
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 306

"Is it Boss Jinping's guest?

Then I'm sorry that I snubbed…" Bai

Xing wiped the tears from her eyes, and was locked up in the hard-shell tower for ten years without lifting outsiders, resulting in this little princess being really stupid and sweet, with no experience at all, and what people said she believed.

Lin Bei was embarrassed to routine this little pitiful.

The index finger of the right hand hooked, and with another sound, the weapon outside slashed at the hard-shell tower, which frightened Bai Xing, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Lin Bei hurriedly comforted

: "It's okay, I just wanted to ask what happened to the weapons that fly outside from time to time?"

Is it because of these flying weapons that you live here?

White Star nodded pitifully, and then said something about Van der Deiken IX.

Decon IX was already wanted by Neptune and if it weren't for the target fruit, White Star really wouldn't have to be locked up in this hard-shell tower every day.

Lin Bei was filled with righteous indignation after hearing this, and the expression of a knight who wanted to snatch back the evil dragon from the princess was called a jealous hatred.

"This man is so hateful!

I'll leave this matter to me, I'll help you find that Van der Deken, I'll help you solve him!

Bai Xing became excited when she heard this, but she was kind and worried that Lin Bei would be injured.

That little expression made Lin Bei can't bear to trick her again~

"Don't worry, we were invited to come to discuss the protection of Fishman Island."

Starting today, the flag of our Straw Hat Pirates will be planted on Fishman Island instead of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Hey!? Really, what about the Whitebeard Pirates? "

Bai Xing didn't go out, the news was closed, and Lin Bei was like a commentary, and he talked about the whole process of advancing the city's offensive and defensive battle.

Of course, the part where he caused the navy to produce various negative states was omitted, after all, the little girl is still very simple, don't let him get infected with other strange attributes.

In short, after speaking, Bai Xing saw that there were already stars in Lin Bei's eyes.

"Lord Lin Bei, it's so powerful~"

Bai Xing used to add the word adult after everyone's title, only to Jinping is called Boss Jinping.

Lin Bei, who said this sweet word, wanted to twist up, this must not be seen by Sanji, otherwise he who did not spray nosebleeds will definitely die!

"So don't worry, I've already discussed with my husband, ah, with your father this time."

Our wedding, ah, our cooperation has been reached.

The current Fishman Island is covered by us.

This matter of yours is entirely my job.

Bai Xing blushed shyly, but don't look at the little girl is simple, not stupid.

"Borrowing Lord Lin Bei's flag, my father must have paid a lot.

I know, there is nothing in this world that helps in vain.

Father for the fishman island, it's too difficult, if only I could go out and help…" Lin

Bei coughed lightly

, "You can help~" "

Hey? Is that okay?

"Of course!"

Lin Bei's face was not red and his heart did not beat and applied today's superpower to Bai Xing, and Bai Xing was in a trance, and then laughed

happily: "Yes, oh, why did I forget that I can also pay by family."

Looking at Bai Xing's happy expression, Lin Bei muttered a little in his heart, this plot is more and more like some series of anime….

Something is wrong!

However, he liked ~

Bai Xing naturally leaned down

: "I don't know how much I should pay to be worthy of Lord Lin Bei's efforts, but let's come to 100 kisses first."

After that, I had to let my father come and kiss him. Lin

Bei was originally quite fluctuating, and Bai Xing's words frightened him.

That's not necessary!

Bai Xing didn't realize what he was talking about, and simply said

, "I also have three brothers, they are all very responsible, and they are definitely willing to kiss Lord Lin Bei."

Lin Bei: ...

Or I'll carry the boat overnight!

"White Star" "

Huh? What's wrong, Lord Lin?

"Or forget it."

Lin Bei was afraid of Bai Xing's cognitive distortion, and when the time came, he persuaded Neptune and his three brothers to kiss him.

At that time, Neptune and his three brothers must not hold the trident and use him as a fork!

The key is that this may be the future husband and brother-in-law, and they dare not fight back, that is not to make people white.

Or endure first?

As a result, Bai Xing was anxious

: "How can it be calculated!"

I was finally able to do something for my father and brother, and I could only stay in this monocoque tower on weekdays, and I couldn't help anything.

Obviously, I still want to be the same as my mother….

So this time, I must do it!

It's not a child if you try it~"

Lin Bei blinked, a familiar line.

Hey, it's hard to be gracious.

"Okay, but don't tell anyone about it."

"Hey? Why?

"Well, your father and brother have other channels to give and can help the Straw Hats."

"Oh, well, I know.

Then I'll come ~"

Looking at Bai Xing's big face and kissing down, Lin Bei inexplicably thought of a famous anime story in his heart, it seems to be called Mrs. Eight-Foot, he doesn't understand ah, really doesn't understand, just inexplicably thought….


Lin Bei hurriedly lifted the superpower acting on Bai Xing, and if he continued, he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand it.

"Enough, is enough?"

Bai Xing asked with a red face

that after lifting the superpower, she didn't feel that

there was any problem, cognitive distortion, she just felt that she had paid something, but what she paid specifically, she also forgot.

Lin Bei nodded

repeatedly: "I'll help you die that old man of Daiken IX!"

Is there a picture of him? Where

did Bai Xing come into contact with such a novel word, silently wrote down the words old and young death in his heart, and then helped Lin Bei find a wanted warrant issued by the Dragon Palace.

After taking a look at the photo of Daiken IX, Lin Bei opened a new version of the Seeing and Hearing Color, and the shock wave saw the Smell!

You can also see it by looking at the name, which is the same as using the electricity of the thunder fruit to enhance the range of sight.

Seeing and hearing color in shock waves also uses the ability of earthquake fruits, using vibration to spread around, and then through the information feedback from vibration to cooperate with the sighting and smelling color, you can expand the range of seeing and smelling color in the sea.

However, slightly different from the airwaves, this method wants to find someone to look at the photo, because this is the same as the sonar installed on the ship, the feedback information is all graphics.

A glance at the photo and the graph fed back can determine the location of the target.

Of course, this success is mainly because Lin Bei remembers that although Van der Deken is wanted, he is not too far from Fishman Island, so eighty percent is within his ability.

Sure enough, Van der Deken was quickly found, just….

Lin Bei looked up, why was Van der Deken's grandson directly above?

Not only Van der Deken, this guy seemed to be on a particularly large object, and he was quickly approaching the direction of him and White Star.

Lin Bei walked out of the hard shell tower and looked

up, "Nest grass!"