
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 32

Nami walked to Lin Bei's side

intentionally or unintentionally, "Why are you working so hard?"

Lin Bei was lying on the ground, there was not a trace of fatigue on his body, and Uncle Wolf's self-healing ability at his peak was too hanging!

But mentally, Lin Bei really couldn't bear it a little.

So for Nami's question, Lin Bei just casually replied

, "This sea is too dangerous, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you next time."

Nami's body froze, and her heart was beating extremely fast at the provocative words of this sentence.

"Who wants you to protect!"

This belongs to the tsundere declaration, as Lin Bei, who is accustomed to seeing the heroine of film and television dramas and anime tsundere, can be said to be very familiar.

This scene actually represents a new starting point for the relationship between the two.

But it's a pity that Lin Bei's spiritual aspects are really overconsumed, and he has no heart to continue talking about Nami's tsundere.

Feel free to tease you, you really take it seriously.

When really, you lose.

"Just kidding, the main reason for being so desperate is that it is convenient for me to fight later, at least I can run away."

Nami: …

You still touched me!

Nami kicked Lin Bei's leg, and Lin Bei didn't pay attention to it.

He was so tired that he soon fell into sleep.

Although he didn't drink today, he still couldn't wait until twelve o'clock, the moment when his ability changed randomly.


The next morning, at eight o'clock ~

Lin Bei woke up, there was no soreness caused by overtraining, but the brain was a little buzzing.

"Mr. Lin Bei, do you need to wash?"

Meili still appeared next to Lin Bei as yesterday, and then Lin Bei smiled and enjoyed the combination of feudal + capital again.

So cool!

By the time he made his way to the hall, there was no one left, and Solon and Luffy, and even Usopp got up much earlier than him.

They had finished their breakfast and started training.

Yes, even Usopp joined training today, and apparently he is starting to have ambitions.

In the pirate world, ambition is not a pejorative term.

Lin Bei made a hatcher and met Keya, who also came down to eat breakfast.

I have to say that the eldest lady's complexion today looks very good, much better than the temperament of the sick seedling when I saw it on the first day.

"Good morning, Mr. Lin Bei, yesterday you frightened us, we couldn't wake you up no matter how we called, and we thought you were unconscious.

I called a doctor to confirm that you were okay.

By the way, why did Mr. Solon wake us up at twelve o'clock in the evening to keep us away from you?

Lin Bei smiled

awkwardly, "This is a historical problem~" "

Well, do you want to perform the plug today?"

Koya laughed like a little angel, but the words made people shudder.

Lin Bei slipped a drop of cold sweat on his head, yesterday could be such a wave, but not today.

His wolf uncle only has a one-day time limit for self-healing, and the devil knows what it is today!

Hey, what are today's superpowers?

Lin Bei ate breakfast and felt today's ability, and then, his face suddenly turned dark.

What a thing!

[Super Power: Singing Loudly]

But after Lin Bei understood his specific role, he preferred to call it the magic voice of the fat tiger.

Today's superpowers are rare voice abilities, and they are combat superpowers!

Just singing out loud can cause damage.

The more you sing, the greater the damage!

However, there is a side effect that no matter how natural your original voice is, as long as you use superpowers to sing for the time of day, your voice will become extremely terrifying!

This is also why he named this superpower Fat Tiger Demon Sound.

After weighing it up, Lin Bei began to fool himself:

I don't have superpowers today, I don't have superpowers today, I don't have superpowers today…

"Lin Bei, wake up, what is your ability today?"


Lin Bei looked at Solon, he had just hypnotized himself!

"Eh, I'm an ordinary person today, yes, a pure ordinary person!"

Solon frowned, he really thought that Lin Bei was not capable

today, "Is that so, it turns out that you will occasionally be incapable."

Then you have to speed up your training, otherwise later as the intensity of the adventure increases, the degree of danger you encounter increases, and your risk is great.

Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief and just flickered over.

"Of course, I'll start training!"

After Lin Bei finished speaking, he began to solve his breakfast like a storm.

Soon, he ate his belly bigger.

And thanks to the rice bucket version and life return that was trained yesterday, Lin Bei's stomach deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the end, he is full of energy, full of excitement, and can start physical training at any time.

And seeing that he started physical training, everyone ignored him and began their own training.

Until, Solon suddenly proposed

that "the effect of physical training is somewhat not obvious, and I can't feel the domineering existence you said."

Otherwise, try getting beaten. Of

course, Lin Bei didn't mind hitting others, especially if the target was Solon.

If this can travel back and tell people that I beat Sauron, and I beat Sauron three times a day, how many people would be envious and washed away?

Lin Bei smiled defiantly and picked up the wooden stick provided by Meili thoughtfully.

He fights Solon, and Luffy over there also wants to train, so Usopp beats him.

It's just that Luffy has a slight problem, he's not afraid of any blunt objects!

How can it hurt if the stick hits the rubber body?

Not to mention the body's own defense mechanisms.

Usopp went down a few sticks at Luffy, Luffy didn't feel anything at all, but gave the ordinary physique Usopp tired enough.

Lin Beiyi, who was slashing Solon with a wooden stick, wiped the sweat on his forehead and shouted to Usopp

, "This can't work, your strength is too small,

you can't break Luffy's defense."

Simply, you train each other.

Usopp, you shoot Luffy with a gun!

While you practice guns, Luffy practices domineering.

Maybe you can awaken the two-color domineering at the same time. "

Lin Bei didn't force blindly, when he was hiding from bullets, he woke up and saw the color, but he couldn't avoid the bullet awakening armed color.

If they can't wake up, they can only get a high-class coffin for Luffy…

It was a bit dangerous to say, but Luffy was excited and asked Usopp to start training quickly.

Suddenly, the sound of thumping gunfire in the field continued to sound.

And Solon on this side saw this, frowned, and that side rolled up, and he couldn't stop here.

"The wooden stick may still be too simple to stimulate my body's defense mechanism, is it more ruthless?

Or do you use a gun too?

Lin Bei rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, Solon's words, just move the gun.


Lin Bei left for a while, and when he came back, he had a mace in his hand.

Lovely teacher, I'm going to learn from you to start teaching!!!