
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 198

Chapter 198

Author: Luozhou White Horse

That's why it's going to press on humans step by step.

That's why they take revenge on the humans who live on this land.

The dragon brings destruction, destroying and constraining the environment that was originally suitable for human existence.

This is painful for the people who live here. Most people are in pain but powerless, but in Boudica's view, since the pain must be changed, this is the reason why she has been fighting.

She grew up here.

This is her hometown.

So she decided to save this place - even with her own life.


"The will of the Celts is firm, the sword of the Celts, never backs down."

With a loud bang, facing the raging storm, facing the huge black shadow slowly rising from the overlapping miasma, the terrifying gesture that was suspended like a mountain only made the will of death in his arms. Boudica showed a smile.

The girl drew her sword.

She will die graciously.

In the name of 'Celtic', she will never back down!


The dragon's roar echoed louder and louder, the shadow of the huge dragon appeared in the black mist, and its open eyes were like two bright golden sun and moon.

Boudica stood with her sword in hand.

The dragon's oppression crushed the ground in an instant, and large cracks appeared, just like a huge rut rolling over.

near, near.

Death is imminent.

The awe-inspiring will is also in front of him——

Boudica closed her eyes, but the voices of two women and one man, one after another, echoed in her ears at the same time:

"Lord, protect the brave and fearless man who guards the homeland!"

"Um? He is indeed a brave warrior, Yu Rome needs such a person!"

"You just say yes?"

Death did not come.

The oppression of the explosion also seemed to be blocked in front of him.

That first sound...

"Lord Martha?"

"Huh? We meet again, Your Highness Boudica."

The saint in white robes held a cross-like spear, and she appeared in front of Boudica, her pretty face turned to the side with a smile hidden by her long purple hair: "I'm glad to see you safe and sound, too. Glad we caught up."

"You are..." The young Celtic warrior opened his mouth.

In front of him, Marda was not alone.

The blond girl in the red dress was flying like a rose flame, and her arms were so full that she had an amazing chest. She was petite and slender, but she had a powerful and noble aura that could not be ignored no matter what: "Yu is the emperor of Rome, Nero. Claudius, let all people bow down and admire the perfection of the rest—"

With a bang, before Nero's words were finished, the person next to him tapped his forehead: "The forefoot said that there is no need to bow down, the emperor is a firm man!"

The blond girl's powerful aura instantly slackened, hugging her head and making a humm sound, only the bright blonde hair still had a high rise, showing her 'arrogance'.

The hand that hit the girl's head withdrew, the man patted the robe on his body, and looked at Boudica.

A young and handsome young man.

Yet he is...

Standing at the front of the crowd, closest to the direction where the dragon of Albion struck, blocking the raging disaster.

Boudica froze.

"His Royal Highness Boudicca, this is the emperor of Rome, and this - is the 'Holy Son' I have been waiting for."

'Son? 'Of course Boudica knew that Marda was walking around in order to convey the Gospel of the 'Lord', the 'Lord' she claimed, 'Spirit in emptiness, Father in heaven, Son on earth', etc. Deca is also clear.

But she only thought that it was just an ideal existence constructed by Marda herself. After all, in Rome, only the special Roman gods can appear in the world.

After the end of the age of gods, other gods only left a name to convey to the world.

Now suddenly there is a 'Holy Son'?

And also blocked the attack of the Dragon of Albion?

"My name is Luo Wei." Luo Wei looked at Boudicca and said, "The first assistant of the Roman emperor."

The Holy Son again, and the Auxiliary Officer?

"According to Roman law, we are to take over the territory of Britannia, and - eradicate the threat from this land!"

The words fell, and there were repeated footsteps behind Boudica.

Boudica looked sideways.

Countless tall figures in helmets and armor walked in uniform steps and raised their spears and javelins high. They walked on the sea as if they were walking on the ground.

The legions of Rome came across the sea.

And after them, there were the countless Britannia and Celtic civilians who had been brought out by Marda before.

'Lord Boudicca...'

'We're back! '


All the way, all the way Pentium.

Now that he has decided to come, neither Rowe nor Nero will hesitate, nor will he regret anything.

lead the army.

Escort the soldiers and civilians of Britannia.

The calm on the island of Britannia was shattered, the waves rolled, and Rome landed here.

The red-haired girl warrior hesitated for a moment, but Boudica actually wanted to say that you are not opponents.

She knew the horror of dragons.

But seeing the performance of the 'Holy Son' in front of him, the assistant of the Roman Empire, he couldn't help but hope in his heart.

Maybe he can?


"Don't worry, Your Highness Boudica." Marda saw what Boudicca was thinking: "Although the dragon is powerful, it will not be the opponent of the Son of God."

"I have also received the promise of His Majesty the Emperor - from now on, Britannia will be under the protection of Rome."

"No oppression, no bullying, all treatment, equal to the Roman people!"

"Humm? That's right!" Nero put her hands down from the top of her head, she looked at Rowe, and hummed: "Since Britannia is already Rome, then the gentleman is a citizen of Yu, and Yu will protect him. Everything about Rome!"

"This is Yu's promise!"

Boudica took a deep breath, Marda is not a reckless and stupid person, since she came, it proves that she is sure.

She doesn't believe in Rome or Rowe, but she believes in Marda, a person who absolutely follows morality: "I believe in you!"

Rowe over there just smiled.

He ignored the conversation behind the crowd.

He just turned around and faced the center of the island of Britannia, facing the huge shadow rising high.

The dragon of Albion is also staring at himself.

Those twinkling golden dragon eyes were also looking at him.

"The original man—"

"In the beginning, can a pure human be born?"

The majestic voice burst in Luo Wei's ear, and Luo Wei responded: "There is nothing impossible."

"The dragon transformed from the remains of Albion, just step back and leave here, I don't want to kill you!"

Not wanting to do it is nonsense.

Annoying the other party is the goal.

The incarnation of the island of Britannia is a very special existence, a mutant island caused by the death of the highest-ranking dragon species 'Albion' that existed in the age of mythology.

This is one of the 'fulcrums' of the world, a place where mysteries pass very slowly.

The dragon standing here is stronger than when it dropped its claws over Rome before!

Of course, it is impossible for Rowe to pass up the opportunity to fight with him.

Fighting is the way of death.

It is also the hard work necessary to become stronger.

"Kill me? What arrogant words!"

The huge dragon raised its slender neck high, and the huge dragon head passed through the shroud of miasma, overlooking the earth in the air, and also overlooking the people on the edge of the island.

The golden dragon pupils flickered coldly, and the falling pressure made everyone feel chills.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The Roman legions rushed forward, guarding Nero's side.

But they were pushed away by Nero.

The girl walked to Rowe's side.

"Yu is the emperor, Yu Li should stand at the forefront!"

"This is not a stage for Qing to dance alone!"

The emperor's words were arrogant and natural.

Martha also moved forward.

"Following the glory of the 'Lord' is also what I seek in this life-"

"This is my home."

Boudica moved forward with her sword in hand, and she would not have the slightest fear because she had the will to die.


More and more people face the majesty of the dragon.

The dragon of Albion felt that his dignity had been violated, so his wings became larger and the power displayed was even more terrifying.

The island trembled and the ground roared and shook.

The dragon's anger erupted at this moment.

Rowe stretched out his hand at the same time.

Fight with dragons.

Arouse his anger, and then fight hard.

This is his purpose.

Not for death, not afraid of death.

Don't hesitate to show your strength.

The place where it stands is one of the fulcrums of the world and an important pillar of Western humanism.

So, what is its fulcrum?

no doubt...

"In answer to my call, manifest here