
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 317

Although the Straw Hat Regiment was strengthened by Lin Bei at this time, it really took a little effort to win the Golden Lion.

However, it will not be the same as the original, you have to rely on Luffy to attract bad weather to defeat the golden lion.

A group of people beat and kicked an old gentleman, although it was a little not about martial virtue, but after all, it was the old gentleman who shot first, and I can't blame everyone for not talking about martial virtue.

After fighting for a while, everyone found that they could not get close to the golden lion's body at all, and after thinking for a while, Usopp chose to use his door fruit ability to disappear into the complex battle and enter another space to get close to the golden lion.

The golden lion noticed, but the pressure from the others was too great, so he didn't have much energy to pay attention, but he was vigilant.

Especially the kid with blonde hair and curly eyebrows, his eyes were on fire, and he kept shouting that anyone who dared to take away the best Miss Nami was going to die, and then he began to shout what made him, an old man, feel ashamed of it, and then his combat effectiveness soared directly to a realm that the old man couldn't understand again.

Could it really be that he hadn't come out for too long, and now the young pirates have started playing magic?

Not only the golden retriever eyebrows, but also the straw hat kid who said that it would become bigger when it got bigger, and the special lady's body became pink and steaming, fighting at a very fast speed, and blowing up his body again and becoming super gigantic, it was really incomprehensible.

Dealing with the ordinary version of the Straw Hat Regiment, the Golden Lion is at ease.

But in the face of the upgraded version of the Straw Hat Group, the golden lion began to be a little powerless.

One monster in Usopp is not enough, there are so many monsters on this ship!

Of course, what the golden lion didn't expect the most was the ship called Melly.

Of course, he noticed that Melly was constantly approaching him, but he still subconsciously regarded the ship as a ship, not a life.

So, what can a ship do to him?

So just when he was thinking about it subconsciously, Melly suddenly threw the white star to the little lion, and then burned red to the golden lion.

With a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, Melly at that moment is like a small sun!

If it weren't for the golden lion's experience, he threw a large amount of seawater towards Meli in time, causing Meli to lose his mobility when he entered the seawater, and was hit this time, and the golden lion would have lost half of his body.

However, because Melly is a boat man, he doesn't have to breathe, and he has nothing else except no strength.

If it weren't for the golden lion's control of the sea water to lock him tightly, Meli could even change his form and slowly float to the surface of the water through the ability to anthropomorphize.

The golden lion felt that since he met this pirate group, he had been surprised more than the years he had retired.

The fact that the ship is life is surprising in itself, and it turns out that this ship is still a Devil Fruit ability!

In other words, the fact that he became life was not because of the devil fruit.

If it weren't for the fact that his state was not right, the golden lion really wanted to explore what kind of life this was.

If all his subordinates were this kind of life, wouldn't he no longer have to fear the death of his subordinates, and with a steel life legion that was not afraid of death, his ambition could also be realized.

It's much better than what IQ you have now.

What's more, this beast and medicine that had been prepared for so many years had all been burned along with the crushing of the island.

If he can still get out of trouble, the golden lion vows to find this way to give life to the ship, and then fulfill his ambition!

It's a pity that the Straw Hats won't give him this opportunity.

Usopp, who was anxious about Melly, dived for a long time, and finally made a move!

Through the air door of the gate fruit, he managed to reach the golden lion's body without being discovered by the golden lion's sighting.

At the moment of discovering that Melly was soaked in water, Usopp angrily in front of the golden lion, opened the air door, and the boss of his right arm shot out, exerting a punch of 100 times the strength and 100 speed and smashed straight into the golden lion.

Because Usopp is directly in front of the golden lion, and the state of the golden lion at this time is frozen in mid-air in a posture with two feet facing the sky, which leads to the position directly in front of Usopp, which is the buttocks of the golden lion.

The power from Barrett + the terrifying increase of Momo Fruit, and it was close to this punch, the golden lion didn't even have a chance to resist, and was directly shattered in the hip by a punch.

Or rather, the lower body was shattered.

The golden lion lost consciousness, and all the objects controlled by him fell in an instant, making Newton's coffin board no longer tremble.

Melly was freed, and the remnants of the golden lion fell from the sky.

Lin Bei could also move at this time, so he quickly chased after the golden lion's body and followed.

The old-timers always want to leave something for Hou Lang, and the two famous knives needless to say, although they have been feet for so many years, they are still sharp.

The handle of the knife was changed, and it was still worthy of entering his collection room.

But the main thing is the fluttering fruit, which is the biggest gift to the back wave.

This time, if the little lion, the Sunshine is obedient, he will restore his ability to anthropomorphize, and the little lion will inherit the ability of the golden lion, which is also a very good thing.

Catching the remnants of the golden lion, which were only half cut off, Lin Bei confirmed that the golden lion's heartbeat had stopped, so he quickly took out various fruits and placed them on his body.

But unfortunately, in the end, the fluttering fruit did not burst.

The front wave is obviously very angry that the back wave is slapped on the beach, so the angry front wave can not leave the back wave, the same is not left.

Lin Bei only got two famous knives.

Looking at the remnants of the golden lion, Lin Bei sighed

, "You said why didn't you give it to me?"

If it is given to me, I can also give you a burial, erect a monument, and send my Buddha's blessing.

But now it's hard for me to do that. "


After pondering for a while, Lin Yu suddenly rolled his eyes and said to the speechless golden lion

, "How about it, Shi Ji senior, let's play some different tricks?"

I don't think you've ever tried anything in your life to be buried in the otherworld, and an ambitious person like you, if he knows that there are other worlds, he must also want to conquer it.

Then I will send you to the otherworld, anyway, in your current state, I don't need to ask if your wishes agree.

If you have a conscience, give me a little bit of the otherworldly travel fee and help me exchange it for something good.

After a chant, Lin Bei faced the remnants of the golden lion and used spatial displacement.

I have to say that Lin Bei is playing a very new form of funeral, which is a new form of funeral that is even new than sending you to heaven or sending you into the sea!

Send you through!

Lin Bei is looking forward to it, a legendary powerhouse like the golden lion, how can he change back to a big piece.

The result appeared in the hand, but it was a button mobile phone, still a very old kind….