
PJ: The Son of Ares

Pretty straightforward, a guy gets reincarnated into the Percy Jackson world in camp half-blood as one of the unclaimed, based on the guy's memories and a bit of testing, it was not hard to guess who his father was. Armed with knowledge, patience, and common sense he decides to follow the original's dream of becoming someone to be remembered in this God-forsaken universe.

DefinitelyNotACat · Book&Literature
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Ch.4 So fillers also exist in this world as well

"What I want to know" started the God of Madness "Is why and how you, TIM, were there at the perfect moment, to stop an oh-so-tragic death"

He certainly didn't lack the flair, but the sarcasm, unable to stay hidden in his tone, and his hand dramatically placed on the forehead made the whole situation pretty awkward. How the heck did such a bad actor become the God of theater is beyond me.

Holding back a sigh I answered as politely as I could "Tom sir, for they "why" I was there, it all started a couple of weeks ago when I asked Chiron for some help in tracking since I thought it could be useful in In one way or another. Today I was just making some rounds around the perimeter to practice when I heard the sound of a pretty loud roar coming from the entrance and after noticing that Argus was not present I thought something was up and decided to take a look. As for the "how", well, I have to thank the invention of legs there..." I ended with a small smile

Silence fell into the room with Chiron slightly widening his eyes at the blatant cheek.

Mr.D however just blinked a few times before comprehending what I had just said and forming a small flicker of purple light in his eyes he answered "Astounding, I will need to inform Father of that new invention of humans... legs was it? Unbelievable"

So he HAD a sense of humor! It is probably just that he doesn't understand most jokes. He seems to like light and witty humor.

To that, I just chuckled and didn't say anything more. I was not looking to push it.

That seemed to appease the God who conjured some wine.

"Mr. D, I have to remind you of your ban," said a now calm Chiron

"Oh!... Force of habit I fear, poor me" Dionysus said dramatically yet again but with clear disgust on his face, as he conjured diet coke.

That was my cue "You are unable to drink wine, sir?" I asked confused

He looked at me lazily "Not UNABLE, but BANNED from doing it. All because of a Nymph. Absurd..." he rants while tanking small sips

"I see..." after a deliberate small pause I went on again "If you are unable to drink wine... why not let someone offer it to you like we offer food at the cafeteria?"

Silence fell again, this time heavier and longer.

"All these years..." the God started as a whisper "all these years, and nobody thought of that..." he stopped again for a brief moment before continuing a bit louder "Children of Athena came and went, my own two offsprings, children of the literal God of wine never even suggested it. I.... sigh" defeated he lowered his head, massaged his forehead and looked at me again "I quest you, Tom, to, from now on offer me some wine at every meal, will you do it?"

Of course, denial could be seen as disrespect, do I want to make an enemy of the God of Madness? Nope. "um... sure I guess?"


A sound interrupted us "I'm relieved to see you two getting along but I would like to make some questions of my own if you don't mind Tom" asked a visibly tired Chiron

"Of course"

"Good, did you notice anything amiss from the minotaur or the fight? Except for the absence of Argus that is."

"Mmh..." I faked trying to think about it before answering "well there are a few things actually"

That made him interested, he probably did not expect much from me.

"First thing first is the fact that an actual minotaur appeared, of all monsters that could have spawned, the one who appeared is one that currently resides in Hades, and is under his control, and is related to Poseidon (he was the one cursing Minos's wife), now of all times, when on Olympus Zeus's bolt has been stolen and the blame fell on the God of the sea. And then there is the thing about Percy's mother.." I was about to continue when Chiron's voice interrupted me

"A tragedy yes...She was a wonderful woman-" interrupted him back

"I don't think she is dead"

Silence fell again, Is this a special ability or something? It happened like what, three times already?

"Explain," asked a frowning centaur

"Well I noticed for starters that the creature did not eat ear, neither did she leave a body or exploded in particles, no it is as if... what is the right word as if she blended into the light and disappeared. It sounds a lot like Hecate's description of teleportation. I believe she got teleported away and is now held hostage or something."

"Wow... that... escalated quickly," said awkwardly the God, as always using words that don't really make sense in context.

"That is... a lot to take in. Ok, you can go rest Tom, thank you for your help" said Chiron moving towards the door and opening it.

Seems like that is my cue to leave. "Byee" I said before going straight towards my bed.


June 6, 2005, Camp Half-Blood

Two days passed, Percy woke up, and I, of course, was there to see him. I wanted him to have an impression of me too, in the end, establish a give-and-take relationship with him: I would give him my support and he will help me reach my goal. Fair no?

"Hello sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?" I asked the now-awake guy

"Eh... bit muddled... My body aches a bit as if I was hit by a furious cow" he chuckles a bit

Weird sense of humor? Check, he is good to go doctor, laughing a bit as well I continued "be sure to rest well you must have a shit tone of questions, and Chiron will answer them all for you"

"Chiron?" he asks confused

"Oh. Mister Brunner? Should be the identity he used? It's his favorite" I ask chuckling a bit by myself

"Ah... yes..." I was about to leave when he called me "Tom... umh... thank you, you know, for the help, I might have been done if it wasn't for you"

How can you not like this kid, so cute! "Don't sweat it, I have a feeling you would have been fine even without me" I told him cryptically before leaving, on my way out I spotted Grover.

"Yo, He is awake, you should go" he widened his eyes and bolted inside the room at a speed that would put the cameraman filming Flash to shame.l surprising the doctor who has been quiet during our whole conversation. A good skill to have.

With purpose, I left the infirmary heading towards the training field, Clarisse, who couldn't seem to be able to leave me alone lately, promised me pain if I did not come to the spar after the "stunt I pulled"(according to her) otherwise called as killing the minotaur without telling her.