
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 199

Chapter 199

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"—shining on the spear of doom,"


The sea of ​​​​flowers roared and shook, and Meili sat on the tower, supporting her chin with her hands, and her pretty face was full of excitement.

Shining brightly, it rises from the ground.

this moment.

Bright and gorgeous holy spear.

Since the Nordic countries thousands of years ago, it has been manifested again.

Chapter Twelve Fairy Lancelot? No, it's Archangel Michael

Although Britain is not in Northern Europe, its distance from Northern Europe is not too far. In this world, there is also an inexplicable connection between the two domains.

Maybe the same origin, maybe have the same end, just like the Nordic Skadi and the Karth Queen Skahha.

For this reason, the holy spear that Luo Wei dropped in Northern Europe, the star anchor used to nail the 'membrane' of the new world, landed on this huge island hanging overseas.

Holy Lungominiad, right here.

Rowe wouldn't go and draw a gun.

But he also doesn't need to draw a gun.

Just as the creator of the holy spear, to resonate, resonate, and activate its power naturally, at this moment...

Tear apart part of the home field advantage of the Dragons of Albion on the island of Britannia!

The ground shook more violently.

The dazzling light of the world appeared in the air, and the scattered strands were like a rainbow bridge hanging in the sky.

"You are—"

"King of the Wild Hunt!?"

The golden dragon pupil of Albion's Dragon shrank and condensed suddenly, and the erect pupil turned into a little edge.

He still knows the name of the Wild Hunt thousands of years ago.

The existence of the Nordic Star God Era that opened thousands of years ago, He has also heard of its name countless times.

The pioneer of a new world, the creator of the anchor of the stars and the god of nails...

But that is God,

The guy in front of him is clearly a human!

"Is it a human or a god, is there any inevitable opposition?" Rowe grinned, he ignored the surprise of the dragon of Albion, but at this moment, issued an order: "The Roman legion, block this coast, and do not allow any existence. In and out!"

"Your Majesty Nero—"

"Um?" The young girl was obviously the emperor of Rome, but she seemed very submissive: "Tell me, Yu Zhi's assistant!"

"Yu Ke trusts Qing with all his heart!"

"Then please, Your Majesty, expand your [kingship], and use the power of the Eye of the Moon to block this island."

"Don't let it escape!"

"Um, leave it to Yu!" Nero grinned.

Marda looked over and asked, "Your Majesty, what should I do?"

"And me." Boudica said at the same time.


Luo Wei glanced at the two girls with different postures, paused, turned forward, only the words floated in the air: "Eat melons and watch a play."

Eat melon?

Go to a play?

Martha and Boudica were both stunned at the same time.

But in such battles, it is normal for them to be unable to help. After all, there are very few people like Nero who are 'blessed' by a special existence like the 'Eye of the Moon'.

Luo Wei stepped into the vast miasma.

The shadow of Albion's dragon appeared, and the huge dragon body cast a dark cloud-like shadow, obscuring Rowe's sight in an instant.

The huge dragon head spewed out the breath of a storm, and its wings were like clouds hanging from the sky. At this moment, Britannia, the rolling islands and the land were like the surging dragon body of a giant dragon, and the grass and hills were like scales intertwined and intertwined. First.

The shadow of the dragon is the island itself.

The size of the incarnation of the island - it is a power size that is comparable to that of the original man and has reached enough to affect the planet itself.

Because it is an island in itself.

Also, because the island of Britannia is a very special existence, excluding the influence of the remains of the dragon after the death of Albion, it is also the area of ​​the European continent that is closest to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Just like the overseas Sanxian Island of China Huaxia.

The reason why the dragon of Albion died here is precisely because at the end of the Age of Gods, the original dragon of the world tried to go down through Britain and dig a way to the inner sea of ​​stars.

That's why the dragon of Albion died here - he died in the passage due to exhaustion of energy in the process of digging.

Therefore, although Britannia is an island, the area it can cover in the mysterious realm can be equal to the mainland.

Size, size, it's all like that!

This is the confidence and confidence of the dragon transformed from the remains of the dragon of Albion.

"What about the original people? Breaking into this place, you are definitely not my opponent!"

The dragon transformed from the remains of Albion's dragon let out bursts of roar, appearing proud and at ease: "The Anchor of the Stars can only contain the connection between me and the corpse of Albion's body, but it cannot suppress my power as the island itself!"

To a certain extent, the dragon that the remains of the dragon of the primordial world transformed into, standing on the island of Britannia, has a double augmentation.

The corpse of the dragon of Albion, and the incarnation of the island.

double power.

Double stacking.

Today, even if he is restrained by the holy spear, he still has enough confidence.

"I don't care who you are, whether you are the original person or the mad king, this is my territory."

