
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 197

Chapter 197

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Some people have been able to get up quickly. After all, no matter how the Luo Wei in front looks at them, they are all people who are just like them, and they do have a natural intimacy. Of course, some people have difficulty breaking free from the psychological bondage quickly.

Luo Wei was not in a hurry, he just turned his eyes and looked at Nero next to him: "Your Majesty Nero, what do you think?"

"I see with my eyes." Nero snorted, rather unhappy, but still couldn't help but say: "Since you have agreed, let's go to Britannia!"

He promised to escort them back, so he naturally had to keep his promise.

And if you don't set foot on that land and eradicate that evil dragon, it will be difficult for Britannia to settle down completely.

"Then, please, Your Majesty the Son, Your Majesty Nero." Marda then spoke.

"Um? You don't have to be polite, you can be considered Roman's people, Yu's people-"

Nero's response was quite reasonable: "No matter what happened before, but since Yu is here, of course he won't sit idly by—"

"With all that said, it's not me who does things?" Rowe tapped Nero on the forehead.

Nero covered his head in an instant, but did not squat, his expression was still high: "Qing is Yu's assistant, Yu is Qing, Qing is Yu, is there any difference between what Qing does and what Yu does?"

"Strong words make sense!"

"Yu Zhiyan is the truth of the emperor!"

Marda looked at Nero, and then at Rowe, and she always felt that this Holy Son was very different from what she imagined.

But...compared to the high gods, as expected, it is better to be such a holy son.

So Martha also smiled.

She turned to look at the many poor people in Britannia behind her. She held up the spear in her hand, and she said loudly: "Everyone, let's follow the Holy Son and go home!"

"go home!"

"it is good!"

While the crowd was boiling, Nero and Rowe also stopped bickering, and smiled when they looked at each other.

"Followers of Yu, follow Yu's footsteps and go to Rome and eradicate the threat!" The emperor of Rome also immediately issued an order.

The army moved again.

Cross the sea, cross the border.

The 6,000-strong army, plus tens of thousands of Britannia's poor, gathered together, like a surging torrent, across the area separated by the sea.


"They're here—"

"Rome, here we come!"

In Britannia, the sky is shrouded by oolongs all the year round, and the island is often confused by the rich miasma. In the middle of this large island, there is a vast area like a swamp, entrenched like a mountain.

The gigantic dragon spread its pale wings, and its surging scales gleamed like a churning white vortex,

It was a white dragon, slender, with outstretched wings, like the outline of Britannia looking down from above the edge of the land.

He snorted like a storm, surging with fiery heat.

The opened golden dragon pupil reflected the figure in front of him.

A red-eyed 'girl' with long white hair and a white robe, holding a tower-like magic wand, her crisp voice swayed easily: "The realm dragon "Albion" remains The fairy dragon, it looks like you are in trouble?"

"Boom!" However, before the girl's words were finished, she was covered and smashed by a paw.

In the next instant, its figure reappeared above the landing dragon claw.

"Is it illusion again? Mellie, you bloody nightmare—"

"Correct, I am a half-nightmare, half-human, half-goblin existence, not a nightmare, and I won't die." The girl's red lips raised, and the bright smile she revealed had a somewhat playful feeling: "So I said, why are you so impatient?"

"To treat you, I think I can be as impatient." The huge dragon let out a roar.

"But what's the use? You can't kill me unless you can break into the tower at the end of the world." The girl seemed not afraid: "Otherwise, even if you are the incarnation of the island, you can't kill me."

"After all, you are just a 'dragon' transformed from Albion's remains, not the real Albion's dragon?"

Albion is an ancient dragon species that existed in the heyday of mythology. It is the creator of the 'Britannia' island environment. Although the area created is too small to become a star god, it also has a manifestation that rivals the size of the planet. .

The dragon in front of him is very different from it.

"Are you trying to provoke me? Nightmare?"

"Guess what?" The girl blinked: "But it's useless for you to lose your temper with me now? The person who smashed one of your paws has come this way—"

The girl turned and disappeared.

Leaving the petals flying all over the sky, the huge dragon exhaled, completely blowing the disgusting breath away, but the tyranny of the golden dragon eyes remained unabated.

"How about coming?"

"Although I am not Albion himself, as long as I stand on this land—"

"Even if it's the original, I'm not afraid!"

The incarnation of the island stands on the island.

What is there to be afraid of?

Yes, the Remains of Albion are not afraid.

"But here, it's not just your territory." Wandering around in the sea of ​​flowers, the white-haired girl's body slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at the beam of light in the distance and let out a deep laugh.

"The tower at the end of the world, Lungominiad, the Lord of the Holy Lance has arrived."

"Where in this world is there a place that is not his home court?"


