
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 305

However, these two ministers obviously thought too much, and the person in charge of negotiating with them was Lin Bei, and he understood the concerns of the fish people too well.

Therefore, he came up and behaved very kindly, and directly said that the Straw Hat Pirates are different from other pirate groups, and the Straw Hat Group is such a pirate group that attaches great importance to friendship.

So I only talk to you about the fate, and when the fate comes, I don't want money.

The ministers on the left and right were surprised, and there was a feeling of shopping for the night.

It's like, is it really okay to be so cheap?

Fortunately, Lin Bei and Jinping are very good at fooling, ah no, very good at persuasion.

After a strong negotiation, he explained the pros and cons to the two ministers.

After all, the Straw Hat Regiment is not yet the Four Emperors recognized by the outside world, although it has achieved great results, it has not completely consolidated its position, and it needs one or even more battles to prove it.

So cheap makes sense, if you want, you can try the straw hat balls, there is definitely potential.

If you have concerns, that's fine, let's make friends.

Lin Bei has always maintained that principle, we only talk about fate, not money.

The ministers on the left and right were confused, and for a while they felt that this human pirate seemed to be good, especially with Jinping's strong recommendation, the more they were concerned.

In the end, he acquiesced, disapproved but did not oppose, and handed over the decision-making power to King Neptune anyway.

Neptune thought for a while, but finally decided to believe Jinping.

After all, Jinping can't always be bad for Fishman Island.

In this way, the two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation and reached the final cooperation.

From now on, the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates will fly over Fishman Island.

Moreover, the Fishman Island side does not need to pay tribute to any goods or money, everyone talks about everything, only the former Qiwu Hai Jinping voluntarily joined the Straw Hat Pirates, which is still very voluntary.

Na, this is the fate, but Lin Bei feels that their relationship with Fishman Island is far more than that…

Later, in order to celebrate, King Neptune naturally held a particularly grand party, which made Luffy's eyes light up when he was confused throughout the whole process.

In his opinion, what Lin Bei and others discussed earlier about lending the flag and discussing the future, he couldn't understand it, and he didn't bother to listen, he didn't care at all.

He just knew that by doing so, he brought a sumptuous banquet, and it was worth it!

When he was cooking, he found Lin Bei and said

, "Well done!"

In the future, such banquets can be held a lot! Of

course Lin Bei understood what Luffy meant, he just wanted to eat and play.

But in his case, since Luffy said so, then he had to listen to the captain, he was loyal and dedicated to doing things for this ship.

After encountering an island, you have to plant a flag on that island, this is all the captain's meaning, and he Lin Bei has nothing to do with it~

The corners of Lin Bei's mouth are rising, isn't the pirate world pursuing ambition, then he also goes to the countryside and follows the customs.

Taking a sip of champagne, Lin Bei picked up the cigar sent by the Dragon Palace.

Originally, Lin Bei himself did not smoke, and only Yamaji smoked in the straw hat group, and this thing was for him.

But who let the body have reverse poisoned milk, the more you pump the lungs, the clearer the clearer, bite three cigars in your mouth at once, don't worry about whether the cigar can pass the lungs, it's over!

One box of cigars a day, lung capacity can directly burst.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls and feeling that his lungs were obviously much more comfortable, Lin Bei glanced at King Neptune and left the lively banquet here.

Opening the radio waves, Lin Bei 'completely unintentionally' walked towards a tower with weapons on the outer wall.

He has always stressed with the ministers and King Neptune that he is a person who does things, and the way they act as a team, that is, to talk about fate.

What is Yuan?

That's the end!

I am destined to meet you, this is Lin Bei's fate.

Really thought the Straw Hat Regiment didn't want anything?

Where in the world is there a pie that falls for free.

Free is the most expensive!

Lin Bei couldn't look at Bailey who paid tribute at all, and his real target was of course the mermaid princess, White Star.

In addition to his appearance, Aquaman's ability is not a joke with you at all.

Lin Bei himself had used the ability to summon sea kings, and naturally knew how perverted this ability was.

If Bai Xing can really use it skillfully, who else dares to move fish people and mermaids?

If Lin Bei is a white star, knowing that he has this ability, he will directly let Fishman Island usher in a new era for the mermaid queen.


You dare to take a turn and try!

Where an auction is found in that area, that area does not need to exist.

There is profit that makes this evil transaction happen.

But if everyone doesn't accept it, even fearing that someone will open a mermaid auction on their island, how can this business continue?

One-person auction, the whole island is dead.

This is the right way to open the protection of fellow citizens.

There is not even a strong force, and you still want to engage in the supremacy of fishmen?

Totally hilarious!

Lin Bei had already slipped to the edge of the tower where the white star lived, and just thought about pushing the door in, his hand stretched out, and suddenly stopped.

Lin Bei stood in place and thought for a while, as if there was something missing.

If you go in like this, White Star will treat him as a bad person.

Lin Bei has a pen in his heart, he does not have Luffy's natural affinity and aura, and he can get a wave of favor for whoever shows a silly smile.

Although he is still quite handsome, his affinity is indeed not comparable to that of the Son of Destiny.

Since this aspect is not too helpful, then it has to be popular with the people.

Lin Bei looked at the dazzling array of weapons on the wall, pulled out a few casually, and then stood not far away and threw it towards the tower.

Just listening to it, Lin Bei's sight and smell clearly felt the fear in the tower.

He was also very unbearable, so he quickly used the newly developed electromagnetic force to control several weapons floating in the sky, and he pretended to pass by by chance, and opened the door of the hard-shell tower with a very curious look.

"It's so dark, there is the smell of food, is there anyone living here?"

Why are there strange weapons hitting the tower?

Huh~ so soft, what is this…" Under

the sight and smell, even if you close your eyes, everything around you is clearly visible, so of course, this is also a routine.

"Hey… Please, don't rub anymore. A

weak and crying voice sounded, and Lin Bei quickly retreated as a pretending surprise, and accurately found the switch of the room light and turned it on.

'Surprised' looked at the huge mermaid princess

in front of her, "Ah, sorry, I thought it was a sofa."

Lin Bei behaved very gentlemanly, and after expressing his apologies, he continued

: "To be able to live here, you must also be the princess of the Dragon Palace, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Lin Bei."

We were invited by Jinping to come to the Dragon Palace as guests, so don't worry about what kind of bad person I am. "