
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

A Weird But Lovely Family

Karl arrived at Whindock the next day, accompanied by Dimitry and Roland.


As Karl highlighted from the black Mercedes that drove them home from the airport, his siblings yelled.

'Karl's younger brother...' '...how would they be...' Dimitry wondered as he saw the two hurry towards Karl.


Silas spun in the air and landed a kick on Karl, but his kick was caught. Remi rushed from below, using Silas as a distraction, and was about to hit Karl's stomach, but Karl grabbed it as well, spinning both of them and throwing them away.

"Is it really necessary for me to land a hit on you before you can teach me the ultimate martial technique that would even beat espers?" Silas remarked as he stood up from being thrown like it was nothing.

"Of course," Karl answered, "I have to see your passion."

'...Karl's siblings?' Dimitry's jaw fell. '...I thought they were going to be extremely cute, but they're more like chaotic cute,' he reflected. "So, where is mother?" Karl inquired as he entered the mansion. "Mother is in the clan leader's mansion, but father should be here shortly." "...so what did you bring for me, big brother?" Remi answered.

"Wait? Father is on his way?! I was hoping to avoid him as much as possible."

"Why do you need to... it's not like he'll be hard on you any longer... because now you're an esper...right?" Silas asked. "That's right, big brother Asgeir, show us your powers," Remi exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. "No... I can't," Karl said.

"Welcome home, young master Asgeir," said Sebastian, the family butler.

Dimitry gazed around, thinking, 'Is this what it means to be rich?' Unlike many other families, Karl's family did not have maids, at least not within their main mansion, but outside they were guards and workers in the vast garden and the fountain, while inside was free, leaving Dimitry wondering who did the cleaning.

"Why don't you relax, young master, while I reheat the food Madam cooked earlier this morning?"

"Come on Sebastian, you don't have to be so stiff, father and mother aren't here," Karl replied, tapping the bowing Sebastian on the shoulder.

"This time, young master will be attending a renowned and completely different school, where nobility and etiquette are important, so young master must prepare carefully," Sebastian explained.

"...I think Casimir would have gone home if that's all the school is about," Karl replied.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian inquired.

"I mean, the Casimir I know has no etiquette... yet every time he comes home, he always has a pleased expression on his face, as if he's truly loving school... In fact, I'm overjoyed that I'll be joining him."

"..." Sebastian was rendered speechless.

Outside, another automobile could be heard approaching. The butler came to the door, as did Karl and his siblings. Dimitry saw Karl for the first time, submissive and quiet, as if he had suddenly switched, as did Roland, who had been silent all along.

'I'm curious...how his father is.' When Karl's father entered, everyone immediately bowed; he hesitated and looked around, then bent down in front of Remi, abruptly cuddling her and continuing. "Awh awh, did you miss me, my chooky dooky?"

"Dad, Dad, please stop, we have visitors!!" Remi became enraged and yelled at her father.

"Isn't my daughter cute?" said Gard as he stood up and straightened his suit.

'I feel sorry for Silas...Thank God he's a power fanatic like me, or this family would have been shattered...' Karl mused. Silas turned to face his father and extended his hand, "...the sword."

"Young master Silas, you are going to adore the sword, I had to fly over to the world's greatest blacksmith to get it crafted," Gard said with a smile. "Really?! wow!! So, where exactly is it?" Silas's face brightened up.

'...like I said, power fanatic,' Karl thought to himself as he glanced at them.

'What's wrong with this family? It's the polar opposite of everything I've imagined.' Dimitry couldn't help but be impressed.

"I'll deliver it to you... I need to attend to your brother first because he is leaving us soon."

"OK, take your time," Silas remarked as he walked away.

Karl naturally followed his father as the others dispersed.

"Am I the only one who thinks everything here is strange?" Dimitry asked Roland.

"With the family, certainly, but with the Chairman, the whole company knows him, his office is loaded with images of his daughter, and he cherishes his family." "I think he's a touch harsh on Young master because he's the heir," Roland stated to Dimitry. Karl stood there watching his father take off his coat and eventually sit. "Sit down," his father instructed.

Only then did he sit on the couch adjacent to his father's master couch, with the glass center table extremely close to his legs. "Let's get one thing straight." Asgeir... your standing as an heir has not changed, so beware what you do to people even if you attend the academy. But I'm delighted, I'm glad you've become an Esper... I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit. Karl, the journey ahead will be different, and it will not be easy. You will realize why I want an esper so much throughout your stay at the academy, and you will also meet other family members of them all warn of the tiny old man..."

"...Small old man?" Karl inquired. "Yes... he's my grandfather, your great grandfather...beware of him and keep me updated on happenings, we've been partners since the beginning, remember...?" "...no... I already have a partner?" "...come out Black," Karl said.

Black oozed from his garments.

[Hello Gard Davidsen Frydenlord, my name is Black, Karl's companion.]

"...what? a pronoid?!!" Gard said with surprise written all over his face.

Karl hadn't seen his father look that surprised in a long time. "Did you climb the tower, son?"

"I've never been there," Karl replied.

"How do you have a pronoid then?" "He was born when I awoke inside the gate that had trapped me."

Karl's father's amazement was still visible on his face.

[I believe your father has met others like me]

"Eh? "Is this true, Father?"

"Perhaps this will be more exciting than I imagined," Karl's father breathed, "accept me as your second partner...I'll always be on your side."

"Why the heck would I... it makes me cringe to think of you offering me battle advice."

"Can you clarify what you mean?" Karl's father looked perplexed by Karl's statements. But it was something that happened several times, each time with a different kind of surprise; sometimes he couldn't help but perceive Karl as an adult, despite the fact that Karl was only thirteen at the time.

He embraced Karl tightly, saying, "It's going to be a long and lonely trip from here on."

Karl was annoyed, but now was his opportunity to take advantage of his father's vulnerability and get Dimitry's schooling cost paid.