
Plain of Euthymia

A boy with a tragic past returns to the town he distaste after 5 years only to attend the school when suddenly he is drawn into a place surrounded by stars and galaxies and in the distance sees a girl in a white dress who is going to require his assistance to resolve the issues that are going to end all of existence.

Udasan · Fantasy
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6 Chs

5. Apostles Of Darkness

"Euthymia" is a state of mind that is known to be tranquil also but why is this place….

"It's because space and time are at a tranquil state in this place for example spending time here doesn't affect the time on earth"

Her explanation made sense but I feel like there is more to this place I'll wait until she tells me why did she call me here and why ME?

she looks at me and congratulates me for helping Misha but continues to warn me of the dangers up ahead I questioned her…

"Dangers? What dangers?"

Before I could get an answer I was back in my room looking at the ceiling knowing getting ready for school right now confused and paranoid. Walking to the bus my thoughts were scattered but I seem to accept everything pretty good is it because of my mental state right now after the accident and the things that came before and after…... who

"would've thought?"

a sudden voice said that which kind of startled me. Looking around I see an old man probably in his 60s taking care of the roots of his plants. He turns around and greets me

"good morning"

I nod and move quickly to the bus because getting late wasn't an option but was that the reason I could have at least said greeted him back…

"why am I like this"

Sitting down at my desk near the window the teacher announced a new student. Tall, with Blonde hair, and a figure that looked like an athletic type but what I couldn't get over was the smile he had rather seemed happy but I couldn't get this feeling out of my head but who am I to judge the teacher and then let him introduce himself…

"Liam Harlow nice to meet ya just moved in. I hope to have a good school year with yall "

The teacher then pointed at the desk behind me which was empty.

while he was walking toward the desk the class delinquent Carson tripped him making him fall right in front of me. Some of my classmates started laughing but the teacher silenced them and wanted an explanation from Carson…

"I tried to grab my eraser that's all miss"

Which was a lie because he dropped it right after tripping him, I could've called it out but why do I barely know the guy he then proceeds to sit and tapped me on the shoulder I didn't say anything at first but it got annoying fast and looked back.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Akira just Akira"

He didn't question why I didn't say my last but rather just looked like he was interested in other stuff like my interests in music and shows.

school ended and Misha wanted to talk a bit. Her parents knew about the accident but didn't tell her at the time. This was understandable knowing what happened before the accident they wouldn't want to associate with me or my family. But I couldn't help but feel a rather bit of sadness because of this she then proceeds to tell me

"I don't care anything about the details of what happened before because Akira is Akira"

She then ran away like always but her words were something I couldn't get over it was the first time someone said that to me but why. She probably saw the face I was making this was rather… before I could get an answer a voice called out to me.


The old man from before greeted me again but this time I greeted him back with a "Hi" this was a bit awkward but he told me that he moved in 3 years ago but hasn't seen me around. That also means he doesn't know me or what happened,

"Ah I recently moved back here"

He seemed like he just wanted to have a conversation. He went back to the house before saying

"You remind me a lot of my son"

while walking home I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Liam

"That your gramps?"

I was confused and wanted to ask why is he there. He said the route to the road to his house was here. After gently taking his hand off I started walking at a different pace Liam was calling out to me then It became a scream as I was crossing the road without looking a car was coming towards me this situation for a moment I had a sense of acceptance and also the question WHY. This world I have no place in it no one to call as friends, always alone and no purpose as I blinked my mind was at the plain of euthymia again I was on the floor on my ass when she was standing over me looking down on me she then proceeds to tell me…

"Akira what is your purpose"

This question I hated this question for I have been wondering what this meant and to have a purpose

"I. I don't know I don't know about anything

why?... why did you pick a person like me with the responsibility to save all of existence but can't figure out his own "

She kneels and brings her face close and tells me

"That is a question you will find the answer to until then you help will me and one other thing. I've seen the history of this planet for Eons humankind has a thing for comradeship it's your duty to find them"

When she said those final words I felt a pull on my back getting yanked and hitting the floor. Liam had run and pulled me back saving me from getting hit by that car…

"Dude, you okay are you hurt do you feel any pain"

I didn't understand Liam's actions this confusion lead me to say…


Liam paused for a moment looking at me with frustration grabbing my collar and saying

"Does there have to be a reason, dumbass"

this was something unexpected I who didn't do anything regarding this guy and didn't want to get involved with him was saved by him. He then let go and we both parted ways but I still couldn't understand Liam or Misha their words the expressions they had and their actions. When I came home my uncle had already left for work but the food was already ready I finished up my homework and looked at my phone for a bit the empty contacts except for my grandparents questioned why I needed a phone in the first place. Needed some sleep but was awakened by a loud bang downstairs got up and slowly opened my door for some reason my hair was sticking up and Goosebumps started appearing this was weird as my body was warning me about something. Checked the kitchen nothing was there but this feeling. Suddenly a voice was in my head it was that girl.


Looked behind me to see a tall shadowy figure with no eyes but teeth grinning at me it looked like that thing from harry potter. I was frozen in sheer horror by that was in front of me looking down at me was something I felt in a long time just what is this creature? Then again her voice

"Calm down Akira and listen to me lift your hand and think of a moment in your life that made you happy"

Sounded so stupid but I felt like I had to listen to what she was saying or this thing could do something to me. As I make my distance and do exactly what she said this monster lunges at me with incredible speed and hits me in the abdomen which sends me flying hitting a chair in the process. The pain I felt was excruciating I looked at it and It was laughing at me…

"concentrate on that emotion you felt in the past"

My mind couldn't as think but the only one I could remember was the emotion I felt from what Misha and Liam did as I open my eyes a light flashed and my hands were glowing like the sky in the Plain of Euthymia. The thing screeched and bolted at me but blocked its attack with my hand, I feel like my strength had increased, and didn't feel the pain like before when it attacked. As soon as I touched it with my hands it gave off a scream and disappeared. Suddenly I lost my balance and fell to the floor losing consciousness. When my eyes were open I was back at the place where she resides…

https://i.ibb.co/GcTRY7F/HANDS.png[/url] (image)

"What was that?"

She looked my way and answered

"Those are Apostles of dark matter it has a lot of names throughout the world like Wendigo, Pereta, Chupacabra, and a bit similar to what you refer to as ghosts they'll get in your way but because of me you can fight and destroy them "

I didn't question her anymore as my consciousness regained I went back into my room. Not have the ability to sleep so all I could think about was that monster grinning down at me with such malicious intent and the glowing from my hands this whole situation was happening to me…. why?

I will now pick up the story where I left off 3 years ago

Udasancreators' thoughts