
please reset the booktitle CephasWRITES 20231218092329 7

Distinctive figures beyond our grasp, uncontrollable variables, ostensibly obsessed with the destruction of worlds, desire to engulf everything Monarch Of Darkness tells the story of a villainous hero, a man obsessed with subduing kingdoms and striking fear into the heart of Kings and Emperors was sealed in the eternity of darkness but after spending over a thousand years there. He was reincarnated as Karl Asgeir Frydenlord, the son of one of the richest businessmen, now having everything within his reach; What impact will Karl make in a world that he's unfamiliar with, and how will he operate in a world filled with Espers, gates, catastrophes, and hunters? It tells the story of the growth of a man, definitely not from weak to strong, as to what it is... I'll leave it up to you to figure it out. This is my WSA entry, your support is needed. TL;DR: The side stories used are entirely fictional, despite the fact that names were borrowed; nonetheless, the story itself does not reflect the history of any country, person, or place. ENJOY!

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Incomplete But Still A Victory

"...and there goes the trouble, it only took one implanted grenade." Imari stated from his seat inside the automobile. "Let's go," he said to the driver.


Imari's car exploded immediately he started it.

As the smoke cleared, a giant black sphere was visible; both explosions had drawn people's attention, but people were more concentrated on the one closer; the black sphere slowly descended and opened, and Karl and Roland emerged.

Roland collapsed on his knees, gasping for air, "tha-twas extremely dan-gerous," he said, "I didn't expect that last-minute reaction from young master, the way he dragged me was very fast...he won't stop amazing me."

[I evaluated and cloned the bomb implanted it back in the perpetrator's automobile] Black said in his brain. 'As expected, you are quick to act, but when did you do that?'

[I made a clone to do the job while we were gone]

'Should we greet him?'


Dimitry dashed forward, astonished to see the black sphere vanish into Karl's grasp.

[I see you're already grasping the fundamentals.]

'Many thanks for your instruction.'

Karl walked away from the gathering and toward Imari's bombed-out automobile. Imari was still attempting to get out when he noticed Karl in front of him,

"...how?" "You can't kill me... " Imari murmured, blood flowing from his forehead, 'I'm sure he entered before the automobile blew up.'

"I presume you were the one who also sent that black assassin, right?" Karl added, chuckling. When Karl opened his hands, a black ball with streaks appeared and expanded to a sword, which he used to stab Imari's hand. "Where is the boy you sent... the one who shoved me into the gate?" "Senan?" Imari was confused as to why he was requesting Senan, '...it must be for vengeance... it appears he's not interested in me. I'm going to divulge Senan's whereabouts and attack him again, but this time I'm not going to employ petty techniques', "...Senan, he lives in the Hines district, 3 kilometers from school."

"Ah, I see."


"That's for my friend's family."

[Extract his soul essence]

"No," Karl replied.

[And why?]

"In my opinion, it would be disrespectful to retain a warrior who murdered Dimitry's entire family at my side."

[That logic is illogical]

When Karl turned around, Dimitry was bewildered by what he had just done. 'Damn, I was so preoccupied with what I was doing that I didn't notice him...'

[No, he was in stealth mode...]

'That's strange... he wasn't an Esper.'

[He is... a wind element esper with stealth.]

'...oh-oh...' Karl smiled and tapped Dimitry on the shoulder. "Do you have that much power?" Dimitry spoke slowly. "Yes!" As usual, Karl responded with vigour.

"Oh, I see..." Dimitry looks down and says, "...I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologize...move let's forward from the past. I'll look after you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Karl kept tapping Dimitry on the shoulder.

Dimitry, bewildered, couldn't make sense of what was going on.


Following Imur's death, Mister Jaja-Jabari Ngozi Okotie-Eboh was apprehended by the WFCF, world financial crimes force. He was accused of embezzling several billion dollars from charges of the universal esp powered generator, which was known to power the entire world and was built beneath the Pacific Ocean, as well as other crimes such as illegal drug dealing, human trafficking, and gate abuse, which was the most heinous crime in the world. He could no longer manipulate his way out of the situation, which was compounded by the news of his less favored son's death. Jaja-Jabari ultimately recognized he had crossed a line by opposing someone he should not have. Gard Davidsen, as he knew, pulled a massive one on him and swallowed his wealth, and little was left of it was taken up by the Adebayo clan. It was his plan B, and his second and most favored child was also taken into their custody. Gard Davidsen Frydenlord was awarded a Great Merit by the global government for uncovering the heinous deeds of Jaja-Jabari; they had initially questioned him and wished to destroy him, but he proved to them that he was a trustworthy ally, or so they believed. With the Merits and surge in partiality toward the Fryden group of enterprises, they had their highest income in their history, a two-day income of 785 billion dollars, propelling him to the fifth richest man on the planet.

"No wonder he was too busy for a visit...was he cleaning my mess or doing his thing, or did he send me to this school with all that in his plan book...he is genuinely difficult to read," Karl muttered as he finished his noodles while watching the news.

"Karl... I promise I'm not an esper, I can't even feel anything." While lying next to Karl on the floor.

"Stop talking!!" "Continue your pushups, I said you're an esper," Karl yelled at Dimitry, who instantly struggled with the fifth push up while sweating profusely. "...Young master... why am I doing - " "You must strengthen yourself!" "You are too weak," he shouted, interrupting Roland's words.

"However, young master, it is impossible."

"Eh? "What exactly do you mean?"

[It's pointless] Black whispered into his ear. '...why?'

[The quantity of ESP is fixed...] "Young master, an esper cannot grow stronger unless he is a hunter," Roland explained.

"...hm, hm... this world is really convoluted... practically everything is difficult."

"There's no doubt about that one young master... but since you couldn't find Senan O'Devlin and it appears he's returned to his country, shouldn't you be preparing to enter the academy?"

"You are correct! I completely forgot!!" Karl burst out laughing.

'...yes, my young master is probably the only one who will dare to disregard Esper's academy.'

"S.s.se-ven!" "I... I can't go on!" Dimitry collapsed to the floor.

"Get up, Dimitry!" Karl mocked.

"Do you finally believe me?!" exclaimed Dimitry. "Pack your belongings! We're heading to Esper's academy." "Uh? Why would I do that?" Dimitry stated, pointing to himself.

"Because you're an esper...don't worry, I'll pay your costs." "But first, we're flying over to Whindock, I miss my brother and sister... get ready, we're leaving tomorrow," Karl stated confidently.

'...that's the first time he'll say that,' Dimitry looked at Karl.

Roland grinned at Dimitry's shocked expression, 'I know... bit by little, he's learning to voice his sentiments,' Roland stated in his head with a big smile.