
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 31

However, there is no way, he can't pull it down, he can only start from the most basic practice.

Just like this, he couldn't practice twice.

Because soon he started sore muscles.

But the interesting part came, every time his muscle soreness started in less than half a second, this discomfort disappeared instantly!

After a short period of time, the muscles continue to ache and the discomfort continues to disappear!

Lin Bei understood that it was the superpower that was randomly arrived at today that played a role.

Overspeed self-healing!

He doesn't know if the knowledge in his memory is correct, if he remembers correctly, his muscles grow, as if the muscles continue to crumble during exercise, and they can increase and grow after a period of rest.

The power will increase.

If this theory is correct, Lin Bei's day can be non-stop from morning to night!

Keep training, keep healing, keep getting stronger!

Thinking of this, Lin Bei practiced excitedly for an hour, and then tested his strength, and sure enough, he increased a lot.

Although it is still a weak chicken, it is already a weak chicken with a little muscle.

It's just correspondingly, he's hungry.

Butler Meili pushed over a cart of expensive high-grade dim sum, which can be said to be pure heat bombs, which were instantly dazzled by Lin Bei!

Lin Bei didn't have Luffy's belly, and everyone caught up with the navy's life return, and even Lin Bei suspected that life return had become Luffy's passivity.

After all, he was trained by Karp since he was a child, and if Karp didn't give him a foundation, no one would believe it.

It can be digested instantly, which is enough to prove it.

In fact, when he looked at it, Lin Bei always didn't understand, even if it can be digested instantly, but there is no need to excrete?

So many things, there are always impurities that cannot be absorbed, and they have to be discharged.

This part of the impurity, it seems that Luffy has never seen it to be discharged.

But it stands to reason that digestion is fast, and the big belly goes down quickly, which means that the speed of impurities leaving the human body is equally accelerated.


Unless Luffy can absorb even these impurities!

Then Lin Bei had to say, Luffy is awesome.

Even if you eat these impurities later, you can live, and the digestion and absorption system is too fierce!

Lin Bei is not so powerful, but he can continue to train with a full stomach.

It is said that eating enough is not suitable for exercise, and it will hurt the stomach.

Lin Bei directly came to his health! Lao Tzu has hanging!

Sure enough, after starting the training, although there was a sharp pain, but then the discomfort disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Lin Bei suddenly had a bold idea.

In one day, it is estimated that it will not become much stronger after fighting to the death.

But you can't waste this super self-healing ability!

The human body is very powerful, as long as people can survive it, the human body itself will adapt to the environment.

Let's just say Luffy, when did he practice the Navy Six?

If you have not practiced, how can you have a passivity comparable to the return of life?

Obviously, it was because he was thrown into the mountains and forests by Karp since he was a child, and then his body adapted to the environment, inexplicably trained into a life return, and also transformed it into a passive skill of the body.

As long as you eat, you can quickly restore your energy and vitality!

Falling asleep from time to time is also fragmented time to replenish physical strength.

It's not easy to do, it's very hurtful.

If Lin Bei did this, maybe there would be stomach problems in the future, and the lifespan of this body would be greatly reduced.

But with this super self-healing, Lin Bei felt that maybe he could give his body a passive skill of life return in one day!

Some people say that this thing can't be done in a day.

Luffy and people who normally possess this skill mostly train for an extremely long time.

Why? Because even if people are monsters, they must have a rest period.

In the beginning, it was normal to do it once and rest for seven or eight days.

And Lin Bei? Recovery is instantaneous!

Luffy takes seven or eight days off at a time, and over the course of a year, he can practice forty-five times.

For Lin Bei, achieving forty-five adaptations in one day is not a problem at all!

Because recovery, in an instant!

In this way, Lin Bei began a very confusing operation.

After a burst of crazy training, he asked Melly to bring in a lot of food and start eating.

After overeating, continue training.

Anyone who looks at his big belly has a kind of worry, this guy is so crazy explosive training, won't his stomach burst?

They all saw the pain on Lin Bei's face, and Keya was persuading Lin Bei to come to Japan.

But in the next second, Lin Bei's bulging belly instantly disappeared, and he became energetic again.

Then continue the explosive training, overeat, pain again, eliminate the pain.

A whole process, all over and over again!

Melly and Nami and Usopp were sluggish on the sidelines, and Luffy and Solon also admired this guy a little, as long as they practiced, this guy really practiced to death.

No way, Lin Bei knew that the superpowers of daily random were all illusory, and it was not his if he couldn't complete the task.

But the physical strength of this exercise always belongs to him.

Taking advantage of the ability to heal himself quickly, he doesn't hurry up and use it to death, then don't criticize.

In this way, Lin Bei's strange training lasted until half past nine in the evening.

When he was about to eat and vomit, after a strong meal, he subconsciously began explosive training, but did not wait for the pain in his stomach and the pleasure of instantly eliminating the pain.

Because, before the explosive training began, he deflated himself because of his overeating.

Rice bucket version – life return (passive skill), and really let him train!

Of course, he can't do it like a naval powerhouse, who can return his life and control all parts of his body.

He is a product of openness, he can only quickly digest food, quickly eliminate fatigue, quickly gain energy, and quickly recover combat effectiveness.

However, for Lin Bei, it was enough, you must know that this skill alone made Luffy dangerous several times.

If you are disabled, as long as you have a big meal, after eating, you can quickly recover your energy and restore your combat effectiveness!

What more bike?

Thanks to his body, Lin Bei swore that as long as he ate like this again in a short period of time, he would collapse, and maybe he would suffer from anorexia from then on.

Lin Bei, who saw the mad demon over there, finally stopped, and Solon and Luffy also stopped.

They practiced with Lin Bei until half past nine in the evening, and when they saw Lin Bei stop, they finally stopped.

Luffy and Solon both began to eat a lot, they didn't dare to eat a little like Lin Bei, they would train explosively, it would hurt their bodies too much, even monsters like them could not bear this devilish training.

However, they are not worried about Lin Bei, after all, this guy is a person who will not die even if he penetrates his brain with a knife, and he has super self-healing super ability.

His starting point is too low, and he can only use this method to increase the speed of catching up.