
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 318

This mobile phone was a very common style 10 years ago, of course, at the moment he saw that it was a mobile phone changed, Lin Bei was indeed looking forward to whether this mobile phone was the kind of thing that can become a person in the magic mobile phone.

but alas, the ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

no matter what Lin Bei called, this phone did not respond at all.

Lin Bei was a little disappointed, so the body of a senior was replaced with a mobile phone, and it was also a button machine.

even if he changes the phone he used before crossing, maybe he can try to recover the data, and then….

disappointed Lin Bei took the mobile phone and played with it in his hand a few times, ready to put this thing as a souvenir in his collection room.

but at this time, an English sentence appeared unexpectedly

"7"> "Don't turn again, the robot will also vomit!" Watch out for me biting you! "

it's a pity that Lin Bei doesn't like bird language, he can hear bird language, but he doesn't understand what it means.

just looked at the old button mobile phone in his hand a little stunned, and in a very sci-fi way, kukuku~keikei~kaka became a little robot full of.

"Transformers ???"


I`m your daddy!

fuck you! "

Lin Bei does not know much bird language, but Lin Bei understands these two sentences.

Mad, the scolding is too ugly!

scold who is Sakura who!

Lin Bei is not used to this gadget, and it is a slap when he goes up!

this gadget is just a small robot, and it is quite aggressive, just like Teddy.

looking at Lin Beifan him, several small gun barrels came out of his body, and he directly burst out.

Of course, this fart is useless, and he was turned in a circle by Lin Beifan's brain.

just at this time the little lion was controlled by Franky and flew down magnetically, and Lin Bei saw this useless little garbage and threw this useless little garbage directly to Franky.

"Take the research, exchange it with the senior, maybe you can develop a real robot from him."

the little robot still wants to toss twice, but unfortunately the body is made of metal, and it is controlled by Franky casually, and it can't move.

French is quite interested, don't forget that when he was first fooled onto the ship, he wanted to understand how the Merry became a shipman, and now well, a real mechanical life has come.

Lin Bei could even see the light in Franky's eyes!

Of course, the light was seen in the eyes of Luffy, Usopp, Joba, and Brooke.

It's quite strange, the skeleton rack's eye socket can even shine!

Compared to this little robot, if Lin Bei is Franky, he must study Brook first!

and put down Brooke aside, since the golden lion predecessor has exchanged for a small transformer, then the disproof shows that the golden lion should go to the world of transformers.

Lin Bei has a brain hole, although the golden lion is hanging, but he just died and let him go, is it possible that the ability in her body did not have time to stay in this world, and with the golden lion went to the world of transformers!

Of course, it may not be done, but it would be interesting to say that if it did.

a lucky winner will appear in the world of Transformers!

after seeing a strangely shaped fruit and not knowing what to expect, and eating it, this lucky person will obtain the natural disaster ability of the fluttering fruit.

since then, the sci-fi film of Transformers has an additional magical element!

Hey, this is not a movie of pirates and transformers!

isn't it more interesting than the theatrical version of the whole concert?

Lin Bei thought, returned to the ship with everyone, and continued to sail forward.

this time there was no loot, all of them ruined the golden lion, and in the end, they just retained this ability to open a blind box.

but that's worth the fare.


the world of Transformers

, in the secret base of a beautiful country >, a group of old beautiful people looked at the half-cut corpses in the transparent cabinet in front of them with confused faces.

on the other side, there is a huge cube with constant ripples on the body, as if it were alive.

he has another more well-known name, Tinder.

Just now, this gang of old beauty successfully used the ability of Tinder to activate a mobile phone and turn it into a grumpy little robot.

but before they could sigh a few words, they saw the mobile phone suddenly disappear, and instead appeared a blond haired half-cut old man with a half-cut rudder on his head.

Although the fire itself is quite sci-fi, after such a long experiment, there has never been such a thing as Tinder being able to conjure up real people.

Lao Mei's staff were not sure what was happening, so they called a group of soldiers, and then planned to open the transparent cabinet and get the half-cut old man with blond hair out to study it.

After getting it out, the old beauty found that the old man seemed to be hanging.

so a group of researchers began to test, and it turned out that the old man had a heart arrest, but not yet brain dead.

in simple terms, it can also be rescued.

I have to say that the strong of the older generation are, the white beard was knocked off half of the brain and melon seeds did not die, the upper body of the golden lion is still intact, but what is difficult to understand about the cardiac arrest.