"I was transformed by the left hand of the original dragon."

"I am the only one in charge of Britannia—"

"My words are the law of heaven!"


The wings vibrated, the gust of wind tore, the ground roared, and the shining holy spear in the sky stood still, but as the dragon of Albion said, it restrained the connection between the corpse of the dragon of Albion and the dragon of the island, is already the limit.

The star anchor is not invincible, not to mention the holy spear is not the only star anchor.

Powerful, but not omnipotent.

Luo Wei stood in the wind, seeing the sky, the earth, the flowers and trees, the hills and swamps all pressing towards him in an instant.

He stood here, facing directly with the body of a human, like a boat in the wind and waves.

But it was this horrific wave that remained motionless.

No matter how fast the current is,

No matter how turbulent the wind is...

"Is it the principle of heaven? The 'day' I have defeated is not only one or two!"

From the confrontation with the gods in Mesopotamia, to the confrontation with Zeus, the king of the gods in the Greek era, to the confrontation between northern Europe and Odin, Shenzhou Huaxia gathered the six-day ghost... Which step Luo Wei has taken so far is not Against the so-called 'day'?

Fight with God.

For him, it has always been a joy-

"Your arrogance, Fela is unbearable!"

Rowe took a step forward, his robes rolled up and rushed towards the sky.

The Dragon of Remains has spread its wings and has fully demonstrated its power specifications. The spiritual base that carries its power is the entire Britannia Island, from England, to Wales, to this large island formed by four regions of Scotland and Northern Ireland.

With the weight of an island, it is comparable to the size of the mainland to carry the power of the original dragon.

But even so, the Dragon of Remains never underestimated Rowe in the slightest.

No, not even dare.

Because they are both original.

But the dragon of the remains has enough confidence.

Because this is his domain.

As a principle of heaven, it is absolutely impossible for human beings to resist!


An explosive roar sounded between the heavens and the earth, and the pale miasma that enveloped the four fields spread out like a broken mirror in an instant, a huge force attacked from the bottom up, and the dragon of the corpse opened its mouth, facing the sky of the man. figure.

The dragon's breath opened.

Like the mouth of the abyss, a raging storm gathers.

top down...

Rowe soared into the sky!

Like a balloon, the hand he waved continuously expanded and expanded in an instant, the surface glowed with the luster of steel, and it was structured like a gear and mechanical rotation.

The wind is good, and the part of the body of the machine god appears, pinching the mouth of the dragon of the remains.

The dragon's breath was interrupted directly, and the corpse dragon let out a hoarse roar. He suddenly raised the huge dragon's claws and slammed it down angrily.

But it was pinched together by another huge arm that was lifted up and transformed into a machine.

only in an instant.

From the arms, to the head, the waist, and the feet... the one who appeared in front of the dragon was no longer the same person just now.

It is a huge machine god, a 'machine god's body' made of steel.

Its size is not inferior to the shadow of a dragon, and its terrifying posture is no less than that of an evil dragon.

The giant dragon roared. Although he was surprised and even more angry, he shook his huge body, and the gust of wind raised by his wings swept over like countless blades, but only a fleeting white mark was left on the surface of the machine spirit.

The sharp and huge dragon claws were pinched with one hand, and the ferocious dragon mouth was tightly clamped by the palm of the hand.

With a bang.

Luo Wei stood up on his knees, his feet had engine jets, and the flames of lava swept across the air in a shining trajectory, and his knees directly knocked the incoming dragon tail into the air.

Battles without technical content, hand-to-hand combat like primitive beasts,

But in the interlacing, the sky of Britannia is constantly changing colors, the earth is constantly shaking, the mountains are sloping, and countless beasts are running around, terrified.

"Father in heaven..."

On the edge of the island, Marda's eyes sparkled and her heart became more pious.

Boudica clenched the sword in her hand.

must win...

"Well, you have such a handsome power, and you deserve to be Yu's assistant!" Nero looked proud, as if it was her who was fighting in the sky.

The emperor of Rome was proud and airy, and she was also waiting for her chance.


It was at this moment that there was a roar that shocked all things in the world, like frying hair. The pale scales on the whole body of the dragon transformed from part of Albion's bones stood up at the same time, and the sharp tingling sensation made Luo Wei unable to bear it. When he released his hand, although it was an airframe, the Mechanic of Atlantis civilization had already integrated all the functions that life could simulate into it.

The tingling sensation, the instinctive response to threat, is one of them.

Luo Wei let go, but the dragon twisted his slender body at the same time, and slapped the tail again.

He clapped his hands and clamped the dragon's tail as if he was merging left and right. He turned his legs, twisted his body, and threw it into the distance with all his might