
Plain of Euthymia

A boy with a tragic past returns to the town he distaste after 5 years only to attend the school when suddenly he is drawn into a place surrounded by stars and galaxies and in the distance sees a girl in a white dress who is going to require his assistance to resolve the issues that are going to end all of existence.

Udasan · Fantasy
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6 Chs

6. Dusk of Summer

When June is near so is summer. For now, my school life has been a rather interesting one. Looking at my phone with empty contacts wanting to go for a walk was the best choice since it was a Saturday. For some reason, me going for a walk brought me a sense of peace until of course something disrupted that peace. In front was a very happy Liam for this strange coincidence. He was on his way to grab a snack and wanted me to join him. After everything that happened, I was reluctant but with nothing to do and being bored it was the best option. As we were walking into the store a rather familiar face and red hair were on site. Liam looking at me pointed out…

"Isn't that the popular girl Emi??"

Before I could answer Emi came close to me and greeted me but for some reason, she was rather reluctant and wasn't herself, was this because of me running out of her house? Liam standing there flabbergasted wanted to know how we know each other. After explaining he calmed down running to get his snack leaving me and Emi alone. While walking down the aisle there was nothing but silence which was understandable I have never been the type to socialize and doesn't give off a welcoming aura. Quite depressing that I understand this that said Emi stopped walking for and faced me way…

"Akira I am extremely sorry if my dad said something uncomfortable"

So this was why she was acting this way. She felt bad about that day. I assured her it was fine and she then let out a proper smile on our search for Liam I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the way I acted at her house. If only everything was normal that panic which set on me wouldn't have happened. If only…

On our walk back home for some reason, I didn't mind this weird duo both Liam and Emi seem to hit it off. I who was originally going for a walk was tagging along with these two or maybe the other way around as we were walking past that old man's house my senses were screaming at me goosebumps around my body the same feeling I got with the apostle encounter but this feeling was towards the old man's house stopping at his fence Emi and Liam questioned what was wrong. I was terrified to meet those things again but what would happen to that old person? My mind was all over the place not knowing what to do until…


Without any hesitation jumping over the fence and gunning for the door which was closed I could sense the feeling getting stronger. Summoning the strength from before I broke the door open. on the other side, I could see the old man lying on the floor with a dark mist over him. This was different from the previous monster. As tried to move in the mist disappeared. Liam grabbed my hand pulling me and asking

"Dude, what's wrong with you?"

Not after seeing the person on the floor I tell Emi who was in shock to call an ambulance. In the hospital, the doctor told us that there wasn't any physical trauma except for a sprain just exhaustion from old age but I couldn't get that misty figure out of my head I thought of asking her later but Liam and Emi pulled me in questioning me…

"How did you know gramps had collapsed?"

I didn't know It was just a feeling and I saw him collapsing through the window which was a lie. Both of them were sceptical but went with it. Soon the nurse spoke with us when saying Mr. Richard Collins has woken up.

"so that was his name"

I thought to myself. The three of us excused our self's in and asked what had happened.

"I don't remember but all I felt was some fatigue and fell to the floor"

I could tell he was lying but didn't want to push him. The doctor wanted him to stay for a few days to check up on his condition. I asked if it's okay to inform a family member and asked Emi who gave me a look I couldn't explain.

"My wife passed away 2 months ago and right now my son is busy with work outside the country If you can bring me my papers and pen from my room so I could write him"

We headed out right away to Mr. Richards's house but seeing the door that was broken Liam gave out a comment

"Daym you really busted that door up. Let's fix it together"

After Liam headed to get the tools from his place me and Emi went inside the house to find the papers and pen Mr. Richard was talking about. Waking through the house the family portraits and pictures of their outing gave me a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

"Found it," said Emi showing me the uniquely printed papers with a fancy pen. While getting the rest of the papers from the desk a picture fell out. It was a young man in a cadet outfit with the name Pvt. Collins wrote on it. This didn't seem like an old picture to be Mr. Richards and his face was similar to the child in the family picture. Emi looked at me and asked what my thought was on the picture. Apparently, she was trying to connect the dots too but It was best to talk with Mr. Richards first. I was concerned for Liam who went to get the toolbox at his place. I and Emi excused ourselves in the room. Mr. Richards thanked us and wanted us to stay for tea but it was getting late so we went home Emi went her way and I see Liam fixing the door but I couldn't help but feel guilty in the first place. I tell him everything about the picture and he looked exhausted after fixing the door he still couldn't believe how I broke it. Which I shrugged off as the door being old. After helping him carry the stuff I asked Liam If I could help him carry the tools to his place…

"NO! I mean it's fine dude I can take the stuff alone"

"Oh alright"

"See ya at school"

That was weird but I didn't pay to mind and just went home. On the doorstep, I hesitated a little remembering that creepy monster.

"you okay?"

My uncle standing behind me carrying a large box waiting for me to open the door.

"yeah yeah Ill hurry "

The next day going to school in the morning I had to meet up with Liam. But during class Liam was absent which wasn't weird but he didn't look sick yesterday. When the rang for recess I see a girl trying very desperately to get a croissant. Misha who was very shy was pushing through the mountains of 1st years just to get that last croissant after she accomplished that task she was munching on her reward but looked up at me staring at her.



Misha who was embarrassed for a moment came and spoke to me as in to forget what just happened.

"Yo I am back" came Liam who was absent in class slapping me in the back.

"I thought you weren't coming to school"

"Nah I had some stuff come up plus I didn't want to miss the last croissant I've heard from the students"

"About that"

Looking at Misha who was looking the other way munching it down in secret.

"Btw whos this??"

"Oh this is Misha I've known her for some time now"

After both of them greeted each other I heard a distant running and felt a slap on my back again.

