
Plain of Euthymia

A boy with a tragic past returns to the town he distaste after 5 years only to attend the school when suddenly he is drawn into a place surrounded by stars and galaxies and in the distance sees a girl in a white dress who is going to require his assistance to resolve the issues that are going to end all of existence.

Udasan · Fantasy
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6 Chs

4. A piece of loving memories

Laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling contemplating on what happened yesterday. How I froze up when she asked me that question.

I had a feeling that I've met her before but after the accident it messed up my memories before.

Frustrated I got up and thought of going to the store and getting something to eat. Slowly going down the stairs I see him sleeping on the couch. As I was about to go out he had prepared lunch for me but I left not wanting to eat what he makes.

Walking along I come across Emi who was going to the same store she greeted lightly which weird me out. When I got a bun she looked at me and asked

"Is that all your eating"

I told her that I already ate and this was just a snack. She didn't buy it and told me to come to her house. I declined but she still insisted that I come. In the end I find myself standing in front of a 2floor house. I removed my shoes and excused myself in then instantly a little kid maybe about the same age as my Little brother ran down the stairs and asked who I was if I was Emi's boyfriend Emi flustered said no but I was more focused on the family picture. Remembering how they were smashed and destroyed by my uncle. I then snapped back and looked at the Little kid who really resembled my little brother. I bought a cake and gave it to him so we can enjoy together. He was thrilled and took it carefully. Emi's mother saw me and said

"Oh who might this be?"

Then I introduced myself without saying my last name of course. The mother asked if I could join for lunch but before I could say anything Emi said "Yes" answering for me Sitting in Emi's room I suddenly come to realisation.

"Hmm this is my first time in a girl's room"

I wasn't blushing or anything I just found how vibrant the room is. Emi opens the door bringing juice. She them proceeds to tell me that this was the first time a boy was in her room. She then asks me why I hide my last name. Which caught me off guard. She even mentioned the time the teacher didn't speak about it. Then Emi's mother asked us to eat lunch. What I didn't know Emi's dad has already come home from work. He looked at me and said

"Who said you can bring a boy home?"

I then introduced myself and we sat down and the father just couldn't stop looking at me I was afraid if I had offended him in some way then Emi told me he is always like this. Eating lunch with them while they bicker, laugh and talk about school and work felt very nostalgic and lonely I then say to myself

"l don't belong here"

After using the bath room Emi's father was there waiting for me and asks me

"Hey are you Harris's kid?"

I froze which he indeed told the name of my father he proceeded to tell me how he worked under him but before that I told him that I had to go grabbing my bag I running outside fast as I could. Turning to the road with the cut maple tree. Suddenly the girl from the other side voice was in my head.

"Touch the stump and concentrate"

Following her instructions, I did and I was seeing a vision. No I was seeing the past. This was five years back before I moved, I see my past self-next to the maple tree before it was cut down. For what reason would they cut it down. Then a little girl with a small piano keyboard would come and play with me I then see her name on the bag


I was back and heard the bushes rustling I ran shouted her to wait and screamed.


She stopped and looked at me I then told her that I used to play with her here at the maple tree. Before I could explain everything she ran away again. I then told myself that this wasn't going to work. While I was walking home I remembered something from the past ran home rummaging through my old stuff at the attic and I found it. A piece of paper with piano notes in it. This was what Misha wrote and gave it to me. It was her first proper creation. Next day at school I found her near the piano.

Grabbing her hand, I gave her the piece of paper. She looked at with shock and sat down to play it. The melody was smooth and nostalgic it made me remember my family who I missed deeply the notes of each key played were so refined it felt like I was dreaming a happy dream which I haven't had in a while. After she finished playing I explained everything. How my memories are a bit fuzzy after the

accident. She then cried and apologized saying she didn't know. She had a sense of abandonment. I said it was okay. I then ask her a question.

"This might be weird but can you tell me more of what we did in the past"

I was hoping to get an understanding of my past it's not that I don't remember what happened from the stuff that lead to the accident will forever be engraved in my memory but I want to know about the past Akira a bit. And to know what his purpose was. "To know my purpose is"

Then from that day onwards Misha spoke to me in class normally not running, I then asked her what her score was on the midterms, she said


So she was on top of her class before I joined that's why the whole class was surprised because no one was able to beat her. As normal as things should be I found myself at that place. The girl was there looking at me with glittering eyes full of stars

I then asked

"Does this place have a name?"

She then answered

"The Plain of Euthymia"