A small voice echoed from the girl's feet.

Chapter 11 The Holy Lance is liberated after a thousand years

The place where Merry's body is located is the inner world space propped up by the holy spear 'Lungominiad' that ran through the world when Rowe was in Northern Europe.

So in fact, when Rowe arrived in Rome, when the holy spear had an instinctive reaction to its creator, the white-haired half-nightmare girl knew its identity.

However—deliberately reminding the 'Dragon of Albion' was not good intentions.

Because she's just 'lifting'.

without 'wake up'.

It is dedicated to reminding the power of Albion's dragon comer, but it does not tell its true identity.

She knew that, with the pride of the Dragon of Albion, without knowing Rowe's identity, she would definitely not retreat.

"The wise men from the east dispelled the smog deposited on Britannia."

"The opening of a big play—"

"Just let me, just wait and see!"

The raised plain hand moved the petals flowing through the air, the girl standing among the sea of ​​​​flowers with white hair flying, and her plump legs wrapped in black silk swayed gently, looking quite happy.


The dragon's roar spread across the islands of Britannia.

The 'dragon' transformed from the remains of the Dragon of Albion raised a storm in the center of the island.

The pride of the dragon.

to meet the upcoming 'opponent'.

"The dragon is angry again..."

"Lord Boudica, hurry up and leave!"

"You guys leave, I won't leave!"


"Follow my orders, Celtic warriors, it's useless for you to stay here. It's not a Celtic habit to sacrifice in vain!"

On the edge of the island, such a dialogue sounded.

On the edge of the miasma, someone stood on an arched plateau overlooking the center of Britannia.

The long red hair swayed in the wind, and the white cotton-padded clothes she wore wrapped her graceful and young body, but her fair skin looked quite fit, and the legs revealed by the red short skirt were always bent and tensed.

The girl's blue eyes reflected the scene of the miasma surging like a storm in Britannia.

There was a serious look on her face.

She turned back and ordered the soldiers who followed her to leave here quickly.

These are the aborigines of the 'Celtic' people who lived on the island of Britannia and once ravaged countless regions of the European continent. They live on this harsh island, and each of them is a brave and good person. .

The girl named 'Budica' is a 'princess' of a tribe on the island of Britannia, a vigorous and powerful female warrior.

Although young, Boudica has gone through countless battles before this.

She led the Celts to fight against the dragon and never stopped - even if the dragon never cared about them.

As the incarnation of the island and the appearance of natural disasters, the dragon of Albion only needs a slight breath to set off a storm that makes people panic.

The dragon that squatted on the British island was so powerful, and it was precisely because of this that the former rulers of Britannia hoped to rely on the power of the powerful Roman Empire to eradicate the island's threaten,

However, what was ushered in was more powerful oppression.

So Boudica knew that if she wanted to protect her homeland and her people, she could only rely on her own strength.

To gain enough power, you need to keep enough fire.

She did not refuse Marda's arrival, and Boudica was always pushing for Marda's call for people to come out.

If not, how could the Celts accept the advice of an outsider to leave Britannia and leave their homeland, even if Marda's strength was extremely powerful?

Up to now, Boudica can only sincerely hope that Marda can succeed.

I sincerely hope that the people of Britannia can get out of this predicament.

Can only hope...and not witness it with my own eyes.

because others left.

But Boudica could not, much less intend to leave.

She is the princess of the tribe and the leader of the warriors.

She must stay, stay in her own home, and use her death to show the way home for those who leave.

"Leave, Celtic warriors!"

"We must keep enough fire for Britannia, please remember that we go out only to be able to come back one day."

"I'll be here to show you the way home!"

Boudica raised the sword in her hand, and she said loudly, "Follow my orders!"

"Yes, Your Highness Boudica!"

"I'm waiting to leave, just to come back!"

"Britannia, Celts, will never give up their hometown!"

The tall warriors were silent for a moment, then slowly bowed down and saluted the lofty Highness.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The storm was approaching, and the miasma flowed even more violently. The soldiers finally turned around without hesitation and headed for the ships moored at sea on the edge of the British island.

Leave the tinder.

Leaving... hope of returning home.

Boudica was still standing at a high place, staring directly at the rolling torrent in front of her. The world under the pale miasma could vaguely see the shadows of countless swaying grass and trees. Although it was very faint, they were all familiar to Boudicca. .

In Girl Warrior's impression, the environment of Britannia has not always been like this. Although it is surrounded by the sea, it used to be a stable and peaceful place.

When she was young, everything was actually quite calm.

I just don't know when the dragon came back from the ground and brought disaster. I don't know when, people called the dragon 'Albion', saying that he was the incarnation of the British island, the earth to the people living on the earth. of dissatisfaction