"Hey yo guys" Tf is that supposed to mean?

"Oh, your Misha right? The pianist prodigy?"

This amazed Liam but made Misha a bit embarrassed. After talking throughout the whole recess about how we met and the bell rang but before that Liam had something to say.

"Shall we all exchange numbers"

School ended Liam had to leave early for errands. Walking after taking but was something I always did but for some reason, it was particularly lonely. I looked up at the blue clear sky on a sunny day and suddenly like an instant transition galaxies and stars.

"Seems you have found another "key"


"Richard Collins a 68-year-old war veteran who recently lost his wife and is now being hunted by a dangerous Apostle"

This refers to the misty figure I encountered that day.

"This apostle is very dangerous and I need you to not make contact with "Baku"


"Yes It's a being who can devour nightmares and bring back horrible memories in the past and feeds on them eventually killing you, Akira should not be in contact with it understood?

"How am I to beat something I can't touch?"

"I will teach you how to use your abilities"

"Great let's do it now"

Soon as I said that the ground no the whole plain started shaking

"It seems that won't be possible, listen Akira I will help you use your powers, for now, stay put, and don't do anything dangerous"

she turned around raising her hand as in to stop something but I couldn't see because I was back on the road.

"What just happened?"

Back home placed my bag on the floor and crashed into the bed exhausted my uncle didn't seem to be home at the moment. That was a relief. But I soon got a message on my phone which startled me because I don't normally get messages. I looked at it and It was a group chat created by Liam.

Liam*0* - Yo wassup guys

Liam*0*- ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Emi gave the idea on the group chat and soon Misha joined

Misha ._.- Hello

Emi>o<- Oh its Misha (づ ◕‿◕ )づ

The chat seemed so lively I didn't want to ruin the mood so as I was about to place my phone Liam messaged.

Liam*0*- Why is Akira only reading. Say something, ma guy

Emi>o< - YEHH say something

Misha ._.- (•‿•)

I was nervous and didn't know what to do. I typed so slow an old man with Parkinson's would be faster.

Akira:< - Helko

Shit, I messed up and made a typo.

Liam*0*- lmao whats Helko???

Emi>o<- Pff were you nervous HAHAH

Misha ._.- … ⊙▽⊙

Embarrassed I threw my phone and went straight to bed but the sleep I got afterward was good I couldn't explain it but being in a group felt…good. When I woke up I see a message from Emi…

Emi>o<- want to go see up with Mr. Richard?

Next morning

We met up at the station. Seeing everyone together not in school outfits was weird but interesting. Getting on the bus together each of us had our seat. Unfortunately, I had to sit with Liam. For some reason, he seemed rather reserved but more than that looking outside the window all I could think about was how I was going to beat that thing called "Baku. Liam noticed this and asked

" You okay dude? Something on your mind?"

"Nah it's nothing but I could ask the same thing too"

But before he could say anything we reached the stop at the hospital. Heading towards the room we see a person from the postal standing in front of Mr. Richard's room.

"Hello, are you here to meet Mr. Richards?" asked Emi. "I just did are perhaps family of his?"

"No, we were there when we admitted him"

"Ah I see I'll be on my way then"

I wondered why the postal would meet him personally was it because of his old age? Anyways going in me and Liam entered after knocking.

"Oh you youngsters didn't have to visit me"

After introducing Misha who was shy Mr. Richards was sharing his appreciation for the hospital. Then I asked him about the picture of a young man near the letters. To which he responded.

" That's my son Connor he wanted to enroll in the army at such a young age after seeing my WW2 pictures"

Mr. Richards talked about his son in such a warm way explaining his difficulties having an only child after trying for years. I couldn't help but feel a slight nostalgia and a bit of envy.

"We write to each other every day and I have these specially printed paper so he that he knows he gets the mail from his father"

Mr. Richards was getting discharged tomorrow we headed home. Emi and the others were talking about how nice Mr. Richard was and inviting them for tea later but Liam still looked pretty out of it. I didn't.

Next Morning

Liam was late to school again the teacher warned him but he apologized and walked up to his desk before that I can see Carson up to something as he put his leg over to make him fall Liam jumped over it as in nothing happened. But when it break time Carson came up to Liam.

"Yo blondie gimme a buck will ya"

"Blondie? This isn't some 90s movie ma dude"

I could see Carson's patience lose by the second but this was unusual for Liam because he always preaches ignoring bullies and not engaging with them. During the break, I looked around for Liam to speak with him but he couldn't be found. Then one of the girls screamed…

"There's a fight near the cafeteria someone call the teacher"

Hearing this I sprinted scared and worried for Liam. As I take the corner the first thing I see was blood. Carson was punching Liam in the face repeating.

"Daym this guy is persistent. Just give me your cash and we'll leave you be"

This… wasn't fair what did Liam do to deserve such treatment. Seeing his face he had no emotion this angered me I wanted to rip them to shreds. This was unusual of me. But then a teacher started shouting at them and everyone ran away. I walked up to him and we both didn't say a word sitting down on the bench.

''You know I've been bullied before so this isn't a big deal"

"Is that so then tell me why are you crying?"

Something was on his mind because after that Liam messaged all of us to meet at the park. And we did. Misha, Emi, and me wanted to talk about what was going on but then Liam explained,

"You guys know the guy at the postal we met in the hospital…I met him again when I went to get us something"

Liam getting a letter from his bag was shaking while handing it down to us.

Mr. Richard Collins and Family

Dear Mr. Collins

Please accept my personal regards and deepest sympathies on the recent death of your son Pvt. Connor Collins.

Seeing the first part of the message a feeling we all felt was a familiar emotion for me as for the others this feeling which could be described as Despair