
PJ: The Son of Ares

Pretty straightforward, a guy gets reincarnated into the Percy Jackson world in camp half-blood as one of the unclaimed, based on the guy's memories and a bit of testing, it was not hard to guess who his father was. Armed with knowledge, patience, and common sense he decides to follow the original's dream of becoming someone to be remembered in this God-forsaken universe.

DefinitelyNotACat · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Ch.5 This Chapter got too long for no fucking reason what the hell.

"I knew I would find you here Tom."

A voice stopped me mid-swing

"Percy! Hello, you are early today" with a smile I dried my sweating forehead

"I... Don't want to feel powerless again" ok that was random

"Powerless? What brought this on" I asked curiously,

"The minotaur, that's what. If I was stronger, I... I could have saved my mother. I am still trying to get used to, you know, all this but... I don't want to feel like that again" holy shit? Me helping in killing the minotaur changed things so much? Basically, by killing the minotaur himself in the books he never developed a sense of inferiority that would push him to get more powerful, here, however, since I helped him massively he realized how weak he is and decided to instead get stronger. Mhh, that's curious development not gonna lie, a positive one for sure.

This was already highlighted yesterday when he asked me to help him train with the sword right after watching the orientation video Chiron uses to explain the new and clueless guys the secrets of the world we live in, and yes he watched it.

He asked me to train him and I redirected him to Luke for the sword with him being the best swordsman in the whole camp after Chiron, but after noticing his dejected expression I decided to help him train with using everything he can find to his advantage like the rat he will become and when he figures out his demigod powers I will help him implement those on his fighting style since I was arguably one of the best on the whole camp, mostly because I actually actively trained them.

After all, right now I could lighten my sword, making it heavier or dulling it on demand, I could do the same with my enemies but only if their weapon was touching me or my own weapon for a bit of time, about the long-distance use I was still behind all I could do was sense if there was a weapon in the vicinity which is a kind of scanning ability but only works on weapons and armors.

I was trying to recall my weapon from the vicinity but all I could get were small movements, not to mention taking a sword from the enemy.

Another thing the library helped me with, praise knowledge, was learning that if my ability wasn't stronger than your opponent's demigod/godly/monstrous power the opponent was unaffected by any modifications I might want to make to their weapons or surroundings, in fact, I still couldn't generate any modification to Luke's sword while fighting. How to improve your power? Training obviously. And slowly but surely I was getting there.

The best way to explain it is some kind of Aura that represents your overall might, it is what monsters smell, a good "aura" control and you can hide your presence from monsters if they don't have eyes or ears that is. Another useful term would be domain or area of influence, if I try to transfigure a sword in my opponent's "domain" I need to be stronger than him or have better control of this said domain.

Everything I read about was very philosophical, the practical was basically nonexistent. I will need to do more research on the topic.

"Ok then, come with me" after leading him inside the forest I told him "look at this place, tell me, what kind of battlefield you think this is"

"Umh... aaaaaa forest?" he asks timidly to which I facepalm

After looking at my completely emotionless face he sheepishly rubbed his head and continued "I have no idea"

"This is a chaotic battlefield" I answered with a nod

"Chaotic?" he parrots

"Yes, you see, when you fight in a forest there are many obstacles in your fight, that means fighting your opponent head-on as if you were in a desert is counterproductive." I moved to the left and showed him a couple of trees

"You see if you engage your fight there you will find yourself unable to even see your sword but it can be a useful place to run if unharmed, if the opponent gets stuck mid swing you can either counterattack with a small dagger or just run away" he widened his eyes at that.

"If you engage the fight where you are you can swing more efficiently and can also move in the direction of trees to try and trap your opponent, careful however not to get trapped. Are you getting what I am trying to say?"

He nods "Yes, yes I am."

"Good we will fight in weird ass battlefields from now to get used to different scenarios, then we will work on USING them to your advantage. Let's get down to business"


"I'm beaaaat. You are a slave driver Tom, I couldn't almost move my body for the whole day" he sighed and surrendered himself to the bed.

"Well YOU asked me to train you, I just decided to go all out" at that I laughed hard at his painted form

"Oh, I heard you sprayed Clarisse with water today, nice one, I believed she didn't call me to spar today because of the shame" (yes I'm moving the timeline around a bit, who cares about this anyway)

"Yea I did... Wait spar? Is she your friend?" he asks very surprised

"Oh no, not really, at some point, she decided to spar with me, and since I defeated her she keeps egging me to spar with her and such. She is a very particular character, unfortunately, she also enjoys bullying, it is something I hate about her, to be honest" I admit shaking my head "But she isn't a terrible person, I hope you will be able to see through her facade, house Ares is a very toxic environment to grow up in."

"I will try I guess" answers Percy after a pause with his head lowered

"Oh btw, I almost forgot, congratulations son of Poseidon! You are officially a hero now" I grin

Darting his head towards me"Wh-wh-- The hell you on about"

"Ok, I admit I'm not sure let me ask you a couple more questions then: Do you feel better when you enter the pool or the water?"

"Um... yes..."

"Good, good, can you breathe longer than normal in the water?"

"...Yes..." he was slowly realizing it

"Can you heal yourself in the water?"

"... that... I have no idea" he admits

"You have a scratch on your left cheek try to heal it"

"H-Holyyy cows of Apollo" he exclaims "T-Tom"

"Can you soak bullies in water by literally making toilets explode?"

He turned a shade of red before answering tiredly "Yes..."

"Ok then congratulations, you are either the son of a very powerful Minor God of water or the son of Poseidon and honestly I'm leaning towards the latter"

"But, but then why hasn't he claimed me yet," he asks confused and a bit sad,

"He is probably waiting for the right time, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hader have a liking towards dramatics"

The earth started shaking and thunder started rumbling as if promising pain, nonplussed I just said

"Oh come on, everyone knows already, admit it" they stayed quiet after that.

"I will ignore what just happened."

I grinned, "Smart man, you are gonna get places with this mindset. Now let's go to sleep tomorrow there is a heavy day for training and the day after that, the 9th, there is the Capture the flag game."


After a bit of silence, he says



"Thank you"

I smiled

"No problem"