At this time, if the old American researchers choose not to save it, then in fact, the golden lion will not last long, and the heart cannot rest all the time.

but who makes the old beauties like the most is to die!

especially the old and beautiful researchers in the movie world, the favorite thing is to die.

it is clear that some military personnel clearly emphasized

"57"> "This is very risky, and no one knows what this old man is."

but researchers said IDX="59″> "He is just an old man, only half-cut, looking old and helpless and pitiful."

and only after saving him will you know what happened. "

military personnel stopped it again, and they were very tough.

helpless, researchers had to give up.

then two more stubborn researchers appeared, taking advantage of their positions, or performed cardiac resuscitation surgery on the golden lion.

Of course, they were also prepared for 'everything' before that.

they tied the golden lion's whole body before performing surgery.

soon they succeeded, and the golden lion took a sharp breath and woke up.

his last memory was still stuck in the moment when Lin Bei killed him, so he subconsciously began to control something.

but of course he couldn't control his islands and waters across the world, so the two researchers saw the golden lion 'aging' and 'helpless' fluttering.

and they, like the protagonists in ordinary American movies, reached out and signaled

70″> "Hey, is OK."

We saved you, can you tell me about you? "

the golden lion tilted his head slightly, and that expression seemed to say:

What did tender say?

then asked in Japanese

"75"> "What about Hayashikita?"

are you his people? "

the two researchers were superb when they heard this Japanese, they are earthlings! Not some alien life!

That's great!

although they don't really like cherry blossoms on weekdays, they are very relieved to listen to this Japanese at the moment.

after all, in their hearts, Laomei is Sakura's father.

two researchers have even brainstormed that the cherry blossom man was accidentally involved in the accident caused by the fire.

tone hardened, completely without the fear just now.

"Wait here and don't move, I'll go find a translator."

Golden lions can't understand bird language, but they can hear the arrogance in their tone.

the golden lion was suddenly upset, when would Lao Tzu be looked down upon by such a person in a white coat?

he kills such people on weekdays.

and looking at the tight ties on the body, the golden lion is even more unhappy.

No matter what place is here and who you meet, even if it is a place like the undersea prison, the old man has successfully escaped from prison, and this broken place where even the sea lou stone is not on still wants to lock up the old man?!

the golden lion just touches it with his hand, and then his index finger is slightly raised, and all the restraints are automatically untied.

the eyes of the two researchers were about to pop out, but the golden lion did not look at the two people, his hand was slightly raised, and the bandage that was tied to him tied up, and the two researchers were tied up and twisted their necks.

the golden lion raised his hand again expressionlessly, and the metal bed lying under him automatically bent into the shape of a recliner and floated in the air.

"It's not like a means of the Navy, the Navy doesn't have such stupid people."

should it be the fools of the world government, save the old man and want the old man to do things for them?

hum! "

the golden lion flew out of the room on a floating metal recliner, strangled the straps of the two researchers floating around the golden lion, and flew around him.

No matter what place this is, who saved him, he doesn't plan to stay here anymore, he wants to return to the sea, find Lin Bei, and then kill him!"

the appearance of his form, and it is swaggering, without the slightest scruples, naturally unable to hide from the camera in the secret base.

soon a large number of soldiers surrounded him, and this made the golden lion more and more certain that this was some secret base of the world government.

the style of doing things is so similar!

and since it is a world government, there is no need to keep any hands.

although he has just returned from the line of life and death, the golden lion is still as powerful as a god to these ordinary people with burning sticks.

a few straps around him are enough for him to rattle and kill while ensuring that not a single bullet can get close to five meters in front of him.

Golden Lion is like an emperor, not moving like a mountain, and has not even changed its posture from beginning to end, so that the soldiers of the entire passage have all died.

but the golden lion was still thinking at this time, the people in this place are really weak, they will only rely on those burning sticks, there is no one with strong physical skills, or ability?

the key everyone is speaking bird language, and he can't understand a word.

Finally, after slaughtering most of the base, the golden lion finally met someone he could understand.

It was only after meeting this translator that the golden lion finally understood where he was and what kind of world he was in.

"Earth? Pretty country? Tinder Research Base? < p idx="109"> Golden Lion realized that he was no longer in the original world.

how he came to guess that he has something to do with Lin Bei, how to go back, he still doesn't know.

but he smiled, and the smiling thief was happy.

a weak world without physical strength and fruit-bearing ability, this is not suitable for him to become a real king!

moreover, he learned what tinder is.

is something that can turn machinery into special mechanical life, just like Lin Bei's ship!

as long as he masters this, he can have an army of robots!

his unfulfilled ambition before 'death' can be realized in another world!

so to speak< P IDX="118"> "Lin Bei, the old man still has to thank you!"