disarray.

"Do you want to die as well?" Karl inquired, his voice calm.

He simply quieted down and quietly walked away from Karl's front, as did the other, leaving only the president, who had fainted from the crash, and the boy in glasses.

Karl's voice pierced the boy in glasses' chest as he was about to leave, "where are you going?"


"Carry him and follow me," Karl instructed.

"H-u-h?" The boy faltered, stared at Karl's blood-splattered face, and instantly raced to carry the president, despite his little stature.